Which will it be in 100 years? That people will be much richer or dead due to climate failure to adapt?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
The video below, the inconvenient truth is not by Al Gore. Rather it is by two intelligent men. Do you wonder how man managed to survive earlier climate change? I have wondered. I wonder what is in it for Democrats in particular to run around with their hair on fire over this issue? Don't they have any faith at all in their fellow dads, moms, children and yes, Government that they that live then will surely thrive and be much richer. So what do you want Citizen? For your family to be richer or for them to have their AC units running?

The video below, the inconvenient truth is not by Al Gore. Rather it is by two intelligent men. Do you wonder how man managed to survive earlier climate change? I have wondered. I wonder what is in it for Democrats in particular to run around with their hair on fire over this issue? Don't they have any faith at all in their fellow dads, moms, children and yes, Government that they that live then will surely thrive and be much richer. So what do you want Citizen? For your family to be richer or for them to have their AC units running?

Humans survived climate change in the past because it took place at a tiny fraction of the rate at which the Earth is currently accumulating CO2 and warming.
Humans survived climate change in the past because it took place at a tiny fraction of the rate at which the Earth is currently accumulating CO2 and warming.
Hell man, I am 85 and spent a good many days living in over 100 degree temperatures and still am doing just fine. Why worry over 2 degrees or even 3 degrees F?
The video below, the inconvenient truth is not by Al Gore. Rather it is by two intelligent men. Do you wonder how man managed to survive earlier climate change? I have wondered. I wonder what is in it for Democrats in particular to run around with their hair on fire over this issue? Don't they have any faith at all in their fellow dads, moms, children and yes, Government that they that live then will surely thrive and be much richer. So what do you want Citizen? For your family to be richer or for them to have their AC units running?

Probably neither one of the two alternatives of the thread title will be true.
Hell man, I am 85 and spent a good many days living in over 100 degree temperatures and still am doing just fine. Why worry over 2 degrees or even 3 degrees F?
Because it will have serious consequences. People will starve. People will die of thirst. People will die of heat-related causes. People will lose their homes and their farms and their jobs. Nations will go broke trying to pay for the refugees and the damage.
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The fact that we are moving towards having 10 billion humans on earth is a lot more impact on the environment than any climate change.

Humans are polluting the hell out of the environment. That is a fact. However, there is no credible evidence that humans have affected the climate to any significant degree.

We may be facing natural climate change like happen many times before and there is not much we can do about it. AGW is a scam.
Because it will have serious consequences.
This is a new question Crick, but tell me why Democrats get upset if I say man manages climate as if I am lying yet that is precisely what Democrats want us to do. We are told we must manage climate.

Frankly that is a tall order that I doubt will ever happen.
The fact that we are moving towards having 10 billion humans on earth is a lot more impact on the environment than any climate change.

Humans are polluting the hell out of the environment. That is a fact. However, there is no credible evidence that humans have affected the climate to any significant degree.

We may be facing natural climate change like happen many times before and there is not much we can do about it. AGW is a scam.
Dr. Patrick Moore the famous founder of Greenpeace says the plastic patch alleged to be in the ocean simply does not exist. He of course is all in favor of having a pleasing environment as I am and by hunch think you also want a great environment. We would prosper more if they quit the scam that our planet is in grave danger and stick to the facts.
Dr. Patrick Moore the famous founder of Greenpeace says the plastic patch alleged to be in the ocean simply does not exist. He of course is all in favor of having a pleasing environment as I am and by hunch think you also want a great environment. We would prosper more if they quit the scam that our planet is in grave danger and stick to the facts.
A very large percentage of scientists from all over the world believe we are in danger from manmade global warming. Why do you reject their conclusions?
A very large percentage of scientists from all over the world believe we are in danger from manmade global warming. Why do you reject their conclusions?
Because the sonofabitches have been caught lying, fabricating data, cherry picking and using really bad science to come up with stupid conclusions that has little or no connection to reality.

Just because the pool of scammers is large doesn't mean they are not scammers.
We'll all be dead and the illegals will be taking over the United States, cooking burritos and tamales, and having their hands out for free "stuff" :udaman:
A very large percentage of scientists from all over the world believe we are in danger from manmade global warming. Why do you reject their conclusions?
I don't believe that is true at all.

My question to you good buddy is why do you believe man manages global climate?
The video below, the inconvenient truth is not by Al Gore. Rather it is by two intelligent men. Do you wonder how man managed to survive earlier climate change? I have wondered. I wonder what is in it for Democrats in particular to run around with their hair on fire over this issue? Don't they have any faith at all in their fellow dads, moms, children and yes, Government that they that live then will surely thrive and be much richer. So what do you want Citizen? For your family to be richer or for them to have their AC units running?


Due to a nuclear war likely long before 100 years.

Due to a nuclear war likely long before 100 years.
Nah, they invented small yield nukes before 1962 since we had them then in the Army. Notice they still do not use the small yield nukes on the enemy.
A very large percentage of scientists from all over the world believe we are in danger from manmade global warming. Why do you reject their conclusions?
Because man's CO2 emissions can't be 500% efficient at trapping heat when all other GHG's in the atmosphere combined are only 44% efficient.
Because man's CO2 emissions can't be 500% efficient at trapping heat when all other GHG's in the atmosphere combined are only 44% efficient.
They create what is known by the name of Glittering Generalities. Read the definition. They will pretend to cite millions of scientists but in god knows only what experts they are in, if climate is their routine job and tell you actual climatologists are all wrong. But they are or course the sole arbiters of what is right or not.

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