Who else besides Gunny...

We liberals only drink fine wines from California and other parts of America. Once in while we engage in a fine French Bordeaux or Italian Barolo but mostly liberals support America, that what being liberal means. ;)

Well, Cali and MISSOURI wines..

Fuck Inbev. and Fuck AB. You can't imagine the hostility rampant in this state today.

And wine is for, to put it kindly, queers. And I mean that in the nicest way.

Lick my nuts, baba. We can't all be deep voiced, knuckle dragging biker sluts that think drinking half a bottle wild turkey is as sexy as that long ago ex's name tattooed on your titties.
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Wrong again as always... there is more to wine than the boones farm crap that you are familiar with...shmuck..

It's crap. Every drop. I'd as soon suck on lemons as taste that swill wannabe elitists pour down their gullets.

So I'd say who's the schmuck is in the eye of the beholder.
ok ok.. that was probably a bit harsh, baba. I doubt that you are the sturgis type.

im chaffing a bit about alcohol choices today.

I invite you to discover some tasty Missouri wines though.

Missouri Wines
And wine is for, to put it kindly, queers. And I mean that in the nicest way.

LOL - that made me laugh, I remember when our boys were young and we lived week to week on hot summer days after working on the house or yard, I would go down to the corner taproom, drink a cold one, 25 cents then, and take a cold quart bottle of Budweiser home to drink in the shade. Damn that is a fond memory.
We liberals only drink fine wines from California and other parts of America. Once in while we engage in a fine French Bordeaux or Italian Barolo but mostly liberals support America, that what being liberal means. ;)

Fine wines, French Bordeaux, Italian Barolo? Hmmmm.....I thought Republicans were supposed to be the rich ones? I guess you just showed the lie in that. Sounds like you have too much discretionary income. Have you given any thought to pre-paying your taxes Midcan?
Lick my nuts, baba. We can't all be deep voiced, knuckle dragging biker sluts that think drinking half a bottle wild turkey is as sexy as that long ago ex's name tattooed on your titties.

Mmmm...I did go through a wild turkey phase.
Got to be a bit much.
Not tatts, bikes or knuckle dragging for me, silly goose. Quit projecting your deepest darkest fantasies on me or I'll think you're a wine queer.

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