Which Century Is Kerry Living In?


Sep 23, 2010
The Ukraine knocked HillaryCare II off of the front page for a few days. In addition to the standard coverage the story would get on its own Democrats will try to keep it alive. Those Democrats up for reelection will stretch the Ukraine story to November if they can. Anything to keep the Affordable Care Act out of sight.

Let’s look at how the Ukraine is playing so far.

The Arab Spring, (subtitled The Democracy Movement) achieved one positive thing. It gave democracy the bad name it deserves. Thanks to the unpleasantness in the Ukraine democracy is making an image comeback. Somebody even said “Surround Russia with a ring of democracies.”

Instead of rehashing democracy’s well-documented flaws one more time suffice it to say that no American should die fighting for democracy in the Ukraine or anywhere else.

Every option is supposedly on the table. If that’s true the military option is being considered. Here’s the problem:

Going to war against Russia over the Ukraine can only be sold to the American people if it is wrapped in pre-WWI garbage. Most notably “Making the world safe for democracy.” That’s the only sales pitch Barack Taqiyya has going for him. Taqiyya will play hell trying to send Americans to war for the United Nations because he does not have U-boats sinking American merchant vessels as did President Wilson.

Bottom line: Barack Taqiyya has no more justification for interfering in the Ukraine than Wilson had for siding with Great Britain before the US entered WWI. Wilson supplied war materials that were used against Germany which justified the U-boat attacks.

Just so this message is not misunderstood, it matters not what is done to Putin, or to Russia, over the Ukraine so long as the United Nations does not benefit from it.

Now let’s take a look at a few of the big ones UN-loving quislings are glorifying under their “concern” for the Ukrainians.

1. International law.

2. The International community.

3. Democracy.

4. The United Nations.

All of the above are components in a long-running sales campaign. The Ukraine is providing an opportunity for lots of milage for every slogan. Not a one of the 4 is good for the American people.

Crime & Punishment

Senator Lindsey Graham would punish Russia by punishing wealthy crooks surrounding Putin:

Instead of worrying about Putin the senator could do his own country a service by nailing the tax dollar rich crooks who surround Barack Taqiyya, They are no different than the Russians. Americans are probably worse off because they are losing freedoms the Russians never had. And I doubt that all of the Russian bureaucrats and minor functionaries are doing as well on tax dollars as are their American counterparts. And I seriously doubt if anybody in Russia’s education system is taking down the equivalent of $663,000 a year.

Taxpayers berate school superintendent for $663,365 salary | On Air Videos | Fox News

Taxpayers berate school superintendent for $663,365 salary
Mar. 01, 2014 - 5:09 - Danielle Sevilla explains outrage

Which century is John Kerry living in?

John Kerry accused Putin of living in the 19th century. Putin is probably guilty of living in the past, but no more guilty than Kerry. Limited government is new if you look at thousands of years of governments. It is the very concept of limited government that Kerry’s ruling class is trying to abolish. Indeed, every ruling class in every country throughout history fought against every attempt to limit the government’s authority.

By the time the Administration gets through spinning the Ukraine nobody will be living in the past when they use the United Nations to abolish national sovereignty. Make no mistake about it, the Administration is telling Russia that it must abandon its sovereignty for the good of the International community. That is pure Wilsonian garbage. The fact is: The UNIC (United Nations/International Community) is relatively new while a one government world became feasible at least as far back as Karl Marx and worldwide Communist domination.

One can only pray that a lot of Americans understand that Barack Taqiyya & Company are also abolishing America’s sovereignty when they demand that Russia hand its sovereignty to the UNIC.

Finally, John Kerry is the last guy any American should believe about anything. He seems to think that his views on Russia and the Ukraine made everyone forget exactly what he is. The media can pump him up, liberals can praise him until the cows come home, but he is the same John Kerry that betrayed this country to Communist Vietnam while the Soviet Union was as strong as it ever was. Anything he says about Putin and Russia today do not ring true. He has an agenda and it ain’t what’s best for this country.
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Now let’s take a look at a few of the big ones UN-loving quislings are glorifying under their “concern” for the Ukrainians.

1. International law.

2. The International community.

3. Democracy.

4. The United Nations.

All of the above are components in a long-running sales campaign. The Ukraine is providing an opportunity for lots of milage for every slogan. Not a one of the 4 is good for the American people.

I keep hearing about International law but nobody says which specific law was broken? Where the text of the broken law can be found? Where will the trial be held? Who decides the penalty if the accused is found guilty? In truth, International law is a Kafkaesque nightmare:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rfkxKkrPZPQ]The Trial (Prologue) - Kafka's Parable Of Law - YouTube[/ame]​

Parables about the law notwithstanding, Barack Taqiyya lied about everything throughout his time in office. He simply cannot tell the truth. He violated the US Constitution more times than all of the other presidents combined, yet he talks about violating non-existent International law as though he is infallible the same way the pope is infallible when he talks about faith and morals.

