White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump's second term

Nope, the troll move is to demand information that you don't care about.

All I asked from you, was before I bothered, was a statement that if it was proved that it would mean something to you.

You couldn't give me that. Because we both know that you are not engaged in real discussion, but you are just here to spread propaganda and to support the far left narrtive.
You made a statement about Dr. King and you can't back it up, so you come with these weak ass excuses.
That is the claim you are trying to support.

BUT, all you had to do that, was to cite the actions of ONE man, and then to just spam assertions smearing the nation as a whole based on that.

Meanwhile, I am pointing to the political policies and votes and IMPLEMENTED POLICIES of generations of both parties, with the full support of the vast majority of the American WHITE population.

Dude. You got nothing.
SLAVERY lasted in this country for over 200yrs, Jim Crow lasted for almost 100yrs, racism and discrimination continues after that. Now you want us to believe that ALL of that was done by just a handful of white folks.
Here you are just playing dumb and stonewalling.[.quote]
What are you doing, other than bullshitting.
You made a statement about Dr. King and you can't back it up, so you come with these weak ass excuses.

All I asked you to do, was state that if I posted the information, that it would effect your thinking.

I didn't want to be wasting my time.

BUT, you were afraid that I could support my claim, indeed, you probably already know of the incident(s) of which I am referring, not to mention Malcom X's criticism of MLK on the issue, and you knew that if you said that, I would hold you to it,

And then you would be completely exposed as being dishonest and partisan.

SLAVERY lasted in this country for over 200yrs, Jim Crow lasted for almost 100yrs, racism and discrimination continues after that. Now you want us to believe that ALL of that was done by just a handful of white folks.

Slavery lasted in this country, 87 years. Interesting that you felt a need to lie about that.

If you want to support the idea that AMERICA is racist or bad on a policy, then show me the numbers, the support,

so far, you are been citing the actions or words of individuals, with no evidence to support your blaming of WHITES or WHITE AMERICA for those actions.

ONE GUY shot mlk. You blamed WHITE AMERICA for it. That is you being wrong.

That you are standing byh that, and lying about it, is you gaslighting.
All I asked you to do, was state that if I posted the information, that it would effect your thinking.

I didn't want to be wasting my time.

BUT, you were afraid that I could support my claim, indeed, you probably already know of the incident(s) of which I am referring, not to mention Malcom X's criticism of MLK on the issue, and you knew that if you said that, I would hold you to it,

And then you would be completely exposed as being dishonest and partisan.

Slavery lasted in this country, 87 years. Interesting that you felt a need to lie about that.

If you want to support the idea that AMERICA is racist or bad on a policy, then show me the numbers, the support,

so far, you are been citing the actions or words of individuals, with no evidence to support your blaming of WHITES or WHITE AMERICA for those actions.

ONE GUY shot mlk. You blamed WHITE AMERICA for it. That is you being wrong.

That you are standing byh that, and lying about it, is you gaslighting.
Why do we need numbers? The fact that America was a Slave State and then an Apartheid State shows the racism you moron. You arguing numbers that you yourself already admitted to being ignorant of is a specious argument. You don't know either. Your counter argument to America's racist policies can't be an admission of ignorance. Idiot. That's not a great counter argument.
Why do we need numbers? The fact that America was a Slave State and then an Apartheid State shows the racism you moron. You arguing numbers that you yourself already admitted to being ignorant of is a specious argument. You don't know either. Your counter argument to America's racist policies can't be an admission of ignorance. Idiot. That's not a great counter argument.

Because the other lefty made a number of false claims about America, based on his beliefs that various policies either were massively supported or not massively supportedd.

HIS leftard view of America, is based on the "numbers", but he can't back it up.

When I challenged him, he cited the actions of a single individual, to support his claim that "whites" killed MLK.

That is your lefty world view being shown to be false.

In reality, America has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the mid 60s. "Racism" and "racists" as you and superbadbruther, define it, has not had a voice in national policy since then.

And any claim othewise, is a very stupid lie.
Because the other lefty made a number of false claims about America, based on his beliefs that various policies either were massively supported or not massively supportedd.

HIS leftard view of America, is based on the "numbers", but he can't back it up.

