Who do you think would be the best Republican nominee for president? (Poll)

Who do you think would be the best Republican nominee for president?

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Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Who do you think would be the best Republican nominee for president?

I tend to think DeSantis would do better in the General than Trump, but who knows? In the General, you have those disturbing creatures known as democrats to deal with and who knows how that will go this time.

I also like the fact DeSantis doesn't have the moral baggage Trump has. I frankly find him more trustworthy in some ways. On the other hand, Trump tells it like it is when it comes to the demonrats and their sick policies AND he has a lot of experience and did a good job .

I don't know how to answer this Q (I'm still thinking about it)
Who do you think would be the best Republican nominee for president?

I tend to think DeSantis would do better in the General than Trump, but who knows? In the General, you have those disturbing creatures known as democrats to deal with and who knows how that will go this time.

I also like the fact DeSantis doesn't have the moral baggage Trump has. I frankly find him more trustworthy in some ways. On the other hand, Trump tells it like it is when it comes to the demonrats and their sick policies AND he has a lot of experience and did a good job .

I don't know how to answer this Q (I'm still thinking about it)
Trust me. If DeSantis is the nominee he'll have 'moral baggage' real fast because the dishonest in the opposition will make sure he does. And I don't think he'll do one whit better as the candidate in the general election than Trump or anybody else will. ANY Republican running will be accused of every imaginable sin and no Democrat propaganda machine in the MSM will do anything to debunk the accusations as they will consistently do for Democrats.

By far the ONLY candidate with a proven track record of vision, skill set, experience, ability to identify and find solution for problems, focus on what is good for America and Americans, and put America on equal footing on the national scene is Trump. The ONLY candidate with the track record for cooling aggressive behaviors and achieving the closest thing to world peace I've every experienced is Trump.

Would someone yet untested do as well? I don't know. But I know Trump did it and intends to do it again apart from party politics, ideology, or any other tools of the professional politicians.

Do I like Trump? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. He can be extremely charming and likable at times and annoying and off putting at times. But I'll take that mixed bag any day of the week and twice on Sundays to get again what he accomplished in three short years.

And if the people decide on somebody else as the GOP nominee I'll vote for that person no matter who he/she is as the worst Republican has to be better than what we've had since January 2021.
DeSantis should be the nominee but it doesn't matter because the election is rigged.
Who do you think would be the best Republican nominee for president?

I tend to think DeSantis would do better in the General than Trump, but who knows? In the General, you have those disturbing creatures known as democrats to deal with and who knows how that will go this time.

I also like the fact DeSantis doesn't have the moral baggage Trump has. I frankly find him more trustworthy in some ways. On the other hand, Trump tells it like it is when it comes to the demonrats and their sick policies AND he has a lot of experience and did a good job .

I don't know how to answer this Q (I'm still thinking about it)

Liz Cheney hands down.
Liz Cheney hands down.
Biden Laughing.gif
There can only be one possible candidate for the repub nomination. Trump's MAGA cult has completely absorbed the republican party, and his minions won't allow any other possbility.
Trust me. If DeSantis is the nominee he'll have 'moral baggage' real fast because the dishonest in the opposition will make sure he does. And I don't think he'll do one whit better as the candidate in the general election than Trump or anybody else will. ANY Republican running will be accused of every imaginable sin and no Democrat propaganda machine in the MSM will do anything to debunk the accusations as they will consistently do for Democrats.

By far the ONLY candidate with a proven track record of vision, skill set, experience, ability to identify and find solution for problems, focus on what is good for America and Americans, and put America on equal footing on the national scene is Trump. The ONLY candidate with the track record for cooling aggressive behaviors and achieving the closest thing to world peace I've every experienced is Trump.

Would someone yet untested do as well? I don't know. But I know Trump did it and intends to do it again apart from party politics, ideology, or any other tools of the professional politicians.

Do I like Trump? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. He can be extremely charming and likable at times and annoying and off putting at times. But I'll take that mixed bag any day of the week and twice on Sundays to get again what he accomplished in three short years.

And if the people decide on somebody else as the GOP nominee I'll vote for that person no matter who he/she is as the worst Republican has to be better than what we've had since January 2021.
great, readable post :)

I agree except that SOME Americans have retained the use of their minds. So I think it is not accurate to say that all non-R voters will reject the R candidate. CNN puts forth a lot of BS/propaganda and young people watch that crap, and are too young to realize what liars they are. Fortunately young people don't put such a big emphasis on voting that older people do. And I already knew the 1st thing you say about how DeSantis or any other R candidate will "have moral baggage real fast" because of the Party of Liars and Baby Killers (as some of us are prone to call it).

The only thing I dislike about Trump is that sometimes he exaggerates, is too profuse in his praise of certain people who agree w/ him. I mean, few people are as great as he sometimes indicates. I don't know why that annoys me but it does. I guess it's kind of like Lying Lite or something. But other than that, I have not found him to be a liar, as the sick lefties say.
There can only be one possible candidate for the repub nomination. Trump's MAGA cult has completely absorbed the republican party, and his minions won't allow any other possbility.
It's awesome


DeSantis should be the nominee but it doesn't matter because the election is rigged.
probably true. We'd like to think states have corrected their voting "issues" but God knows.
And as they say, He aint tellin'
great, readable post :)

I agree except that SOME Americans have retained the use of their minds. So I think it is not accurate to say that all non-R voters will reject the R candidate. CNN puts forth a lot of BS/propaganda and young people watch that crap, and are too young to realize what liars they are. Fortunately young people don't put such a big emphasis on voting that older people do. And I already knew the 1st thing you say about how DeSantis or any other R candidate will "have moral baggage real fast" because of the Party of Liars and Baby Killers (as some of us are prone to call it).

