Who in his/her right mind would vote for Gavin Newsom?!

All the crazies in the streets: REAGAN the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill starting in the 1960’s.

No, California was at the top of the food chain for my entire life. Now its a fucking shithole and it all happened under Newsom.
All the crazies in the streets: REAGAN the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill starting in the 1960’s.

Why? He ruined that state with the homeless, taxes, regulations and anti business policies. People are leaving in droves. Well known store chains are leaving for crying out loud. Why would you vote for that?
retardation is the only explanation...
All the crazies in the streets: REAGAN the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill starting in the 1960’s.

There was 1/ 8th the Homeless / Mentally I’ll in Ca. In the early 80s as there are now . ( or less )
How do we know that homelessness is not what drove these people crazy,

and yet we think the crazy came first? (well, I don't... The homeless are no more crazy than anyone else most of the time)
How do we know that homelessness is not what drove these people crazy,

and yet we think the crazy came first? (well, I don't... The homeless are no more crazy than anyone else most of the time)
The word "crazy" is a nasty pejorative and has no place in a real discussion.

There is no denying that far more homeless people than not have mental disorders from mild to severe plus those with debilitating alcohol and drug abuse problems.

I also believe that there is a large percentage of homeless who are comfortable with that lifestyle. On the other hand, encouraging homelessness at the expense of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens is just foolish.
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Virtually everything that comes from this guy's mouth is a lie.

He just wants power. He couldn't care less about what is best for America. It's like Vote for me and I will do to the US what I did to California!!!

We all know how he solved the egregious homeless problem in CA, don't we? That was a campaign promise: to do something about the homeless problem Yeh, he did something about it, that is true: he made it worse.

So he failed and he knows he failed but he wants power. God knows why. No, wait, even I know why he wants power, when I think of it.

He doesn't have anything else. Power fills the vacuum within.

Those who support Gretchen Whitmer would agree.

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