Markainion said:My Original post statistics:
Statistics from 1976 to 2002 --
·86% of white victims were killed by whites
·94% of black victims were killed by blacks
Does any ware in this data, indicated that whites are not likely to be killed by whites and blacks not more likely to be killed by blacks. I was just pointing out that it was more likely for a white to be killed by a non-white than blacks are.
And what I'm pointing out to you is that the odds of it ever happening to a white person are too remote to care about.
Simple data thats all, I never made a claim that African Americans were conducting a racial war, but there is also no such attacks going on by whites against blacks either. The KKK and white supremacist arent doing any serious amounts of killing against minorities to justify hate crime legislation, there mostly just idiot whites that pretty much every white person will side with blacks against.
Black on Black on violence is out of control though, and has been for a very long time, and African American Politicians seem to care far more about a small percentage of white killing blacks than the much larger portion of blacks killing blacks.
As for the assumption your making about me, I have known three close black work acquaintances in my life, one I considered a good friend at the time. One was a very good sales person, one was a hard working family man from Chicago, and the was a somewhat nerdy, virgin, mid- twenty film student that wanted to be an actor, he did more than anything to destroy any racial stereo types that I might have had.
Get your panties out of a bunch, buddy; nobody's calling you a racist. I always argue against the idea of worrying about things that might not happen in my lifetime. Even though you might not be a racist, postings like these make for good ammo for those who are. Your posting is not racist, but it was irresponsible.
To be frank, I would rather worry about that asteroid that's heading in our direction, than to worry about any man killing me, much less a black man.