White House senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner's terrible, terrible week


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Palestinians disappointed after 'tense' meeting with Kushner: report

The London-based Arabic daily al-Hayat reports that Kushner's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was “tense,” according to a translation from the Jerusalem Post, and Abbas was reportedly furious at Kushner relaying the demands of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz also reports that Palestinian officials were “greatly disappointed” by their meeting with Kushner and Trump’s Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt.

Kushner told 'Morning Joe' hosts to apologize to Trump or tabloid story would run: report

President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, told "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski they would need to apologize to Trump in order to avoid the National Enquirer publishing a story about their relationship, New York Magazine reported Friday.

The magazine reports that Kushner texted with Scarborough about the tabloid story before it ran in mid-April. Kushner said the story could be stopped if Scarborough and his co-host, who are engaged to be married, apologized to Trump for their negative coverage of his first months in the White House.

Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

MSNBC host stunned when spy catcher insists Jared Kushner is ‘absolutely’ a Russian agent


Blackmail, extortion, spying, secret payouts, and being a failure as a negotiator.

Does the Golden Child understand the trouble he's in?

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