While leftist are chasing their tail over fake right wing terrorism

We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Oh well he's "diverse". If he's diverse than he checks all the right boxes...can't talk bad about him.

What a crazy time to be alive, huh?
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Oh well he's "diverse". If he's diverse than he checks all the right boxes...can't talk bad about him.

What a crazy time to be alive, huh?
Fuck that he's just like any Moslem terrorist send them all packing
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!
Oh well he's "diverse". If he's diverse than he checks all the right boxes...can't talk bad about him.

What a crazy time to be alive, huh?

Naw, Crazy is panicking every time you see a Hijab.

This guy wasn't a terrorist. He was trying to get some overtime by fucking up his work.
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!

Did you read the article. He was tampering with the plane so it would crash.

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We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!
I believe you are an islamiphobisit your fear of Moslems is so great you're to chickenshit even on a discussion board to speak out against them.
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!

Did you read the article. He was tampering with the plane so it would crash.

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Joe assumed the democrat position on Moslems his head up his ass.
Oh well he's "diverse". If he's diverse than he checks all the right boxes...can't talk bad about him.

What a crazy time to be alive, huh?

Naw, Crazy is panicking every time you see a Hijab.

This guy wasn't a terrorist. He was trying to get some overtime by fucking up his work.
I see the fear of Moslems that you have.
I believe you are an islamiphobisit your fear of Moslems is so great you're to chickenshit even on a discussion board to speak out against them.

Are you afraid of spelling things correctly?

Here's the thing. I don't fear Muslims because they have no impact on my life, and I refuse to get upset because the Zionists and Oil Companies say I should be.
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!

Did you read the article. He was tampering with the plane so it would crash.

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JobB and his blindness is why they are here
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane

Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!

Did you read the article. He was tampering with the plane so it would crash.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did you read it? He said his purpose was to cause the flight to be delayed, which is exactly what happened. What he did was wrong, and he should face any consequences for it, but he wasn't trying to crash the plane. Of course, I can see how a bad cop such as yourself might make up your own story to tell.
JobB and his blindness is why they are here

Not at all.

The thing is, we never have a discussion about why people from the other side of the planet want to kill us.

Our Middle East policy is one of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung. That's when we aren't breeding bigger and nastier hornets.

Keep in mind, Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were both guys the CIA told Ronny Ray-gun we could work with.

So let's look at the reason they hate us.

We support Israel, no matter what Israel does to the Palestinians.
We prop up awful governments, like the Saudis
We economically and militarily punish regimes that disagree with us.

We interfere and make things worse. The Chaos in Iraq today is far worse than if we just left Saddam alone. If we let the Soviets install a communist government in Afghanistan, we wouldn't still be fighting there today. The regime that took over Iran in 1979 is much worse than if we had just minded our own business in 1953 and overthrew their democratically elected government we didn't like.

There is a great movie called the "Battle of Algiers" about the fight between the French and the Algerians in the 1950's. And at one point, they capture a rebel leader, and the French Media ask him why they put bombs in women's baskets. The Rebel leader replies,"Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd gladly exchange our baskets for your planes."

But this is all too complicated for you, so just tell yourself that their worship of a Bronze Age Sky Pixie is much worse than your worship of a Bronze Age Sky Pixie.
Did you read it? He said his purpose was to cause the flight to be delayed, which is exactly what happened. What he did was wrong, and he should face any consequences for it, but he wasn't trying to crash the plane. Of course, I can see how a bad cop such as yourself might make up your own story to tell.

True enough. If he wanted to crash the plane, there would have been much better ways to do it.
We have the real threat of Islamic terrorism in America. Islamophobia doesn't exist when the threat is real.
Why did the media go silent over this Moslem terrorist?
Why was this guy even hired? The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani
American Airlines mechanic charged with sabotaging a plane
Today, right wing terrorism is a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism in this country
Can you list some "left-wing" terrorist acts for the class?
Wow, someone doing slipshod work now counts as "Terrorism"? Really?

Hey, maybe I can scream that next time I get bad service somewhere. Take that fry cook to Gitmo!!!
You're so quick to defend terrorism you equate the attempted downing of a passenger jet liner with burned fries?

You really should think before you post.
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Are you afraid of spelling things correcty?

Here's the thing. I don't fear Muslims because they have no impact on my life, and I refuse to get upset because the Zionists and Oil Companies say I should be.
What dreaded Zionists and Oil companies are telling you all this?

They never talk to me, so I'm just curious.

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