WHO and China's head puppett Dr. Tedros investigating China. BAHAHAHAHAHA!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
As if the world couldn't get more absurd, The W.H.O. and one of China's most important puppets, Dr. Tedros is now investigating the origins of the Wuhan virus and China's related actions. That's like assigning Don Lemon to investigate wrongdoings by Black Lives Matter.

Thanks for starting this thread, MarathonMike, and yes, their warlike activities in the sea lanes are worrisome to the other countries in the world.

China is worrying America's financial community and others who notice China wants to replace the USA' influence totally.

Here's just another worry about what China is doing:
Thanks for starting this thread, MarathonMike, and yes, their warlike activities in the sea lanes are worrisome to the other countries in the world.

China is worrying America's financial community and others who notice China wants to replace the USA' influence totally.

Here's just another worry about what China is doing:

This is why we need a REAL Media. They should be all over this sham investigation headed up by Xi's puppet Dr. Tedros BlahdeBlah. Instead all we hear about lately is stupid shit about Russian bounties that Trump may or may not have known about. Give me a break, our Media is PATHETIC.
Thanks for starting this thread, MarathonMike, and yes, their warlike activities in the sea lanes are worrisome to the other countries in the world.

China is worrying America's financial community and others who notice China wants to replace the USA' influence totally.

Here's just another worry about what China is doing:

This is why we need a REAL Media. They should be all over this sham investigation headed up by Xi's puppet Dr. Tedros BlahdeBlah. Instead all we hear about lately is stupid shit about Russian bounties that Trump may or may not have known about. Give me a break, our Media is PATHETIC.

#2: The video fits Chinese avarice, their culinary promiscuity links a devouring drive that either wants to buy the planet, or eat the planet.

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