White Florida woman who fatally shot Black neighbor through door sentenced to 25 years

You might think differently if it happened to you. Some people panic more easily than others
She was safe. Calling the cops would have been far more appropriate than shooting. She got what she deserved, taking a life is a serious matter and should be a last resort, not a first choice.
I remember this tragedy.

The white woman was an "EXTREME" racist. She had been harassing that black woman and her kids for weeks. They had just moved there. The white woman took one of the black woman's kid's toys into her house.

The black woman and one of her young sons went over to the white woman's house to get the toy. When they knocked on the white woman's door... the white woman looked out her peephole to see it was her black neighbor, she never opened her door, she got a gun and shot through her door murdering the black woman. The black woman's young son stood there as his mother collapsed and lay dying then he ran to get help.

Immediately, the white woman tried to use the stand your ground defense saying she was afraid for her life. They arrested her. They gave her only 25 years in prison, but she should have gotten life without the possibility of parole.
That apparently wasn’t a choice the judge had.
Meanwhile, rich white demaklan donor Alec Baldwin shoots a woman and walks
That was an accidental shooting. Poor judgement and training was involved but there was no intent to harm anyone.
You stupid ass, boot licking idiot. The Justice System protects whites when it comes to black folks, doesn't matter whether they are Democrat or Republican. It protected Zimmerman when he murdered an innocent black kid and your boot licking ass didn't open your damn mouth.
So Zimmerman should have allowed Martin to keep bashing his head on the sidewalk and hitting him until he died?
District Attorney
State Attorney General
US Senator
Vice President.

…Montel William’s number-two bitch.


A white Florida woman who fatally shot a Black neighbor through a closed door was sentenced Monday to 25 years in prison.

In August, a jury found Susan Lorincz guilty of manslaughter with a weapon in the shooting death of Ajike "AJ" Shantrell Owens.

Owens had gone to Lorincz's home to confront her about her behavior toward Owens' children. Lorincz fired the shot from inside her home; it went through the locked front door and struck Owens in the chest.

Owens' family had asked the judge to impose the maximum sentence of 30 years. Guidelines had called for a prison term of between 11.5 years and 30 years. "We believe that standing on the right side of history requires holding those who commit racial violence fully accountable for their actions," the family said earlier this month.

Lorincz earlier had scolded Owens' children for making too much noise and playing in what Lorincz described as an unauthorized area of their neighborhood.

Lorincz has been accused of using racial slurs when addressing the children, but she has denied the accusation.

Lorincz said she was acting in self-defense. She was not arrested immediately after the shooting. The Marion County Sheriff's Office investigated, and then took her into custody on June 7.

Finally, some Justice in Florida.
Justice was carried out to the woman, based upon the guidelines and that is acceptable. She should not have shot the guy. The races involved are irrelevant. If he had burst in through the door into her house, she would have been totally justified in shooting him as the would have been a threat to her then.
Can't believe Horseshitting didn't post this.

These were her words on the case. well this case in jurys hands now. most of the evidence went towards caucasion lady being scared. we shall see how it goes.

Your OP already said how it would go, she got 25 years. It appears the system worked.

Blacks can also be racist. If the black woman was white or both blacks, I doubt the escalation would lead to death let alone the ongoing spat. If racism is to blame, both shared fault. I don't believe the two tossed out the race card during their lengthy dispute. The Washington Post said the shooting was racially motivated despite providing zero evidence.

The black woman should have told her children not to be near this grumpy white lady. If my kids had to deal with a grumpy old geezer, I would tell them stay away from that gargoyle. Old people living alone can be mentally unstable because of loneliness say after death of a spouse or no children. Let them be. I don't see the need to butt head with them but that's just me.
The last report I saw on the incident indicated that the white woman had taken one of the children's toys into her home and the Black neighbor along with one of her children, went next door to retrieve it.

The fact that she brought her child with her should have indicated to the shooter, she wasn't there to fight with her. You don't bring your child with you when you plan on getting physical or fighting someone.

I also have observed how much white society is predisposed to believe that Black people are inherently more violent/dangerous than whites. In a different thread I've been asking repeatedly why the poster didn't consider Ashli Babbett and the mob behind her as a threat (the female veteran who was shot attempting to breach the House chambers), I can't help but think it may have something to do with the fact that they look like him (meaning they're white like him). I remember seeing one of the Capitol police officers yelling at one of the attackers "HEY, I got kids" and surprisingly that worked. He managed to convey to his attacker that he wasn't some monster and if his attacker also has children that he didn't want to be responsible for them losing their father

I will readily admit that some of the last paragraph is just observation, but it's also based on more than half a century of observing and analyzing human behavior, primarily in order to better navigate white society as an African American but also because I truly want to understand my fellow countrymen & women because I honestly believe are more similarities between us than differences.
Cry me a river...lol. Trayvon was hardly an innocent kid. Zimmerman was also a dick. When two dickhead engaged in a dick measuring contest, no one wins. Zimmerman's life is gone. No one would hire him or want any affiliation with him. Zimmerman's family may already disowned him.

The court didn't protect Zimmerman despite your cry me a river battlecry. All evidence were given to the court and the jury heard everything. Saying the court protected Zimmerman is like saying the court allowed OJ to get away with a double murder.
The police coached Zimmerman on what to say and they pointed out the weaknesses in his version of what happened.

I understand that people make mistakes but Zimmerman stated that had he known then what he knows now, that Martin was a minor AND unarmed, he still would have killed him.

Words fail me.
The police coached Zimmerman on what to say and they pointed out the weaknesses in his version of what happened.

I understand that people make mistakes but Zimmerman stated that had he known then what he knows now, that Martin was a minor AND unarmed, he still would have killed him.

Words fail me.
ohh bullshit Zimmerman was having his head pounded into concrete, he acted in self-defense.
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