Which movies have you seen the most?

I used to know a guy in college that would kick someones ass for even comparing his westerns to those of John Wayne. I bet he'd be an interesting guy to have a conversation with.

Clint would be one of the top people on my "who would I like to meet" list.
Top three:

The Outlaw Josey Wales
Pale Rider

Honorable mention:
All the Star Wars
The Majestic
The Wizard of Oz
I am going with Tombstone and Wizard of Oz also. Along with the Big Lebowski, Clerks,Chasing Amy, and The Goonies.
I hate to admit it but I have seen Dirty Dancing probably the most, what can I say I was ten years old once and I used to love to dance.
Nothing wrong with Dirty Dancing. As far as endings go, it has one of the best ones there is.
I knew there was a reason why I liked you in general!:lol:
Takes a man who is comfortable with himself to admit that shit.
I am tempted to use your quote in my sig.:evil: but I won't because I don't play that way.:tongue:
I actually watched Dirty Dancing the other night, I still love it when Johnny comes in and takes Baby up on the stage.
Within the past year or so:

The Devil Wears Prada
Something's Got To Give
My Best Friend's Wedding

They make me laugh.

I've seen these many times:

Dirty Dancing
All That Jazz

One of my favorite movies and books:

Prince of Tides
I totally forgot about Princess Bride! God I watched that movie over and over when I was little.
" You kill my father, prepare to die!"
The Godfather

Fried Green Tomatoes

The Color Purple

What's Love Got To Do With It


Dirty Dancing

Dances With Wolves

Lonesome Dove



We Were Soldiers

and BlackHawkDown
Last edited:
In no particular order,

Dances With Wolves
Stand By Me
The Patriot
Dr Zhivago
Lord Of the Ring (series)
Schindlers List
The Matrix (series)
Currently on a Star Wars streak with my boy who's 5, he's all into it now.
The Passion. I have to watch it every now and then.
In Pursuit of Honor.

And there's one that I was going to order from Netflix that I haven't watched in while and wanted to watch again..but I can't remember what it was, darn it.

Gone With the Wind.
Elizabeth (the first one with Kate Blanchett) I watched it quite a few times.
Lord of the Rings trilogy

Looney Tunes, Cars, and all the movies my kids like.
In no particular order,

Dances With Wolves
Stand By Me
The Patriot
Dr Zhivago
Lord Of the Ring (series)
Schindlers List
The Matrix (series)

You reminded me, my daughter saw that movie Stand By Me somewhere and it turned out to be one of her favs. She also loved that Steve Martin movie The Jerk.

Both were before her time but she did watch them over and over.
I love THe Outlaw Josie Wales, too. And Pale Rider. And anything with Tom Selleck in it (he's got some killer mysteries, there are three or four, they're really good). And Lonesome Dove...I can't watch that enough.
In no particular order,

Dances With Wolves
Stand By Me
The Patriot
Dr Zhivago
Lord Of the Ring (series)
Schindlers List
The Matrix (series)

You reminded me, my daughter saw that movie Stand By Me somewhere and it turned out to be one of her favs. She also loved that Steve Martin movie The Jerk.

Both were before her time but she did watch them over and over.

Stand By Me just reminds me so much of how I grew up and the friends I had at that age.
Silence of the Lambs
Full Metal Jacket
Pulp Fiction
The Godfather
Fight Club
Kiss the Girls
No Way Out
Sleeping With the Enemy
Indiana Jones (trilogy)
and of course
Miracle on 34th Street
outlaw josie wales
high plains drifter
the searchers
godfather ll
How could I forget Young Frankenstein and Inherit The Wind?
Fight Club
Monty Pythons' Holy Grail
Fifth Element
We Were Soldiers
Wayne's World (I miss the spire)
behind the green door
Debbie does Dallas
Autobiography of a Flea
Sodom and Gamora
all the Sacketts movies

Have you read the books?

For me:

Inherit the Wind (1960)



The Stunt Man


Shadow of the Vampire



Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Animal House

The Blues Brothers


The Spirit of St. Louis

Once Upon a Time in the West

Once Upon a Time in America

Lawrence of Arabia

Band of Brothers

Everything Louis L'Amour ever published.
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