Who benefits from high oil prices?

I think that you are making frivolous assumptions. It is better to look at financial information on financial resources, and not on "pedias", especially if your money is at stake.
The dollar has not been a reserve currency for Europe since the inception of the European monetary system, which is why it was created to overthrow the power of the United States.
I actually puth thousands of dollars based on my beliefs...
Do you?
I actually puth thousands of dollars based on my beliefs...
Do you?
Any schoolchild can say this. You are saying illiterate things. You do not understand the meaning of the concept of "reserve currency" at all. And no worthwhile investor will read "pedias"
Any schoolchild can say this. You are saying illiterate things. You do not understand the meaning of the concept of "reserve currency" at all. And no worthwhile investor will read "pedias"
Uhhhh Charles Schwab begs to differ.
Uhhhh Charles Schwab begs to differ.
Here you cannot rely on any authorities at all. Many people think of themselves as investment geniuses, but in fact they just fall into the trend. Markets usually rise for a long time and fall quickly. Most of the "financial geniuses" who make money on growth then fall painfully. Good is not the one who makes money on growth, but the one who got out of the bubble in time.
Those who play short really understand the market. As a rule. Because it not forgive mistakes
Here you cannot rely on any authorities at all. Many people think of themselves as investment geniuses, but in fact they just fall into the trend. Markets usually rise for a long time and fall quickly. Most of the "financial geniuses" who make money on growth then fall painfully. Good is not the one who makes money on growth, but the one who got out of the bubble in time.
Not really my cup of tea for investing.

I did that for a bit but hated staying so close on top of junk.

Now I just play commodities and do what everyone is not doing but is going to.

A good bit of recession/stagflation is coming when the market stimulus stops...

Meaning that I am already positioned for it.
Gonna be a bit of a horserace for coffee and midstream oil/Nat gas as to which will find topping out first...

But then I have time to find the next area to go....some of the short term things I was looking at like SAVA and DD and BBBY fired off this past week... ugghhhh.
Oh well...
Of course the coffee I gotta dump but midstream probably will hang in there for a bit. Giving me more time.

Just going to depend on what I can find...

It's going to be Pittsville for the market.
But I'm still looking for the next corner to invest in. Again I do the opposite of everyone else. That's why I make money.
Where do they usually go from oil?
Well oil is a commodity... fungible and sometimes volatile. All dependant on supply and demand. Also the most versatile and completely utilized commodity. There is no waste product from oil. Which the demand/use tells us how well an economy is doing...it's in everything. From paint to plastics and all points in between.

Currently the world is short on supply and usually the Saudis enjoy supplying the most of anyone. It's price is listed as Brent. But it doesn't really come from the Brent Sea. Just priced based on the old Great British Pound Stirling name is all.

Most of the petroleum the USA uses is out of the Gulf of Mexico off the Texas and Florida Coast. (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana are in there too)
There are land based Wells but they don't produce so much as offshore Wells. Also Wells in Southern and Central California...from outside Sacramento to LA.
Mexico produces a good bit too.

however....the Appalachian mountains are full of natural gas. Which is the hot commodity right now. Huge shale deposits of the stuff....geologists got the whole formation detailed out. Petroleum Wells usually have some natural gas too...but some have more than others.

What I'm planning is watching the basic material flows to see who is buying and using... maybe selling but like I said Dupont done fired off....figured as much when the car rental place bought 100k cars from Tesla. But I was tied up already and unwilling to chase the dollars. Might should have....that one was nice too.

But maybe the next thing will be water... you know, clean water from filtration systems. Pandemic has got everyone jittery about bugs and bacteria and all that. Then the antivaxxers got everyone scared of chemicals they put on their bodies.

Dunno...I'll have to look into it some more. People are sheep who move in waves in a bipolar fashion. I once thought that bottled water was dumb...great money maker though even though it comes right out of the tap clean and good....but whatever eh?
Chips are gonna hit the dirt soon enough. P/E of over 100 is just nuts no matter what.
And BBBY fired off because they jumped in bed with Kroger...sigh. SAVA fired off already too because it has ships the right size for secondary ports instead of the big ones all backed up...dammit. 25% overnight...

Like I said...I'll figure something out here in a couple months.
As OPEC noted it's often governed by irrational exhuberance.

Believe what you want but if you have a glance at Google and the reasons are there.

I have no idea what your last statement is referring to.

You know exactly what I meant. You voted for free enterprise and dog eat dog. That's what causes high prices. Own it.
Do you really think that everything happens on the principles of the free market? Why do you get involved in topics in which you absolutely do not understand anything? Why would I waste my time proving basic things?

I don't know why you waste your time but I'll bet my politics has got a bit to do with it. You don't know everything, you only think all democrats are dumber than you.
I'll get another whack at you involved in anything I like where I can agitate you to the point you distract.
Colin 1. You. 0
Colin norris

Since I can't quote from your reply as it was improperly done, which vote did I make that does whatever it is you claim I voted for?
Just apologize for mindlessly ranting.

Listen up dickhead.
I'll explain it again. You voted for Republican. That's the party that believes in everything will be solved by the market and free enterprise.
That is what the fuel crisis is about and you cannot prove one instance other than that. It has nothing to do with Biden.

As for apologising to a nut case godbotherer like you? I'd rather suck wet diahorrea through a dead chinamans underpants than grovel you an idiot like you.

Are you happy with that apology? See how good you are now smart arse.

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