The only thing I dislike about Trump is that sometimes he exaggerates, is too profuse in his praise of certain people who agree w/ him. I mean, few people are as great as he sometimes indicates. I don't know why that annoys me but it does. I guess it's kind of like Lying Lite or something. But other than that, I have not found him to be a liar, as the sick lefties say.
Trump speaks almost ALL the time as you and I speak to other people. Such discussions invariably will include some exaggerations/hyperbole and metaphorical images without us even thinking about it a whole lot. That is in no way lying. It is just the way normal people express themselves. He never got the hang of being a slick, polished, professional politician and the few times he has tried to be that he was far less effective in getting his message out.

He also, as many intelligent people do who are trying to fit a lot of information into a small time frame, will be thinking ahead of his words resulting in half sentences, half thoughts expressed that can come across as exaggerations when they weren't meant to be. Those of us with integrity just fill in the blanks. The unethical use those phrases as evidence of 'lies.'

But then those with integrity put things into their full context. The unethical don't.
I can't even answer the Poll question because I am actually torn btwn Trump and DeSantis.

In any case, I am not at all torn about voting R

That's written in stone
Trump speaks almost ALL the time as you and I speak to other people. Such discussions invariably will include some exaggerations/hyperbole and metaphorical images without us even thinking about it a whole lot. That is in no way lying. It is just the way normal people express themselves. He never got the hang of being a slick, polished, professional politician and the few times he has tried to be that he was far less effective in getting his message out.

He also, as many intelligent people do who are trying to fit a lot of information into a small time frame, will be thinking ahead of his words resulting in half sentences, half thoughts expressed that can come across as exaggerations when they weren't meant to be. Those of us with integrity just fill in the blanks. The unethical use those phrases as evidence of 'lies.'

But then those with integrity put things into their full context. The unethical don't.
well said. I actually do what Trump does all the time: not finish sentences before I go onto some other thought because I am running out of time or whatever.

I mean, if what I said about Trump is the only thing I don't like... that's virtually NOTHING. There is nothing I seriously dislike about Trump and you have to know ME to know that that is... amazing. I dislike most people, frankly. I am not proud of that and I do LOVE people. I love everyone. But like?

That's different. There are few people I would really, really like to have lunch with. Of course, no one wants to have lunch with me either, that I know of LOL

so that works out great

That would be a great team.

I haven't heard of anything about Ramaswamy that bothers me. I think he's kind of young but he knows what's going on (etc)
I have heard of some issues but nothing that is an absolute deal breaker for me. But I just can't see Ramaswamy gaining any traction with a Congress who is always going to be difficult for any President. I can't see him generating the confidence of the American people that he knows what he is doing. He has a tendency to speak and then backtrack. I think the Deep State and a hostile MSM would chew him up and spit him out pretty quickly.

But I could be wrong. And if he is the nominee he gets my vote and I wouldn't have to hold my nose to cast it but it wouldn't be a happy vote.
I saw Haley at a debate and was not terribly impressed. She snapped at Ramaswamy and I find that unprofessional and frankly, suspect.

And I don't like her rather wishy washy views on abortion. Abortion is murder. Period. I know we pro life ppl have to accept that no dimrat is going to vote in Congress, state (?) or US congress, for a total ban on ALL abortions and we may have to accept some 6 wk cut off thing, but

and this is one thing I REALLY like (liked?) about Trump: He was /is pro life and did something about it. It wasn't all just talk. Now I hear he kind of regrets Roe being over-turned, or maybe that's just the way some libs see it? I don't think he regrets it, he just doesn't want the Rs to lose elections.

Yep, I don't think he regrets it like liberals go on.. They are such liars!
I have heard of some issues but nothing that is an absolute deal breaker for me. But I just can't see Ramaswamy gaining any traction with a Congress who is always going to be difficult for any President. I can't see him generating the confidence of the American people that he knows what he is doing. He has a tendency to speak and then backtrack. I think the Deep State and a hostile MSM would chew him up and spit him out pretty quickly.

But I could be wrong. And if he is the nominee he gets my vote and I wouldn't have to hold my nose to cast it but it wouldn't be a happy vote.
I'd happily vote for him. . ditto Trump and DeSantis. I can't see myself voting for CC or even Haley, though the latter is preferable to CC!

That dude acts like all he wants is for the left to like his ass. When you see Rs showing up on CNN a lot and not so much on Fox or Newsmax..

yeh.. you get my drift. I know sometimes Rs have to show up in that hellhole, but you don't see DeSantis turning into a D when he does or a RINO
I saw Haley at a debate and was not terribly impressed. She snapped at Ramaswamy and I find that unprofessional and frankly, suspect.

And I don't like her rather wishy washy views on abortion. Abortion is murder. Period. I know we pro life ppl have to accept that no dimrat is going to vote in Congress, state (?) or US congress, for a total ban on ALL abortions and we may have to accept some 6 wk cut off thing, but

and this is one thing I REALLY like (liked?) about Trump: He was /is pro life and did something about it. It wasn't all just talk. Now I hear he kind of regrets Roe being over-turned, or maybe that's just the way some libs see it? I don't think he regrets it, he just doesn't want the Rs to lose elections.

Yep, I don't think he regrets it like liberals go on.. They are such liars!
He doesn't regret Roe being overturned. He regrets the GOP forcing truly draconian abortion laws on the people at the state level and thereby having no chance to win on the issue. If someone as profoundly pro life as I am sees those laws as draconian. . .

I hoped the states would adopt something similar to what Roe was intended to be, not the horrible way the abortion crowd demanded it be interpreted. If they had done that, all the people could see it wasn't a terrible thing even for the most pro choice group. And we would then have time to gently but persuasively re-establish a culture of life in which the most necessary of abortions would be the choice.

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