Trump White Lies?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Pardon me for posting so frequently today, but you can't make this stuff up.

Hope Hicks, Trump's very close adviser, has admitted to congressional investigators that she has told "white lies" for Trump, asserting that she felt it was part of her job. Like she wasn't told to lie; yeah right.

Nearly every day another WH scandal, while the liar in chief tweets "Witch Hunt!" Well, Mr. Cadet Bone Spurs, the "witches" reside in your White House, and the hunters are closing in. Bigly!!!
hope hicks would like you to believe that her lies for donny are harmless and "white". :uhoh3:
admitted to lying for the president...

bbbut but but all her lies are only of the "white" variety, BELIEVE HER! :eusa_naughty:

Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, told House investigators on Tuesday that her work for President Trump, who has a reputation for exaggerations and outright falsehoods, had occasionally required her to tell white lies.

But after extended consultation with her lawyers, she insisted that she had not lied about matters material to the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible links to Trump associates, according to three people familiar with her testimony.

The exchange came during more than eight hours of private testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Ms. Hicks declined to answer similar questions about other figures from the Trump campaign or the White House.

Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump
Sometimes I wonder about the age and naivete of some of the posters on this board.

Are you under the impression the same didn't happen under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc?

This is about as newsworthy as the first Robin of Spring
Sometimes I wonder about the age and naivete of some of the posters on this board.

Are you under the impression the same didn't happen under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc?

This is about as newsworthy as the first Robin of Spring
So what if it did? Cadet Bone Spurs is President now and he is the one being judged. And, rightfully so!!!!
there was no grand jury investigation, liar.
Try reading the post again, and this time read carefully.

Its a pity that your education consists of only a Trump U. diploma.

my post was speaking to the post above it claiming "the same" happened before.

what is currently going on in the white house is UNPRECEDENTED.
I'm sure everyone jumping on this always tells 100% the truth and never lie. I know I've never told a lie.
Pardon me for posting so frequently today, but you can't make this stuff up.

Hope Hicks, Trump's very close adviser, has admitted to congressional investigators that she has told "white lies" for Trump, asserting that she felt it was part of her job. Like she wasn't told to lie; yeah right.

Nearly every day another WH scandal, while the liar in chief tweets "Witch Hunt!" Well, Mr. Cadet Bone Spurs, the "witches" reside in your White House, and the hunters are closing in. Bigly!!!
That's enough of your idiocy! We have enough LIB fools here already.
Permanent Ignore.
She also pointedly and repeatedly declined to answer questions about the presidential transition or her time in the White House, lawmakers who sat in on the testimony said, telling investigators that she had been asked by the White House to discuss only her time on the campaign. They added that she did not formally invoke executive privilege.

A lawyer for Ms. Hicks declined to comment.

The committee, which has been investigating Russia’s meddling for nearly a year, has increasingly found itself butting up against the White House over similar claims by witnesses.

When Stephen K. Bannon, who served as Mr. Trump’s chief strategist until he was forced out in August, similarly refused to testify about his work for the presidential transition team and the White House, Republicans on the committee quickly subpoenaed him. Mr. Bannon continued to refuse to talk about those subjects, and lawmakers are weighing whether to initiate contempt proceedings.

There was no indication that Republicans would subpoena Ms. Hicks.

Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the committee, said Republicans were applying a double standard to Mr. Bannon — who has been exiled from Mr. Trump’s circles after disparaging the Trump children in a book by the author Michael Wolff — and all other witnesses.

He urged Republicans who control the committee to subpoena Ms. Hicks.

“That’s an overly broad claim of privilege that I don’t think any court of law would sustain. And I think the White House knows that,” Mr. Schiff said.

“This is not executive privilege, it is executive stonewalling.”

Members of the committee said that under pressure from lawmakers, Ms. Hicks and her lawyers had consulted the White House during the interview and determined that she could answer limited questions about her work on the transition.

Still, Mr. Schiff said that important questions had been left unaddressed.

A fixture of Mr. Trump’s inner circle throughout the campaign and in the White House, Ms. Hicks is viewed as a valuable witness by investigators. She was involved in the firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director in May and the drafting of a statement in July in response to questions about a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Russians and top Trump campaign officials. The statement and its drafting have attracted the interest of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Ms. Hicks refused to answer questions about both, lawmakers said.

so many lies, so little time........... what are they hiding?? :eusa_think:
Sometimes I wonder about the age and naivete of some of the posters on this board.

Are you under the impression the same didn't happen under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc?

This is about as newsworthy as the first Robin of Spring

That is shocking isn't it?

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