White Males Have Disappeared From Advertisement

Lol, there is nothing you can do these days that won't piss someone off. This is a fact. They use market segmenting to try and figure out who would be most interested in their products. They then curtail their advo to that market audience. No advo will be universally effective. They place a bet with their advertising dollars that their advo will appeal to the market segment they are trying to reach. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I assume you are a white male over 40. Guess what! The white male over 40 is not a market segment anyone gives two shits about attracting. We don't spend money on frivolous things. You want advo to curtail to you? Lol, watch grit channel or METV their commercials are slanted toward you and I. It has nothing to do with wanting to piss you off. However you wanna walk through your life being pissed off all the time, more power to you. Lol . If the advo does not make money they have no advo dollars. It is that simple.
MSNBC was able to warp the minds of thousands of Karens , causing them to cry on Twitter and TicToc, shave their heads and start acting like Manson Family members.

When was the last time you were in "our schools" and saw "all of" that for yourself?
Dude, don't even try that shit.

It was bad back in the 80s when I was in college.

It's much much worse now. I find this out every time I talk to any kid under 30 yrs old,

Greenhaired nose-ringers are teaching our kids how to hate America and hate the color of their own skin.
Dude, don't even try that shit.

It was bad back in the 80s when I was in college.

It's much much worse now. I find this out every time I talk to any kid under 30 yrs old,

Greenhaired nose-ringers are teaching our kids how to hate America and hate the color of their own skin.

Is there a reason why you completely avoided my question? I think there is.
When was the last time you were in "our schools" and saw "all of" that for yourself?
When was the last time parents were allowed to see what their kids are being taught?

The only reason they found out what was going on is when their kids were sent home during COVID and they started classes over zoom.

Some of the parents sat in on the lessons and discovered the CRT classes and the Trans-gender bending classes that were going on.
MSNBC was able to warp the minds of thousands of Karens , causing them to cry on Twitter and TicToc, shave their heads and start acting like Manson Family members.

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Meh, darwinism at its best. They made a decision they pay the consequences. 😂 No skin off my nose if they wanna run around looking like idiots. At least I get a good laugh 😂
Meh, darwinism at its best. They made a decision they pay the consequences. 😂 No skin off my nose if they wanna run around looking like idiots. At least I get a good laugh 😂
No skin off your nose.....or back.....until one of these freaks does a mass-shooting, that you will quickly blame on Republicans.
It's weird how they hire retarded teachers these days.

Ask yourself what a 68 year old man would be doing walking around in a grade school?

After all of the school shootings that have been going on lately.

Are you saying that a 68 year old man couldn't be a teacher?
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