Where Is The Ameriphobia?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
These days if you speak out against sexual depravity, decency, morality, the family unit, or just against what has always been considered moral turpitude or sexual deviancy, you are labeled by the Left a HOMOPHOBIC.

If you speak out in defense of sane national sovereignty in defense of our borders and traditions in order to maintain a national identity, the Left call you XENOPHOBIC.

If you criticize any of their leaders for their inane, destructive policies, they label you a HATER.

If you contradict any of their slanted media stories on events or people, they attack you calling it FAKE NEWS or MISINFORMATION calling for your REPROGRAMMING.

Now, if you speak out for morality and normalcy denouncing gender dysphoria, child mutilation or mental illness, they call it TRANSPHOBIA.

What I don't get is why they feel entirely free to attack conservatives, republicans, Trump Supporters, Capitol protesters with impunity while lecturing others 24/7 on THEIR lack of diversity and inclusiveness? After all, all these people are calling for is a return to what has been normal, what has worked for 2500 years and made America the great country it once was. I propose a new lexicon of terms for the Left:
Any questions?
These days if you speak out against sexual depravity, decency, morality, the family unit, or just against what has always been considered moral turpitude or sexual deviancy, you are labeled by the Left a HOMOPHOBIC.

If you speak out in defense of sane national sovereignty in defense of our borders and traditions in order to maintain a national identity, the Left call you XENOPHOBIC.

If you criticize any of their leaders for their inane, destructive policies, they label you a HATER.

If you contradict any of their slanted media stories on events or people, they attack you calling it FAKE NEWS or MISINFORMATION calling for your REPROGRAMMING.

Now, if you speak out for morality and normalcy denouncing gender dysphoria, child mutilation or mental illness, they call it TRANSPHOBIA.

What I don't get is why they feel entirely free to attack conservatives, republicans, Trump Supporters, Capitol protesters with impunity while lecturing others 24/7 on THEIR lack of diversity and inclusiveness? After all, all these people are calling for is a return to what has been normal, what has worked for 2500 years and made America the great country it once was. I propose a new lexicon of terms for the Left:
Any questions?
I personally have a phobia against phobias.

Just call it phobia squared as it gets exponentially worse as time goes on.
The only phobia among Democrats is fear of hateful anti American garbage GOP propaganda that leads to idiots like you people. There is no evidence of election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud or any of the other crap you people believe without any evidence.....
The only phobia among Democrats is fear of hateful anti American garbage GOP propaganda that leads to idiots like you people. There is no evidence of election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud or any of the other crap you people believe without any evidence.....

You fear that?

What a blubbering crybaby.
The only phobia among Democrats is fear of hateful anti American garbage GOP propaganda
That is DEMPHORIA, the irrational fear and cognitive dissonance by democrats of anything outside their narrow, depraved ideology.
Or NITWITAPHOBIA, the inability of judgemental leftwing prudes to concede anything outside their own personal unchallenged worldviews.

that leads to idiots like you people.

There is no evidence of election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud
You are one sick pup.

or any of the other crap you people believe without any evidence.....
You fear that?

What a blubbering crybaby.
The United States now is called a flawed democracy because so many morons believe idiotic propaganda about election fraud. There is absolutely no evidence, the people that say that are anti-american and are causing incredible destruction to our national spirit. You for example are a total idiot if you believe that there was election fraud of any kind in 2020. The only fraud is your garbage propaganda that your entire ridiculous party now parrots. Poor America. Disrespect for our fine institutions like the CDC the FBI the CIA our election officials et cetera et cetera is treason as far as I'm concerned.
The United States now is called a flawed democracy because so many morons believe idiotic propaganda about election fraud. There is absolutely no evidence, the people that say that are anti-american and are causing incredible destruction to our national spirit. You for example are a total idiot if you believe that there was election fraud of any kind in 2020. The only fraud is your garbage propaganda that your entire ridiculous party now parrots. Poor America. Disrespect for our fine institutions like the CDC the FBI the CIA our election officials et cetera et cetera is treason as far as I'm concerned.




As far as I'm concerned you're a ninny for believing our corrupt and inept alphabet agencies are part of any so called "fine institutions".

They are not for the American citizen. Including clod hopping crybabies such as yourself, whimpering about your darling little fears of propaganda.

They spend every day proving that to us. They are for themselves and the money and power that comes along with their positions. If they were ever any different, it sure as hell didn't last.

That you don't or won't see this is proof you get your information outta your ass.



As far as I'm concerned you're a ninny for believing our corrupt and inept alphabet agencies are part of any so called "fine institutions".

They are not for the American citizen. Including clod hopping crybabies such as yourself, whimpering about your darling little fears of propaganda.

They spend every day proving that to us. They are for themselves and the money and power that comes along with their positions. If they were ever any different, it sure as hell didn't last.

That you don't or won't see this is proof you get your information outta your ass.
Your admitted lying scumbag heroes Have no evidence that would stand up in court, they just keep repeating it endlessly and you are a brainwashed functional moron anti American idiot. You probably believe Trump should declare martial law and you're as good as a Nazi for no reason idiot lol,,, Thank God you're as dumb politically of course as your orange god... they should throw Murdoch and your Internet conspiracy nuts out of the country, they're despicable.
Your admitted lying scumbag heroes Have no evidence that would stand up in court, they just keep repeating it endlessly and you are a brainwashed functional moron anti American idiot. You probably believe Trump should declare martial law and you're as good as a Nazi for no reason idiot lol,,, Thank God you're as dumb politically of course as your orange god... they should throw Murdoch and your Internet conspiracy nuts out of the country, they're despicable.


You don't know jack shit about me, but you keep it up. It's entertaining and I don't think I could make you look as stupid as you do yourself.

Fear is political tool that has been used for hundreds of years.
Climate change is an example of a fear tool.
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These days if you speak out against sexual depravity, decency, morality, the family unit, or just against what has always been considered moral turpitude or sexual deviancy, you are labeled by the Left a HOMOPHOBIC.
Hmmm. You seem to be perfectly okay with Trump's multiple marriages and pathological adultery and his sleeping with porn stars.

Morality! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


If you speak out in defense of sane national sovereignty in defense of our borders and traditions in order to maintain a national identity, the Left call you XENOPHOBIC.
And yet Trumptards are rooting for the success of Russia's invasion of a sovereign country.

If you criticize any of their leaders for their inane, destructive policies, they label you a HATER.
If you criticize Trump for his criminal and traitorous behavior, they whine, "TDS! TDS! TDS! :crybaby:"

If you contradict any of their slanted media stories on events or people, they attack you calling it FAKE NEWS or MISINFORMATION calling for your REPROGRAMMING.
It's call fact checking, truth, and reality. Something which Trumptards are completely detached from.

My alert just went off that my time on the Jewish Space Laser is coming up, which is a shame since I accidentally double-booked myself at Comet Pizza's pedo party at the same time.

Now, if you speak out for morality and normalcy denouncing gender dysphoria, child mutilation or mental illness, they call it TRANSPHOBIA.

What I don't get is why they feel entirely free to attack conservatives, republicans, Trump Supporters, Capitol protesters with impunity while lecturing others 24/7 on THEIR lack of diversity and inclusiveness? After all, all these people are calling for is a return to what has been normal, what has worked for 2500 years and made America the great country it once was.
"We've always done it that way!" is the battle cry of every oppressor.

Maybe you should spend less time projecting your own flaws onto others and work on fixing the problems in your own camp.

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