Zone1 White Supremacists Who Attacked Black DJ at Bar Sentenced

But I'm not wrong and that's the problem you have.
The proof is overwhelming:

White on Black murders: 193

Black on White murders: 448

Bear in mind that whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks make up about 13%, meaning that there are about 6 times more whites than blacks in America. Also take into account that blacks commit over 50% of homicides. This means that blacks are committing a massively disproportionate amount of crime.

No excuses. You don't get to commit more crimes because there are more of you. If blacks had the same population as whites we'd have the same wealth, the same number of businesses, the same number of employed people, the same representation in the justice system and politically, etc. Unemployment is reduced, poverty reduce, and income is raised to the same level as whites. Black neighborhoods would have the same resources as white ones and we would not lead the nation in crime then argue per capita every time it's mentioned.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

Whites like you always try projecting white violence and criminality on other races. Whites have the most wealth and have every resource necessary to have a crime rate of less than 10 percent. But you don't. Whites stormed the capital and have riots over nothing. Every year despite having every advantage capitalism offers, lead in at least 27 out of the 30 categories of crime and do so by substantial margins. Don't ask me questions white man. Ask yourself: "Why do white people commit so many crimes?
Do you really think so? Why is it that in the inner cities where the majority of people are blacks, arent they very succesful, but instead going around murdering each other, doing drugs, and crime up the wazzoo? All you a racist prick can do, is try to blame "whitie" for the failures of your culture. Even your songs are about failure and murdering each other....

And those that do move away from the Democrat Plantation and make something of themselves, you harp on as being Oreos or Uncle Toms. Funny how you bitch and moan but never applaud those that moved on to success and conservatism.

Let's get you racists correct. You are wrong.

... the site quotes a report by the U.S. Department of Justice visible here (see page 13). The report, which analyzes Homicide Trends in the U.S. between 1980-2008, found that within that period “most murders were intraracial”, with 84% of white victims killed by whites and 93% of Black victims killed by Black perpetrators.

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

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