White Fragility: White Folks Are Shy that their whiteness gave them a big leg up in life & crashed black people's dreams


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

their whiteness is the clearest example of the very identity politics that is harmful to america

their whiteness has shielded them from growing up as quickly as they would have had they not so heavily leaned on it to make it through life

their whiteness is the cause of hurt feelings, shattered egos, fraught spirits, vexed bodies, and bloodshot eyes.

white folks just don't wanna face that!


their whiteness is the clearest example of the very identity politics that is harmful to america

their whiteness has shielded them from growing up as quickly as they would have had they not so heavily leaned on it to make it through life

their whiteness is the cause of hurt feelings, shattered egos, fraught spirits, vexed bodies, and bloodshot eyes.

white folks just don't wanna face that!


That seems to be the message that this over educated ding-a-ling is pushing
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when being accused of racism, white people get angry. i find that strange. you would think that getting informed of their mistake would prevent them from doing it again. they should feel relief, not anger, my friends!
This post is SO stupid, I don't have the words to describe HOW stupid it IS. I'll just leave it at that.
Just another idiot who needs to feel guilty that his system works as it was intended, created in a time when whites were by far the dominant race in a white society and that long ago, measures were taken for minorities to more than level the scale for them as well as their numbers grew.

Liberal guilt for the best system on the planet has always been a convenient panacea for explaining the relative laziness of minorities to blame their problems on others as they stand there with their hand out. You don't see Asians complaining because they are much too busy working hard, starting their own businesses and pulling themselves up by their own hard work getting ahead.
when being accused of racism, white people get angry. i find that strange. you would think that getting informed of their mistake would prevent them from doing it again. they should feel relief, not anger, my friends!
No one needs your approval, forgiveness or recognition to feel whatever, however they want. Piss off, idiot.
This topic has been discussed before. All that's going to happen is you will be shown examples of how white fragility manifests itself. We already see it here in the responses from these guys.
When you are losing big and you know it you get angry and you begin pointing a finger of indignation at your chosen enemy.....I guess skin color and anti white skin is going to be the dem card this election....
When you are losing big and you know it you get angry and you begin pointing a finger of indignation at your chosen enemy.....I guess skin color and anti white skin is going to be the dem card this election....

Classic white fragility. Republicans have played skin color and anti black since the 60's. Stop lying about things.
white folks just don't wanna face that!
Apparently Dr whiteb*tch doesn't know many poor white trash....

This is not about wealth. A poor white can be just as racist as a rich one. And poor whites still do not face the things a black person or any other person of color faces. From my experience poor whites are more likely to exhibit white fragility than one who aren't.
their whiteness is the clearest example of the very identity politics that is harmful to america

their whiteness has shielded them from growing up as quickly as they would have had they not so heavily leaned on it to make it through life

their whiteness is the cause of hurt feelings, shattered egos, fraught spirits, vexed bodies, and bloodshot eyes.

white folks just don't wanna face that!


Life's too short to watch some Academic Cow shriek for an hour about White Privilege. When she's done a hard day of labor in her life, she can get back to me.

Okay, here's kind of the problem with that. It's the notion of "collective guilt" that comes with this kind of thinking.

My ancestors didn't own slaves. My paternal ancestors were working class folks from Germany, my maternal ancestors were poor dirt farmers from Missouri. I didn't directly benefit from slavery. Did my forebears get some advantage from being white? Yes. They also encounter some prejudice. (you think anyone was too keen on Germans between 1918 to 1945?)

Now, I'm the first one to call out the Trump supporters on their racism. But at it's root, there's a genuine complaint. The white working class has on one side, seen it's status chipped away at by Corporate Greed, and on the other hand, seen it's being blamed for all the past sins against people of color.

I often say that Trump supporters are just smart enough to know they are being screwed, but too dumb to realize who is screwing them.
This is not about wealth. A poor white can be just as racist as a rich one. And poor whites still do not face the things a black person or any other person of color faces. From my experience poor whites are more likely to exhibit white fragility than one who aren't.

quite right. Blaming them for the state of things when they got no benefit from it should piss them off.

The thing that should have happened is we should have raised minorities up to the level of the white working class, not pushed the white working class down.

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