White supremacist, serial killer executed

Scumbag useless fuck Flynt was against it because he wanted the guy tortured.

This man recanted his previous beliefs before he died, which is good. Turn the bigotry around and have this be a black scumbag being executed for targeting whites and it's not a national story.

Good riddance, but I wish he succeeded with Flynt. For that one alone he should have been Sainted.

A lot of rw's hate Flynt because he fought for the First Amendment.

You're no different from those other ignorant jerks.

While Hustler magazine has always been known for its explicit pictures of nude women and for what many consider crude humor,[2] the prominent fundamentalist Protestant minister Jerry Falwell objected to the parody ad the magazine printed in 1983 targeted at him, in which Falwell related having an incestuous encounter with his mother in an outhouse.[3]

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Actually, I had forgotten about that but YES, I LOVED it. Jerry Falwell was pure slime.

BUT, you still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if I liked that or you didn't. What matters is it is protected free speech.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't support him financially. BUT, you must support his right to be obnoxious because it IS his right.

I never understand why its always the rw's who are against our Constitution.
Remember the cartoon that some Muslims objected to?

What did you rw's say about that?

That it was protected speech.


You don't get to decide which speech is protected or which religion can meet in groups in the US or which groups get to protest in the streets.

Like it or not, you're stuck with the Constitution of the United States. If you really hate it that much, go live under your hero, Putin. You will not be missed here.
A lot of rw's hate Flynt because he fought for the First Amendment.

You're no different from those other ignorant jerks.

While Hustler magazine has always been known for its explicit pictures of nude women and for what many consider crude humor,[2] the prominent fundamentalist Protestant minister Jerry Falwell objected to the parody ad the magazine printed in 1983 targeted at him, in which Falwell related having an incestuous encounter with his mother in an outhouse.[3]

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Actually, I had forgotten about that but YES, I LOVED it. Jerry Falwell was pure slime.

BUT, you still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if I liked that or you didn't. What matters is it is protected free speech.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't support him financially. BUT, you must support his right to be obnoxious because it IS his right.

I never understand why its always the rw's who are against our Constitution.

Libel has always been actionable.

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Actually, I had forgotten about that but YES, I LOVED it. Jerry Falwell was pure slime.

BUT, you still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if I liked that or you didn't. What matters is it is protected free speech.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't support him financially. BUT, you must support his right to be obnoxious because it IS his right.

I never understand why its always the rw's who are against our Constitution.

Libel has always been actionable.

Read your own link.
Frankly, when you guys go around saying that Zimmerman was okay in shooting Trayvon because he was a "thug", it's kind of hard to take your claims of self-defense seriously.

Most of you fantasize about that day you'll get to shoot someone... and it'll probably be the wrong person.

So this case somehow compares to Zimmerman/Martin

Check your meds, i think you have been taking tic-tacs instead of your zoloft.

This guy was an asshole with a gun who l iked to shoot black people, Jews and pornographers.

Zimmerman is a guy who likes to beat up on women and shoot black kids.

Living the dream, man... they're living your dream.

For the rest of us, it's a nightmare.

You have no evidence of any racism on Zimmerman's part, on the contrary there is plenty of evidence he helped black people.

On the woman beating part, you may have it right, but considering the DV numbers for police officers, even the people you WANT to continue to have firearms have that issue.

Keep bullshitting Joey-Doe-ey, its getting old.
And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Larry Flint is a hunk of shit. But the right to free speech and making fun of political figures, like self-appointed leaders of the Moral Majority, is protected, no matter how reprehensible the speech is. Flint was right when he fought the obscenity charges. Campbell was right when he fought obscenity charges in Florida for his 2 Live Crew concerts. Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snyder were right to take on the PMRC. There is no right to live in a world free from the possibility of offense, run by busy bodies who decide what you can and cannot be allowed to see.
As long as there's a right not to buy magazines like Hustler listen to music a person finds objectionable or change the channel on televisions we should be pretty much okay. Liberals object to such self censorship.
And that's the other half of the equation. Flint has the right to publish whatever drek he desires; I have the right to not but it. Campbell has the right to record whatever garbage he wants' I have the right to turn my radio off.
And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Larry Flint is a hunk of shit. But the right to free speech and making fun of political figures, like self-appointed leaders of the Moral Majority, is protected, no matter how reprehensible the speech is. Flint was right when he fought the obscenity charges. Campbell was right when he fought obscenity charges in Florida for his 2 Live Crew concerts. Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snyder were right to take on the PMRC. There is no right to live in a world free from the possibility of offense, run by busy bodies who decide what you can and cannot be allowed to see.

Well said.

I believer Jerry Falwell was slime but I would fight for his right to say slimy shit. Same with other slimy shit like Nugent, Palin, white supremacists, Pat Robertson, Westboro Baptists ad nauseum.
And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Larry Flint is a hunk of shit. But the right to free speech and making fun of political figures, like self-appointed leaders of the Moral Majority, is protected, no matter how reprehensible the speech is. Flint was right when he fought the obscenity charges. Campbell was right when he fought obscenity charges in Florida for his 2 Live Crew concerts. Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snyder were right to take on the PMRC. There is no right to live in a world free from the possibility of offense, run by busy bodies who decide what you can and cannot be allowed to see.

Well said.

I believer Jerry Falwell was slime but I would fight for his right to say slimy shit. Same with other slimy shit like Nugent, Palin, white supremacists, Pat Robertson, Westboro Baptists ad nauseum.

And what you don't understand about this case is that it is like many cases that go through the appeal process. It isn't about rights, or right. It is about keeping the court system from being clogged up. This is clearly libel on the part of Flynt. But had the SCOTUS ruled in that direction, the court system would have been gridlocked from all the cases that got filed.