Only a fool would believe anything Taqiyya the Liar says about International law:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama declared on Thursday that a referendum in 10 days on the future of a Ukraine's Crimea peninsula would violate international law.

Obama: Crimea Separation Would Violate Law
Posted: 03/06/2014 1:17 pm EST Updated: 03/06/2014 2:59 pm EST

Obama: Crimea Separation Would Violate Law
The great majority of Americans want nothing to do with Flanders' style of government.
I keep hearing about International law but nobody says which specific law was broken? Where the text of the broken law can be found? Where will the trial be held? Who decides the penalty if the accused is found guilty? In truth, International law is a Kafkaesque nightmare:

Parables about the law notwithstanding, Barack Taqiyya lied about everything throughout his time in office. He simply cannot tell the truth. He violated the US Constitution more times than all of the other presidents combined, yet he talks about violating non-existent International law as though he is infallible the same way the pope is infallible when he talks about faith and morals.

Only a fool would believe anything Taqiyya the Liar says about International law: [/B]

When it was first reported, I did not pay much attention to the 90 minute phone call Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press talked about in today’s column. Now, I’m wondering how in hell two guys can talk for 90 minutes without letting one word of truth creep into the conversation.

It ain’t easy finding new ways to say that Taqiyya the Liar is incapable of telling the truth. Judi gets an A for originality:

Can you imagine someone who is shredding the American Constitution telling Putin that his actions were a “clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is a breach of international law?”

Obama and Putin are the president and vice president of the Liars’ Club, not necessarily in that order. In fact, getting where they both did, they were both trained in the fine art of lying, Putin through the KGB; Obama through Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals.

Both went into training and never came out.

The lies in the air are as legion as snowflakes this winter. Through the snow-globe of dizzying lies, it’s hard to tell truth from fiction.

Was Obama on hold or really lecturing Putin?
By Judi McLeod Friday, March 7, 2014

Was Obama on hold or really lecturing Putin?
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Eileen F. Toplansky over at the American Thinker brilliantly connects Kafka’s parable to the Affordable Care Act which is nothing more than a law.

Abraham Rubin writes that "what is most striking and paradoxical about this parable ... is the man's liminal position with regard to the law. The man stands before the gate of the law, which is wide open and at the same time utterly inaccessible to him."

Like the man, Americans are now at the "transitional period or phase" of Obamacare wherein we are to "show obedience...and follow prescribed forms of conduct."

March 12, 2014
ObamaCare Meets Kafka
By Eileen F. Toplansky

Articles: ObamaCare Meets Kafka

Americans have only to examine the way the ACA was forced on them, to its implementation, to enforcement by faceless IRS bureaucrats, to know the frustration Josef K. experienced. Even if you are familiar with Kafka’s novel here’s the movie:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TUDLy3ablus]The Trial (1962) - YouTube[/ame]​

Lawyers make laws then ignore them the instant a benefit to the disfranchised appears. The ACA was written so that no benefit to working Americans was ever possible. The disaster that is the ACA is unique in that it is being openly ignored before it was implemented.

The ACA is a warning to Americans who do not see International law as a threat. International law is not a single law like the ACA. International law is an attempt by lawyers to add another room to the law; a room they will guard as effectively as they’ve guarded access to every nation’s laws. A new source of income for the legal profession is not the least of their motives.

Put it in perspective this way. It’s a tossup as to which profession is the oldest. Lawyers have been barring access to the law for thousands of years. International law is the very first attempt to create an entirely new category of law. Only fools believe that the man in Kafka’s parable will get past the guard barring the entrance to International law.

Bottom line: Lawyers and judges hire the guards barring everyone else access to the law.
The asshole is going all the way with International law:

If Russian-backed lawmakers in Crimea go through with the Sunday referendum, Kerry said the U.S. and its European allies will not recognize it as legitimate under international law.


“Our hope is to have Russia join in respecting international law. ... There is no justification, no legality to this referendum that is taking place,” he said. “The hope is that reason will prevail but there is no guarantee of that.”

I never expected government stooges in the media to ask John Kerry to name the specific International law Russia is violating; so I’m putting my hopes on somebody in Congress asking the question the media won’t ask. Perhaps Lindsey Graham might take a crack at it since he voted to confirm Kerry:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and a top critic of President Obama's foreign policy, asked what the administration would do if Russian forces advance farther into the eastern area of Ukraine, and the new government in Kiev asks the U.S. for weapons to fight the Russians.

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine
By Susan Crabtree | MARCH 13, 2014 AT 1:11 PM

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine | WashingtonExaminer.com

Perhaps the media should ask Graham if he knew what Kerry was when he voted to confirm him?
We have a treaty with the Ukraine that STATES we will defend them if invaded or attacked. We made said treaty under either Bush I or Clinton and it had to do with disarming the Nukes the Ukraine had.

So in your pea brain we should ignore treaties we agreed to cause you don't like them? You are aware of the message this refusal to honor our treaty sends to places like China?