When I challenged him, he cited the actions of a single individual, to support his claim that "whites" killed MLK.

That is your lefty world view being shown to be false.

In reality, America has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the mid 60s. "Racism" and "racists" as you and superbadbruther, define it, has not had a voice in national policy since then.

And any claim othewise, is a very stupid lie.
But you don't know these numbers any better yourself correct? So on the question of the exact number of people who supported racism we are all equally ignorant. Now that that is settled...

This was a democratic country for white men and then all whites (citizens) by 1920, correct? So we do know that democratically, whites supported both slavery and apartheid. Up until 1964. We know the entire former Confederate South save two Democrats voted against ending that Apartheid in 1964. We know whites murdered and terrorized black Americans who sought and advocated for equal rights, not just MLK Jr. and Malcolm X. Whites bombed churches. Lynched children and then refused to convict the whites people responsible. And at the end of segregation did any of the whites who spit on, or shoved, murdered, refused entry or service or employment to black people lose their jobs or positions of power? No. The Nazis were actually defeated. Killed and ran out of town. These racist white mother fuckers got to stick around and keep their power. What black people got was the opportunity to challenge that power in courts that white people still largely ruled over. Bitch please.
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All I asked you to do, was state that if I posted the information, that it would effect your thinking.

I didn't want to be wasting my time.
If you have the truth post it and stop playing these dumbass word games.
BUT, you were afraid that I could support my claim, indeed, you probably already know of the incident(s) of which I am referring, not to mention Malcom X's criticism of MLK on the issue, and you knew that if you said that, I would hold you to it,
Don't talk about it, be about it. You hated Malcolm as well and had him murdered also.
And then you would be completely exposed as being dishonest and partisan.
Blah, blah, blah, you are talking loud and ain't saying nothing.
Slavery lasted in this country, 87 years. Interesting that you felt a need to lie about that.
The first slaves arrived on these shores in 1619 and slavery ended in 1865. You do the math.
If you want to support the idea that AMERICA is racist or bad on a policy, then show me the numbers, the support,
Slavery started in 1619 and ended in 1865, Jim Crow started pretty much right after slavery ended and lasted until 1964. How many more policies do you need?
so far, you are been citing the actions or words of individuals, with no evidence to support your blaming of WHITES or WHITE AMERICA for those actions.
Over 300yrs is all the evidence you need.
ONE GUY shot mlk. You blamed WHITE AMERICA for it. That is you being wrong.
Bad analogy.
That you are standing byh that, and lying about it, is you gaslighting.
You are in denial, there is over e00yrs of history in America that proves you are confused.
If you have the truth post it and stop playing these dumbass word games.

Said the man, that could't bring himself to say that new information would change his thinking.

He is afraid to say that. Because he knows that I can back it up.

Don't talk about it, be about it. You hated Malcolm as well and had him murdered also.

And here we go again, with the lefty defining people not as people but as groups and holding individuals responsible for shit that they did not do.

Blah, blah, blah, you are talking loud and ain't saying nothing.

The first slaves arrived on these shores in 1619 and slavery ended in 1865. You do the math.

LOL. Here we have a lefty blaming America for shit the british empire did.

They just HATE America so much.

Slavery started in 1619 and ended in 1865, Jim Crow started pretty much right after slavery ended and lasted until 1964. How many more policies do you need?

Dude. You said "slavery in t his country", and you are citing dates from well over a century before the country was here? LOL.

You are completely dishonest.

Over 300yrs is all the evidence you need.

YOur inability to support anything you say, is clear to all to see.

Said the man, that could't bring himself to say that new information would change his thinking.

He is afraid to say that. Because he knows that I can back it up.
Well back it up already.
And here we go again, with the lefty defining people not as people but as groups and holding individuals responsible for shit that they did not do.
Smfh, weak.
LOL. Here we have a lefty blaming America for shit the british empire did.

They just HATE America so much.
Blah, blah, blah.
Dude. You said "slavery in t his country", and you are citing dates from well over a century before the country was here? LOL.

You are completely dishonest.
The country was formed from the original 13 colonies, WTF are you talking about.
YOur inability to support anything you say, is clear to all to see.
Have a nice day.
Jesus was FAR too woke for MAGA.

He has therefore been replaced.

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