Whistleblowers: Biden's DOJ, FBI interfered in Hunter Biden investigation.

Interference by the Justice Department against political opponents?

That is what the tyrants do in a banana republic.

The US is a banana republic.

The Democrats have really fucked up this once great country. Now we are a pathetic excuse for a country. Hell, we can't even secure our own borders.
Any day now. They have been saying this for months.
Holy shit. Too funny.

RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Boi pulling the “any day now” card the very day their allegations are made public.

If you lost 2 IQ points you would be in the negative, Simp.
Gee, ya think? Hunter's sweetheart deal had Garland interference written all over it. Now we know.

Remember, whistleblowers must be believed.

The House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday released testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who said the Justice Department, FBI and IRS interfered with the investigation of the tax evasion case against Hunter Biden.

According to Committee Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., that testimony "outlines misconduct and government abuse at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the investigation of Hunter Biden."

"The allegations point to a steady campaign of: unequal treatment of enforcing tax law; Department of Justice interference in the form of delays, divulgences, and denials, into the investigation of tax crimes that may have been committed by the President’s son; and finally, retaliation against IRS employees who blew the whistle on the misconduct," the committee said Thursday.

"Whistleblowers describe how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging, and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes," Smith said.

According to testimony released by the committee, one whistleblower, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., said decisions in the case seemed to be "influenced by politics."

"Whatever the motivations, at every stage decisions were made that had the effect of benefiting the subject of the investigation," Shapley said.

"These decisions included slow-walking investigative steps, now allowing enforcement actions to be executed, limiting investigators’ line of questioning for witnesses, misleading investigators on charging authority, delaying any and all actions months before elections to ensure the investigation did not go overt well before policy memorandum mandated the pause. These are just only a few examples," he added.

They finally found some whistleblowers? Are we going to see them make a statement or is this another case of phantom witnesses?
What’s actually happening here is that the right built up this big narrative about Hunter Biden and crimes which was always based on little more than unsubstantiated bullshit.

That narrative plays well on right wing media but was never going to play in a courtroom.

This is the expected outcome when their narrative smashes into reality. It was always going to happen this way.
I think all the evidence is in the pizza parlor basement! Remind me exactly when Q predicted Trump was going to be reinstated by the military?

GOP is full of morons.
AOC, the squad and that idiot who thinks Guam is going to capsize approve of that comment.
What’s actually happening here is that the right built up this big narrative about Hunter Biden and crimes which was always based on little more than unsubstantiated bullshit.

That narrative plays well on right wing media but was never going to play in a courtroom.

This is the expected outcome when their narrative smashes into reality. It was always going to happen this way.yes

Yes. It’s kind of stupid to think Hunter Biden will ever be held accountable
He’s being held accountable for those.

The right wing had worked themselves up into a frenzy about everything from money laundering to child rape.
He’s not being held accountable for anything. He’s laughing about it. I would too if I got away with all of that.

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