China wants Taiwan and all the Pacific for hundreds of miles off the Chinese coast. We fail in our treaty obligations to the Ukraine and China has reason to believe we will do nothing if they invade Taiwan. Or seize other islands.
Russia is allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in the Crimea. The Ukraine has NOT been invaded. Yet. And the chest thumping has been over the top by the west.

It's obvious that the EU and NATO really thought they were just going to "snag" Russia's legal naval base in Crimea (agreement signed has that base in Russia's hands up till 2042) but alas Putin is not about to give it up.

Too bad and so sad our freaking idiotic leaders actually believed Russia would just give up a multi million dollar strategic installation.

We have a treaty with the Ukraine that STATES we will defend them if invaded or attacked. We made said treaty under either Bush I or Clinton and it had to do with disarming the Nukes the Ukraine had.

So in your pea brain we should ignore treaties we agreed to cause you don't like them? You are aware of the message this refusal to honor our treaty sends to places like China?

China wants Taiwan and all the Pacific for hundreds of miles off the Chinese coast. We fail in our treaty obligations to the Ukraine and China has reason to believe we will do nothing if they invade Taiwan. Or seize other islands.

To RetiredGySgt: What does that have to with non-existent International law you halfwit? Or are you just trying to sound well-informed?

Russia is allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in the Crimea. The Ukraine has NOT been invaded. Yet. And the chest thumping has been over the top by the west.

It's obvious that the EU and NATO really thought they were just going to "snag" Russia's legal naval base in Crimea (agreement signed has that base in Russia's hands up till 2042) but alas Putin is not about to give it up.

Too bad and so sad our freaking idiotic leaders actually believed Russia would just give up a multi million dollar strategic installation.


To tinydancer: The whole thing is an attempt to empower the United Nations.
What we don't have with Ukraine is the ability to overturn any Ukranian vote we don't like. This is over. The fix is in. Putin will retain Crimea. obama will issue a threat not to go further and Putin will say okay I won't go further. obama will claim he made Putin back down. He won. Mopped the floor with the Russian bear. Meanwhile Putin gets Crimea, his port, the pipelines, the energy contracts with Europe and a growing Russian majority in the rest of Ukraine that he will pluck at later leisure. All while obama believes he exercised some kind of muscle. Democrats will agree. obama just got played. He got re Syriaed. Is Putin a flat strategic genius or is obama just that stupid?
Russia is allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in the Crimea. The Ukraine has NOT been invaded. Yet. And the chest thumping has been over the top by the west.

It's obvious that the EU and NATO really thought they were just going to "snag" Russia's legal naval base in Crimea (agreement signed has that base in Russia's hands up till 2042) but alas Putin is not about to give it up.

Too bad and so sad our freaking idiotic leaders actually believed Russia would just give up a multi million dollar strategic installation.


Link to ANY claim made by anyone other then Putin or Russia that the new Ukrainian Government made any attempt to disavow the Russian Port or attack Russian speakers in the Crimea. Any link will do.
By the way yes China can take Taiwan any time it wants as long as obama is president. And the Japanese islands too. The worst obama will do is accuse the Chinese of having bas lawyers.
What we don't have with Ukraine is the ability to overturn any Ukranian vote we don't like. This is over. The fix is in. Putin will retain Crimea.

To Katzndogz: Here’s the worst of it. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) Ted Cruz talks about is a specialized United Nations agency. Empowering the United Nations is what the Administration has been angling for even if it means appeasing Russia. Proof: Move the cursor to 7:12 to hear Cruz cite reason #4:


By the way yes China can take Taiwan any time it wants as long as obama is president. And the Japanese islands too. The worst obama will do is accuse the Chinese of having bas lawyers.

To Katzndogz: I don’t agree. China taking on Japan is too big of a bite. As to Taiwan it comes down to the eternal conflict:

1. How much is China willing to pay in blood and treasure?

2. How much will the US & Allies pay in blood and treasure to prevent aggression?

The answer to both questions does not bode well for the US.

1. Historically, the aggressors were always willing to pay more.

2. America fighting another Peace Without Victory war favors China.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and a top critic of President Obama's foreign policy, asked what the administration would do if Russian forces advance farther into the eastern area of Ukraine, and the new government in Kiev asks the U.S. for weapons to fight the Russians.

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine
By Susan Crabtree | MARCH 13, 2014 AT 1:11 PM

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine | WashingtonExaminer.com

Perhaps the media should ask Graham if he knew what Kerry was when he voted to confirm him?

Republican Graham who happens to be John McCain’s asshole buddy pretends he opposes Taqiyya the Liar’s foreign policy, then gets caught sucking up to a Democrat traitor. I’ll wager that that filthy sneak is doing the same thing with the ACA and open-borders.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B57wEWdKkxM&feature=player_detailpage]Lindsey Graham Hot Mic Offering John Kerry 'Help with Boehner' - YouTube[/ame]​
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