There is much you do not know, Luddley. And how the law works is one of them. You simply have no foundation for thinking that someone portraying a person in the act of incest is or should be good or right in the eyes of the law, because it is not. The SCOTUS does not consist of gods. It consists of men and women with clay feet and who seek to keep the court system working efficiently. There have been many such cases in which right did not prevail. Until you have a foundation in the law, you should refrain from worshiping such rulings. The people who sent that ruling down knew it was vile. But this ruling ONLY covers parody. If you accuse someone of incest, you can still get your ass sued over it. And lose.

But I have to wonder how fast you would piss and moan to the mods of someone parodied you in the act of incest. Probably pretty damned fast.
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Hustler Magazine v. Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this is what you admire about Flynt. That totally figures. You are not even allowed to do something like this on USPOL. Why do you stay if being unable to say such things here is so repugnant to you?

Actually, I had forgotten about that but YES, I LOVED it. Jerry Falwell was pure slime.

BUT, you still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if I liked that or you didn't. What matters is it is protected free speech.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't support him financially. BUT, you must support his right to be obnoxious because it IS his right.

I never understand why its always the rw's who are against our Constitution.

Libel has always been actionable.

Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.
Actually, I had forgotten about that but YES, I LOVED it. Jerry Falwell was pure slime.

BUT, you still don't get it.

It doesn't matter if I liked that or you didn't. What matters is it is protected free speech.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't support him financially. BUT, you must support his right to be obnoxious because it IS his right.

I never understand why its always the rw's who are against our Constitution.

Libel has always been actionable.

Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.

It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.
Libel has always been actionable.

Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.

It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

Well, yes, because you are mentally unbalanced, and need to beleive people who disagree with you are are evil.

I just t hink you are sad and misguided...
Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.

It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

Well, yes, because you are mentally unbalanced, and need to beleive people who disagree with you are are evil.

I just t hink you are sad and misguided...

And you are clearly ignorant and stupid as well as vile. You really should take a look at how many times the SCOTUS has doubled back and reversed its own decisions. There are many, many such times. But you are ignorant and stupid as well as vile and so you don't know that.
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Libel has always been actionable.

Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.

It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

It isn't like Falwell was just some innocent bystander and here comes Flynt. Falwell made his Moral Majority bones on the back of Hustler and then cried when Flynt called him on it.

If Flynt just wrote the words "Jerry Falwell is a motherfucker" nobody would have batted an eyelash, but put it in graphical terms instead of letters and suddenly Falwell is wounded?
Except no one who read a parody in a porn magazine was going to seriously think that it was a factual account, therefore the legal definition of "libel" wasn't met.

It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

It isn't like Falwell was just some innocent bystander and here comes Flynt. Falwell made his Moral Majority bones on the back of Hustler and then cried when Flynt called him on it.

If Flynt just wrote the words "Jerry Falwell is a motherfucker" nobody would have batted an eyelash, but put it in graphical terms instead of letters and suddenly Falwell is wounded?

There was a member of his family involved. Try calling someone a mother fucker on here and see how long you last. Or insult their mother in any other way. I have no doubt the family rule here was instituted because of pansy assed little liberal shit heads like you pissing and moaning to staff..
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It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

It isn't like Falwell was just some innocent bystander and here comes Flynt. Falwell made his Moral Majority bones on the back of Hustler and then cried when Flynt called him on it.

If Flynt just wrote the words "Jerry Falwell is a motherfucker" nobody would have batted an eyelash, but put it in graphical terms instead of letters and suddenly Falwell is wounded?

There was a member of his family involved. Try calling someone a mother fucker on here and see how long you last. Or insult their mother in any other way. I have no doubt the family rule here was instituted because of pansy assed little liberal shit heads like you pissing and moaning to staff..

Why does this always have to be explained to the rw's?

Sunshine - this is a privately owned message board. There is no expectation of First Amendments rights or protection here. The owners can make their own rules and, if they want, they can change those rules several times a day. That is their right.

Now, go back and read two things - the First Amendment AND your own link.

Look for ONE thing - the mention of our government. The first words of the First Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law ..."

Get it???
I'm not fan of Flynt's. Nor of Howard Stein's. Nor Westboro's nor Nugent's.

But they serve a truly vital service to all of us. They constantly test the one thing that sets our government apart from every other government on the planet - our First Amendment.

We need to do that. We need to constantly reinforce our commitment to our own Constitution. We need to always be aware that it could be lost to us.
It was prior to that ruling. And Flynt stated in the testimony that he wanted to 'destroy' Falwell. You can sue a person for kicking your dog, but you have no cause of action for this type of vile publication.

Of course you know no one would believe it of YOU if someone posted it. Like hell! I would believe anything vile posted about you because you ARE vile.

Well, yes, because you are mentally unbalanced, and need to beleive people who disagree with you are are evil.

I just t hink you are sad and misguided...

And you are clearly ignorant and stupid as well as vile. You really should take a look at how many times the SCOTUS has doubled back and reversed its own decisions. There are many, many such times. But you are ignorant and stupid as well as vile and so you don't know that.

Oh, SCOTUS has a lot of times played politics when it shouldn't.

In this case, though, not really.

Not a person with a lick of sense would have thought a parody in a porno mag was a serious blight on the character of a fake Televangelist...
Scumbag useless fuck Flynt was against it because he wanted the guy tortured.

This man recanted his previous beliefs before he died, which is good. Turn the bigotry around and have this be a black scumbag being executed for targeting whites and it's not a national story.

Good riddance, but I wish he succeeded with Flynt. For that one alone he should have been Sainted.

How psychopathic.

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