Which of these things must be changed because they don't favor progs & Democrats?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Remember that kid in grade school who couldn't win by the rules? They did a lot of crying and complaining, and simply changed the rules on a fly to suit. Well that's today's progs and Democrats, with the added component of bad intentions.

Which of the rules need to be changed to please progs and Democrats so they feel less victimized?

They don't have the majority in the Senate, so they ask we increase the number of senators similar the house of representatives. How cool would that be to have more Senators on the payroll, all so we can think like Californians? On a side, they also entertain abolishing the Senate all-together.

They don't have the majority on the Supreme Court, so they ask we increase the number of justices to favor progs and Democrats, and they desire term limits too.

They don't have the POTUS, so they ask we eliminate the electoral college. You know, so we can think like Californians.

They can't win elections squarely, so they entertain illegal immigrants who are short on English and understanding. Progs and Democrats also recognize how youth are more easily manipulated, so they're entertaining reducing the voting age to 16. They generally have the support of criminals, so they desire we restore the ex-con's right to vote.
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Why not give Felons their second amendment rights as part of their Civil Rights? That's a compromise that makes sense
Why not give Felons their second amendment rights as part of their Civil Rights? That's a compromise that makes sense

By some measure I agree. I think it depends on the crime. If they're violent gang affiliated, etc., then forget about it.
Remember that kid in grade school who couldn't win by the rules? They did a lot of crying and complaining, and simply changed the rules on a fly to suit. Well that's today's progs and Democrats, with the added component of bad intentions.

Which of the rules need to be changed to please progs and Democrats so they feel less victimized?

They don't have the majority in the Senate, so they ask we increase the number of senators similar the house of representatives. How cool would that be to have more Senators on the payroll, all so we can think like Californians? On a side, they also entertain abolishing the Senate all-together.

They don't have the majority on the Supreme Court, so they ask we increase the number of justices to favor progs and Democrats, and they desire term limits too.

They don't have the POTUS, so they ask we eliminate the electoral college. You know, so we can think like Californians.

They can't win elections squarely, so they entertain illegal immigrants who are short on English and understanding. Progs and Democrats also recognize how youth are more easily manipulated, so they're entertaining reducing the voting age to 16. They generally have the support of criminals, so they desire we restore the ex-con's right to vote.
When you're not winning, you have to change the rules, right?
Maybe if the republicans gave a participation award that would suffice.

Of course Pelosi wants 16 year olds to vote, they are fresh with years of indoctrination experience behind them.
Well, they do eat Tide Pods, so they have that going for them.
Figure prog-teach prevails in education. My niece is a Seattle teacher, grammer school. Love her but wholly shit. Somewhere along the way she had to stop posting rants on Facebook. Shit, when I was 18 I thought the government should provide equal housing. We're far more "progressive" today.
Why not give Felons their second amendment rights as part of their Civil Rights? That's a compromise that makes sense
The Right of Apes to Bear Teeth

It's cruel and unusual (these days) punishment to deprive a criminal of his right to earn a living, like mean old George Zimmerman did to that angelic child.

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