Whitehouse Threatens Families Of Hostages Not To Pay Ransom For Hostages Or Face Prosecution

The message that Obama is a clueless incompetent who cannot be trusted with the Presidency.
I don't even understand how the hell that could be considered a crime. I understand that we "as a nation" don't negotiate with terrorists but a family trying to personally do what they can to rescue a family member is a crime?

I don't see why American citizens cannot pay ransom to get their loved ones back. It's a bit insensitive for the government to threaten the panicked loved ones of the hostage with prosecution for trying to save him or her. Should they just wait until their loved one is beheaded? What a crappy situation. No wonder some want the Middle East leveled with nuclear bombs.
Yet they trade for a traitorous awol soldier with terrorists.

What the fuck kind of message is that?
The policy of the U.S. government is to NOT pay ransom to terrorists. You seem to disagree.

Easier said when it's not a member of your family and the Foleys aren't the government; they are private citizens.
I don't see why American citizens cannot pay ransom to get their loved ones back. It's a bit insensitive for the government to threaten the panicked loved ones of the hostage with prosecution for trying to save him or her. Should they just wait until their loved one is beheaded?

Exactly. If they wanted to pay the ransom they should have gone through with it and then gone public with the whole affair. At the end of the day it's unlikely any prosecution would have occurred given the black eye it would have given the administration.
Read the link.

There was no threat from the WH.
The CHIEF OF STAFF was on the Sunday shows today & ADMITTED the conversation/threat/warning took place.

Get your head out of the sand.

You're seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there.

Post a link. There was no threat. The parents state that very clearly.

Edited to add - If you read various sources, they all same the same thing. The family was given legal advice. They said they chose to see that advice as a "threat".
If the Obama admin allowed ransom to be paid, USMB nutters would certainly be here bitching about how he's siding with terrorists.

Transparent fuckers.
I don't see why American citizens cannot pay ransom to get their loved ones back. It's a bit insensitive for the government to threaten the panicked loved ones of the hostage with prosecution for trying to save him or her. Should they just wait until their loved one is beheaded? What a crappy situation. No wonder some want the Middle East leveled with nuclear bombs.
I can see why. It encourages more kidnappings.
Read the link.

There was no threat from the WH.
The CHIEF OF STAFF was on the Sunday shows today & ADMITTED the conversation/threat/warning took place.

Get your head out of the sand.

You're seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there.

Post a link. There was no threat. The parents state that very clearly.

Edited to add - If you read various sources, they all same the same thing. The family was given legal advice. They said they chose to see that advice as a "threat".
Why do you feel the need to lie?

So Little Compassion James Foley s Parents Say Officials Threatened Family Over Ransom - ABC News
Read the link.

There was no threat from the WH.
The CHIEF OF STAFF was on the Sunday shows today & ADMITTED the conversation/threat/warning took place.

Get your head out of the sand.

You're seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there.

Post a link. There was no threat. The parents state that very clearly.

Edited to add - If you read various sources, they all same the same thing. The family was given legal advice. They said they chose to see that advice as a "threat".
Why do you feel the need to lie?

So Little Compassion James Foley s Parents Say Officials Threatened Family Over Ransom - ABC News

Compare this link with your first one and you see exactly what I'm talking about.

If you repeat something enough times, it becomes fact.
Read the link.

There was no threat from the WH.
The CHIEF OF STAFF was on the Sunday shows today & ADMITTED the conversation/threat/warning took place.

Get your head out of the sand.

You're seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there.

Post a link. There was no threat. The parents state that very clearly.

Edited to add - If you read various sources, they all same the same thing. The family was given legal advice. They said they chose to see that advice as a "threat".
Why do you feel the need to lie?

So Little Compassion James Foley s Parents Say Officials Threatened Family Over Ransom - ABC News

Compare this link with your first one and you see exactly what I'm talking about.

If you repeat something enough times, it becomes fact.
That link is IMBEDDED in the first link ya moron. And they BOTH say the same thing.

You have 0 credibility
Watch "Fox Host to McDonough: Did Admin ‘Threaten’ Sotlo…" on YouTube
Fox Host to McDonough: Did Admin ‘Threaten’ Sotlo…:
Informing people a law exist that forbids funding of terrorist groups and that if broken will lead to prosecution has now become known as a "threat".

The US under the Reagan administration ignored the policy of not negotiating or paying for hostages held by terrorist and paid for the release of hostages held by Hezbollah in Lebanon via the transfer of TOW and HAWK Missiles to Iran. Three hostages were released. Three Americans were quickly kidnapped to replace the released hostages.

If a family ignores the law and pays for the release of their loved one, another persons loved one is going to be kidnapped by the terrorist group. The whole process makes kidnapping and killing Americans profitable for terrorist groups. We learned that the hard way during the Reagan years when he created an open season on kidnapping and killing Americans overseas and turned small terrorist groups into global monsters.

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