Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…
LBJ tops the list for me... due to the destructive on-going consequences of his Great Society and War on Poverty... and the citizenry's now-entrenched disrespect for authority that began with Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam war...

"honorable" mention goes to Bush 43 for his Iraq misadventure, among other things...

and Clinton, who taught the country that, even if you get caught in a flat-out lie, you can get off without consequences... also, thanks to him, second-graders now all know what a blowjob is...

I'm not quite ready to make the call on Obama just yet, but I'm none too pleased with his Supreme Court picks...
LBJ, going away.

Besides having the highest body count of dead American boys over all who followed him combined, putting the OASI fund on budget to fund he war in Vietnam, Medicare and the idiotic "Great Society" welfare state has sucked us dry.

They should exhume that asshole and bury him in Havana.
Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…

Judging by your avatar you must be about 8 years old. Does your mother know what you are doing?
Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…

Judging by your avatar you must be about 8 years old. Does your mother know what you are doing?

Judging from your comment, I'm sure that your contribution to any discussion is highly valued by all who know you...
It was Jimmy Carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

Carter was indeed a disaster as president... but he did no long-term damage to speak of...
It was Jimmy Carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

What the hell are you talking about "undo" all of Obama's damage? Like what, Obamacare? The Obamacare that might get wiped off the books by the SC? Don’t get me wrong, Obama is a horrible President but Bush alone started 2 meaningless wars, expanded the DoEducation, did 2x stimulus, Medicare part D and the list goes on and on… These are policies that will be there for years to come, yeah Obama did dumb 1 time programs but he has very little in the way of long lasting policy, he mainly just spends like wtf.
It was Jimmy Carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

The poll is about long-term damage. There's no way Obama could have already committed long-term damage. If you think Carter has, then you can tell us what damage he committed.
FDR should have been on the list as he pretty much was the worst President of all time.
Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…

the only ones that I did not put a vote in for was Kennedy our last REAL president we had since he was not a puppet for the establishment.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and serving the people and thats what got him killed.

Carter was the only halfway decent president we have had since kennedy.Sure inflation skyrocketed under him but thatsd because the establishment fixed it so that would happen so Carter would be on his way out. Every president since JFK,with the exception of Carter,has been worse and more corrupt than the previous one.

Im surprised I was the only one to put in a vote for Slick willie Clinton.This after all is the guy who signed NAFTA which took away millions of jobs from americans and got shipped overseas.Guess people dont remember that one.Not to mention he lied about the events of Waco saying the davididans started the fire and they did not where the videos clearly show american tanks with flame throwers mounted on them spraying flames on the compound.He then gos on to lie as well saying we never fired onto the compound,saying they fired at them but they never returned fire and the video clearly shows gunners on helicopters shooting at the compound and nobody in the compound shooting at them.

amazing how people missed that.
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FDR should have been on the list as he pretty much was the worst President of all time.

Why? How?

Don't be stupid.... The fact that he did internment camps is bad enough, but the other fact that he vastly prolonged the Depression should cover it... Not to mention the massive welfare program that cost more than anything else on our budget SS... Have you heard it will fail by 2030ish?
I could not vote multiple times, but would have chosen Reagan as second worse.
I did LBJ Bush and Obama. I don't think it's fair to do Obama as he is not even out of his first term but if Obamacare is not found unconstitutinal it will be another huge deficit building program.

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