White supremacist groups could attack Tulsa race massacre anniversary events, Department of Homeland Security warns

This story is just another example of the US Government in conjuction with Fake News NBC fomenting racial tensions in the US.

There will be no white supremacist attacks in Tulsa.
They do it all the time, remember how crazy you negros were over the Smollett thing?
No, I remember that it was racist white cops that lost their crap over that situation. So please remind me as to what negros did regarding that.
Destroyed their neighborhoods and killed each other
Blacks are always destroying their neighborhoods and killing each other, you need a link for that?
You stated that it was as a result of the Jussie Smollett situation.

I'd like to see a link proving that.
This story is just another example of the US Government in conjuction with Fake News NBC fomenting racial tensions in the US.

There will be no white supremacist attacks in Tulsa.
Nobody thought they would try to overthrow the government in January. The security services have a duty to be prepared when dealing with trash.
Nobody thought they would try to overthrow the government in January. The security services have a duty to be prepared when dealing with trash.
More Leftist Delusions.

No one cares about your delusions Tommy.

Nothing you post is accurate in the real world.

Tulsa Race Massacre events could be targeted by white supremacist groups, Department of Homeland Security warns

The Tulsa Police Department said it is prepared and has asked for the public to report anything unusual.
28 May 2021 ~~ By Deon J. Hampton
The Tulsa Race Massacre's centennial commemorations in Oklahoma could draw racial violence and white supremacist groups, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned in a bulletin.
“We assess that upcoming commemoration events associated with the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma probably are attractive targets for some racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists to commit violence,” the department said, according to a memo obtained by NBC News.
Historically, white extremist groups have used tactics such as vehicle ramming, taking up small arms, using edged weapons or explosive devices for racially motivated attacks, the Homeland Security memo said.
“Our goal is simple. We are here to protect the safety of all of the persons that are in our city,” Franklin said. “All Tulsa police officers are going to be involved in these events over the next several days.”

Great way to build up publicity for the event. I wonder if the FBI crackerjack “Nascar Noose” team will be on site to seed the area with evidence.
This looks like a setup for another false flag attack. The Feds may have found some dupes to stage an attack, just in time for “George Floyd II” long hot summer. Plus Oklahoma is one of the most conservative states, and the coastal elites and their supporters are ready and willing to blame the deplorables in flyover country.
Prrogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie fantasies made real by the enemies of America to protect their own criminals and crime syndicate.
What false flag are they planning now, “What white supremacy groups?”
Hmm..., will they be there like on TV with Antifa/BLM tattoos. Certainly they should be easy to spot with the tats and black clothes.
When the DHS was first set up, some worried it would be used in just this way - against fellow Americans, instead of Muslim extremists from other countries.
Meanwhile, it's 6 months since the PM/DSA Democrat Commies and the Deep State certified a fraudulent election and executed a peaceful protester. No outrage about that from the corporate media. You have to wonder why?
The lie that is the tulsa massacrea Bullshit needs to be attacked.

In short a 19 year old black man going under the allias of Dick Rowland grabbed a 17 year old white elevator operator (funny because blacks weren't allowed on the elevator or on the floor that he was claiming he was going to).......The clerk that called in the attack called it a sexual assault but the libs and black activism groups have done all they could to rewrite what happened over the last 100 years and for some reason the police report is never released. And the idiots now claim that the would be rapist just fell while on the elevator and just happened to grab the girl and rip her clothes.

He was arrested the next morning and subsequently blacks (likely his gang) formed a mob trying to to free the would be rapist. The whites fought back and ganged up as well------Since then exaggerated stories about the number of dead, the people involved, and what caused the events have been rewritten to suit the black is victims agenda.

And sorry but all these lies being told to make white people the bad guys when they weren't obviously while playing black criminals as wee little angels being attacked for their color skin is going to create a hell of a lot of resentment. I'm pretty blunt and pride myself on seeing things as they are--the good and the bad with all the grays between-----------but this nonsense of lionizing violent criminals is enough to make anyone hate the groups doing this.

Wow, it takes a lot of nerve to create that body of fiction like you just did and then include a link to the actual story.

And it matters not what happened in the elevator, NOTHING justifies torching an entire community and then refusing all insurance claims.

