Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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George W Bush by far

Started two wars, trashed the economy, massive debt, engaged in TORTURE

Exactly how did Bush start both wars? I hear this crap from Democrats constantly.

Have you completely forgotten about 9-11? In October of 2011 what were your feelings on Afghanistan? Please answer these questions. As a former military member who served in both countries I do not take lightly to these comments. Do you think these wars are illegal or unconstitutional? Back up your statements.

Iraq is another one that bothers me. Do you have your own opinions or do you just spout off what other democrats are saying? What are your feelings on OIF?
Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…

Woodrow Wilson

In that order
Reagan - for turning us into a debtor nation.

His "trickle down" lie has done enormous damage. Its been more than 25 years and we're still waiting for those "job creators" to create a job.
heh heh You're an idiot.

SS won't "fail". It's been pulling in a surplus for decades. What it will do is stop pulling a surplus and then only pull in 75% of what it needs. At which point, BY DESIGN, the Government will pay back the money it borrowed and SS will be fine until the Baby Boomers die off.

You blame FDR for something the neo-cons are actively trying to undermine? That's awesome.

Man, you're dumb...

Medicare and Social Security Will Run Out Sooner Than Thought - ABC News

Either the Government was overcharging for the program allowing them to keep raiding it for cash or they simply raided it for cash and it does not have enough... You pick.

"The report also indicates that Social Security ran a deficit last year for the first time since 1983, and it's projected to run deficits going forward."

From the article you posted ...

"Social Security would pay out roughly 75 percent of benefits through 2085"

So, either you agree with me, or you didn't read the article. Which is it?
It wasn't an article - it was a blog! :lol:
It was Jimmy Carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

Carter was indeed a disaster as president... but he did no long-term damage to speak of...

The damage from the Carter presidency is still playing out. Start with the deposition of the Shah in favor of Khomeini and work your way from there.
I voted Shrub only, not realizing it was multiple choice.

But the more I think of it, it's Reagan. Shrub's incompetence was only possible because Reagan lit the way, and hired the anti-American globalists who later helped Shrub drive the country into a ditch.
George W Bush by far

Started two wars, trashed the economy, massive debt, engaged in TORTURE

But he dressed up LIKE a real soldier, which some find "awesome'....................
Right...And the 58,000+ American boys killed by LBJ on a pack of lies was so much chump change. :rolleyes:
There you go, defending your boy Bush again.

Your claims to not be a BushBot are almost as big a joke as you are.
But he dressed up LIKE a real soldier, which some find "awesome'....................
Right...And the 58,000+ American boys killed by LBJ on a pack of lies was so much chump change. :rolleyes:
There you go, defending your boy Bush again.

Your claims to not be a BushBot are almost as big a joke as you are.
I ain't defending shit, chump.

But maybe you can come up with a good rationale for sending more than 58,000 American men to their deaths, over a total lie known as "Gulf of Tonkin Incident".

G'head...We're all waiting with baited breath.
Did Eisenhower fabricate a non-existent attack out of whole cloth, to rationalize a full-on hot shooting war, you fucking simpleton?

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