Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Ireland will recognize a Palestinian state before the end of this month, Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said on Wednesday.

Martin’s comment came on the same day that the Israeli government derided a separate push in the United Nations to back a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member.

European Union members including Ireland, Spain, Slovenia, and Malta, had planned to officially recognize a Palestinian state next Tuesday, according to the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell. However, the Irish foreign minister said in a new interview that the exact date is still being discussed.

Israel has warned European countries that unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip would effectively amount to a “reward for terrorism” that would reduce the chances of a negotiated resolution to the conflict — a point echoed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

“We will not reward the terrible massacre of Oct. 7, which 80 percent of the Palestinians support, both in Gaza and the West Bank,” Netanyahu said in a statement, referencing Palestinian polling that has shown widespread support for Hamas’ atrocities. “We will not allow them to establish a terrorist state from which they will be able to vigorously attack us.”

He added, “Nobody will prevent us, prevent Israel, from realizing our basic right to self-defense — not the UN General Assembly or any other body. We will stand together with our head held high to defend our country.”

Praise be to God who blessed us with my daughter Jana graduating from grade 12. From the Palestine American School, with honors. And as the best character of 2024
I congratulate my beloved husband for this excellence, and to all the family and relatives, and thanks to all the teachers who have provided all the support and love to my daughter, either in the Palestine American School or in the Al-Najah School.
My beloved Jana, we worked a lot and stayed up late so that we reached this great success and the beginning of fulfilling your many dreams, God willing, in the light of all these difficult circumstances that our people are going through in Gaza, where the graduation was without any ceremonial appearances.

When I was a kid in the 1950s they were called Palestinians.. about 40,000 worked in Saudi Arabia.
Nice try. That was AFTER the Mandate for Palestine which gave ALL who lived there the identity of being Palestinians.

Those Arabs did not care to be called that.

And Arafat ONLY adopted the Nationality for all of them in 1964. Arabs are very slow people, but determined to hate Jews and destroy the Jewish ancient homeland all for themselves.

Islamic teachings against Jews continues from Mohammad to present day.

TIME to teach LOVE and PEACE to ALL Christians and Muslims as they do NOT KNOW AT ALL what those words mean.
When I was a kid in the 1950s they were called Palestinians.. about 40,000 worked in Saudi Arabia.
Before the creation of Israel in 1948 everyone who lived in the Mandate was called a Palestinian. The meaning of the word has changed so that now it is a propaganda term meant to imply the Arabs there have a special connection to the land.
Nice try. That was AFTER the Mandate for Palestine which gave ALL who lived there the identity of being Palestinians.

Those Arabs did not care to be called that.

And Arafat ONLY adopted the Nationality for all of them in 1964. Arabs are very slow people, but determined to hate Jews and destroy the Jewish ancient homeland all for themselves.

Islamic teachings against Jews continues from Mohammad to present day.

TIME to teach LOVE and PEACE to ALL Christians and Muslims as they do NOT KNOW AT ALL what those words mean.

They were called Palestinian Arabs like Saudi Arabs, Kuwaiti Arabs or Emirates.

Arabs aren't slow and you aren't superior.
They were called Palestinian Arabs like Saudi Arabs, Kuwaiti Arabs or Emirates.

Arabs aren't slow and you aren't superior.
They were called Palestinian Arabs BECAUSE of the Mandate for Palestine for the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation, and NO Other Reason. Before that they were just Arabs who wanted to be part of Syria and be called Syrians.

Arabs are not slow but too many are murderous people with a superiority complex over non Muslims started by Mohammad who himself had a superiority complex over Jews.

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