You all keep posting this bullshit with the confidence that nothing even remotely approaching the types of injustices could happen to you in modern day America but keep intentionally lying on people and presenting them in a false light and you may just find yourself one day facing an unfortunate reversal of fortunes.

And if that ever happens I hope you receive the same compassion, understanding and grace that you have shown others, which in this case, should be none.
Blacks are always destroying their neighborhoods and killing each other, you need a link for that?
You stated that it was as a result of the Jussie Smollett situation.

I'd like to see a link proving that.
You can't understand, 400 years of democrats manipulating you has become permanent

Tulsa Race Massacre events could be targeted by white supremacist groups, Department of Homeland Security warns

The Tulsa Police Department said it is prepared and has asked for the public to report anything unusual.
28 May 2021 ~~ By Deon J. Hampton
The Tulsa Race Massacre's centennial commemorations in Oklahoma could draw racial violence and white supremacist groups, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned in a bulletin.
“We assess that upcoming commemoration events associated with the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma probably are attractive targets for some racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists to commit violence,” the department said, according to a memo obtained by NBC News.
Historically, white extremist groups have used tactics such as vehicle ramming, taking up small arms, using edged weapons or explosive devices for racially motivated attacks, the Homeland Security memo said.
“Our goal is simple. We are here to protect the safety of all of the persons that are in our city,” Franklin said. “All Tulsa police officers are going to be involved in these events over the next several days.”

Great way to build up publicity for the event. I wonder if the FBI crackerjack “Nascar Noose” team will be on site to seed the area with evidence.
This looks like a setup for another false flag attack. The Feds may have found some dupes to stage an attack, just in time for “George Floyd II” long hot summer. Plus Oklahoma is one of the most conservative states, and the coastal elites and their supporters are ready and willing to blame the deplorables in flyover country.
Prrogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie fantasies made real by the enemies of America to protect their own criminals and crime syndicate.
What false flag are they planning now, “What white supremacy groups?”
Hmm..., will they be there like on TV with Antifa/BLM tattoos. Certainly they should be easy to spot with the tats and black clothes.
When the DHS was first set up, some worried it would be used in just this way - against fellow Americans, instead of Muslim extremists from other countries.
Meanwhile, it's 6 months since the PM/DSA Democrat Commies and the Deep State certified a fraudulent election and executed a peaceful protester. No outrage about that from the corporate media. You have to wonder why?
White supremacist are like Pink Unicorns.

The Left just raves about them but, no one has actually ever seen one.
Oh, you mean like these white supremacists that were just sentenced in December 2020 for crimes in the Northwest?

Member of neo-Nazi ‘Atomwaffen Division’ sentenced for intimidation campaign in Seattle and beyond

And these individuals were on T.V. last night
Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student
Oh, you mean like these white supremacists that were just sentenced in December 2020 for crimes in the Northwest?

Member of neo-Nazi ‘Atomwaffen Division’ sentenced for intimidation campaign in Seattle and beyond

And these individuals were on T.V. last night
Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student
No one has ever heard of these obscure groups and the impact they have does not go beyond those immediately involved.

There is no comparing these isolated cases to the impact Leftist domestic terrorist groups like Black LIES Matter, the Black Panthers, and ANTIFA have had on this Counrty.

You do not live in the real world.
Oh, you mean like these white supremacists that were just sentenced in December 2020 for crimes in the Northwest?

Member of neo-Nazi ‘Atomwaffen Division’ sentenced for intimidation campaign in Seattle and beyond

And these individuals were on T.V. last night
Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student
No one has ever heard of these obscure groups and the impact they have does not go beyond those immediately involved.

There is no comparing these isolated cases to the impact Leftist domestic terrorist groups like Black LIES Matter, the Black Panthers, and ANTIFA have had on this Counrty.

You do not live in the real world.
"No one has ever heard of these obscure groups".....excuse making and minimizing.......covering for.
"No one has ever heard of these obscure groups".....excuse making and minimizing.......covering for.
No ....


It is you who are making excuses for the real domestic terrorits groups in this Country by trying distract attention to cases no one has heard about.

There ARE NO significant "white supremacy" case that compare to the Left's domestic terror groups like Black LIES Matter, Black Panthers, ANTIFA, etc.

It is YOU who are excusing Domestic Terror in this Country.

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