Where is Obama's budget? Where is Harry's?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Obama's 2012 Budget Gets NO Votes
How can anyone take anything he says any more seriously?

Let me add that the fear mongering that all of these things are going to shut down?

people will keep paying taxes

I know the deficit has gotten large but last I looked there still taking income tax from me
Obama submittied his budget, he must wait for Congress to okay it. It is Congress which is dragging its' heels.
Cool, so we're posting news from two months ago now?

Harry Reid and President Obama both have put entitlement reform on the table. What has the GOP? A gimmicky accounting trick.
smoke and mirrors.. smoke and mirrors... that is what Obama and Reid have, and nothing more

The press does not even hide it anymore
could you imagine GWB in this situation? People who read my threads think this is personal. I could not imagine sitting on Obama side of the aisle and listening to the things he is saying and offering no alternative

Ryan got 40 votes on his
There is enough conservative influence in the house of representatives now, particularly from the new tea party members, that establishment republicans like Boehner have to take conservatives seriously. Boehner knows that to face the national debt problem, there has to be reform in social security and medicare/medicaid, therefore specific budget proposals have been made.

Reid/BO don't produce a budget, because if they did, it would show they are ignoring the deficit problem, and if they don't, they can demogogue the issue and frighten old people, as well as take attention away from obamacare, which has such grave implications for the elderly.
Obama submittied his budget, he must wait for Congress to okay it. It is Congress which is dragging its' heels.

You need to come out from under your bridge once and awhile. Obamas budget went before the democratic controled senate and was shot down. Not only that,

What do Repugs have? Cut SS and Medicare. :lol:

What did BO do? Cut half a trillion dollars from Medicare to fund his health care take over. :razz:

Democrat demogoguery helps take attention away from such as the obamacare death panel - can't have the old thinking too much about THAT.
Cool, so we're posting news from two months ago now?

Harry Reid and President Obama both have put entitlement reform on the table. What has the GOP? A gimmicky accounting trick.

I think its all interrelated-


-October 1st 2010- democrats do not approve a budget for 2011. Taxs- Money is however being borrowed, projects etc. funded and spent.

-Nov. 2010- democrats lose house.

-Noc. 2010- Obama cuts deal for an extension of the bush tax cuts, 2% payroll reduction for employees for 2 years.

-Jan. 2011 state of union. Wapo, NY Times remark that Obama has not addressed the deficit and has kick the can down the road proposing a 3.7 Trillion budget.

-Feb thru April 2011- debates between dems and reps. – crafting a budget for the rest of the 2011 year, because there was no budget and the gov. was being funded by ongoing resolutions, final agreement – 38.5 billion ( on an approx. 3.3 trillion budget) Harry Reid declared the deal "historic."

-June debt ceiling discussions start. Deadline – August 2. (adjusted). Obama calls for what would be an effective repeal of bush tax cuts as part of the debt. ceiling deal.
( ignoring totally taxes already in Obamacare on the Rich")

** Points;

- There is no budget submitted by the WH for 2012 as required ( budget due for approval by Oct. 1 2011).

- There is no Medicare fund adjustment submittal due by law from the WH.

- Reps want restructure of Medicare funding at the least and budget cuts, are seen as holding the nation hostage because they will not agree to tax increases in the debt ceiling deal, even though obamacare has baked in numerous increases on those very “wealthy” whom the dems want to increase taxs on, again.

- Year 2011 budget cuts signed off- 38.5 billion="historic":rolleyes:


Heres the kicker;

when we were wasting almost 2 months negotiating a lousy 38 Billion dollar cut back in feb/april, the dems KNEW they needed a lift in the debt ceiling ( they knew back in mid 2010), so, why didn't they cut more then, to make room or make a deal on the debt. limit too?
Cool, so we're posting news from two months ago now?

Harry Reid and President Obama both have put entitlement reform on the table. What has the GOP? A gimmicky accounting trick.

The GOP put entitlement reform on the table FIRST MODMORON

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