White People Make Me Proud


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
What a great showing of humanity when those White men gave their lives to protect two muslim black girls. These are the types of behavior that make me proud to be White
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Even though the person that initiated the attack was white?
That's the best part, because it is only White people who would stop their own people to protect another race of people

If it was a black muslim man attacking two white American girls the other black muslim men would cheer him on.
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What a great showing of humanity when those White men gave their lives to protect two muslim black girls. These are the types of behavior that make me proud to be White
Human beings acting like human beings should make us all proud, dumb ass.
Tank seems to think that white people are better than everyone else.

Hate to tell him, but they're not.
Tank is typical of a race lost in yesterdays oppressive behaviors....the clock on people like this is ticking and nothing they can do can stop it. We can either feel sorry for this lot or pray for them...I personally am doing neither, but wait for their lives to end.
You know, I myself am white, but I never had a problem with people of other ethnic backgrounds. Why? Because I had that kind of stupid behavior trained out of me in boot camp. We weren't black, white, red or whatever, we were all Sailors, and therefore according to our Company Commander, we were all blue. Different shades of blue to be fair, but we were all blue in his eyes.

And later, I noticed something when I hung out with my black friends. Whenever they took me to a club or back home with them on the weekend, I was generally the only white dude around, and I never had a problem being there, and never was hassled by the black people that were there. I remember one time I was at a club and was the only white dude there and a big black guy came up to me and said "hey boy, you know where you are at?" I replied "yeah, I'm at a bar shooting pool, drinking beer and chasing pretty women". He then shook my hand and told me I was all right and bought me a beer.

On the times that they went to rock and roll clubs with me that were mainly white? The reception for both them and me was less than friendly, and on occasion, I was told that I could go into the bar, but my friend couldn't because he was black.

Nope, sorry..............Tank is wrong..............I can show many examples from my own life where white people showed themselves to be less than black people.
Just look at something like Affirmative Action, what other race has ever given up their civil rights just to help all other races become better human beings?
Just look at all the White people who travel all over the world to feed, cloth, shelter, bring water, health care and educate all the black and brown people.

No other race of people do that
Tank seems to think that white people are better than everyone else.

Hate to tell him, but they're not.
Seriously, what does the world have that wasn't given to the rest of the world by the white race? That's right, NOTHING.


While white people were afraid to sail out of sight of land Polynesian people were sailing across half the pacific on Canoes.

Wayfinders : Polynesian History and Origin

While White People were denouncing science as merely the devil and utilizing the inquisition to root out anyone suspected of being a nonbeliever or of harboring heretical thought the Chinese were developing gunpowder and cannons.

China - Gunpowder

Shall I continue? Or did the World History class you attended credit all of these things to Whites who hadn't yet discovered that bathing was a good way to reduce disease as the Japanese knew already.

The Japanese discovered that earthquakes caused Tsunamis. Thank God we didn't have to wait for the White Man to figure that out. It would likely still be a mystery today.

The White Man, and especially the Americans are good at stealing someone else's discovery and putting it to larger use. Thanks to the British we have aircraft carriers that actually work. The steam catapult, the angled flight deck, and the landing path lenses and light system were all British developments.

But beat your breast and declare all good things were White developed. So while you fondle your firearm that would not work without the discovery of Chinese Alchemists and pronounce all Whites as superior. Know this. World History says you are full of shit.

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