Who is behind that terror attack in Moscow yesterday?

i suspect ,,,

  • Putin himself

  • Russians

  • Ukrainians

  • IS

  • ISPK

  • the West

  • somebody else

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not know…

but guessss
Too many possibilities. Maybe ISIS but their exit point Ukraine raises questions. For example it could be some western secret service that wants Ukraine and Russia to continue the war for ever and thus suggest some Ukrainian terror attack. It would result in some Russian intensification of the war, which in turn could be used to change the Republicans´ mind on the aid. After all it was the US intelligence that warned of a terror attack. They knew in advance.
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It is total nuttery to differ between ISIS and ISIL. Levante stands for Syria in this case.
So first, ISIS and ISIL is the same.
And second, ISIS is Arabic, it is called Daesh in Arabic, they give a shit about what they are called in English.
You're preaching to the choir.

I don't give a flying-fuck what you call them.

Obama seems to care about it tho.
You're preaching to the choir.

I don't give a flying-fuck what you call them.

Obama seems to care about it tho.
Their language is Arabic, so it is neither ISIS nor ISIL. And claiming that those who say ISIL support them and those who say ISIS don´t, is ridiculous.
The terrorist attack in Crocus - thoughts on....

I am now watching the sentencing of three more idiots (a father and his two sons) who sold their car to the perpetrators, and I can't escape the thought that someone is persistently pushing us down a false trail in this case, trying to hide the main defendants in the case...

Look, none of the seven who were caught red-handed even tried to cover their tracks. They behaved straightforwardly and did everything to get into the hands of justice.

Meanwhile, the attack itself was planned with high professionalism. Initial preparation, clarity in actions ... and complete retardation in the withdrawal. And then a video emerges of the perpetrators, allegedly ISIS members...
Well, it seems clearer than clear.

Meanwhile, there are still a lot of inconsistencies in this scheme. And the most important of them is how it happened that the criminals in 18 minutes entered the room, killed and wounded dozens of people (and not quickly, and in a lurch). They also planted bombs and set fire to the building, which in theory is not flammable, so that it burned like a candle.

In order to do this it was necessary not just to enter the building and look around beforehand. It is necessary to know thoroughly study its structural features and weak (especially combustible) places. And also to put explosives and something inflammable (and in large quantities) in the right places in advance, so that all this would collapse quickly. And for all that, only 18 minutes, four obviously half-witted morons ... with a couple backpacks over their shoulders.

Am I the only one who thinks that someone is trying to lead us around by the nose, and four morons were literally put in the hands of justice?
Obviously a lot of the stuff for the terrorist attack was brought into the building in advance and set on fire when it was needed. So that the victims would be numerous. And also to make it all look like the work of ISIS....

It is already clear that such a complex construction is beyond the capacity of not only ISIS, but also the Ukrainian security services, which can only be another spacer and concrete implementers of the plan, which, according to the plan, will not allow us to find the true organizers. Only real aces can do that. Such as MI6 or CIA.
Yes, we can follow the "logic" of the liberal one-cell opposition, that the government itself allegedly organized everything "to frame the ukros.

But the key inconsistency here is the ISIS trail. Why would we need it here? If it was the Russian authorities (let's theorize for single-celled people), which needed to frame Ukrainians, then it would certainly not need to portray an ISIS trail. In this case, four guys would have been found at the scene of the crime or detention, and they would have been found with a Bandera book in their backpacks. And they would have shouted not "Allahu Akbar", but "Glory to Ukraine" in the "accidentally surfaced recording on the eve of the terrorist attack". It's obvious, isn't it? But we are being deliberately framed as ISIS with all the evidence.
And herein lies their main mistake. The organizers overplayed their hand. They wanted to throw false evidence and ... overdid it.

Especially with their statements (official) that it is definitely not Kiev, but ISIS. And warning from 07.03.24 to US citizens not to go to concerts.
Plus the recording of course. And, according to these circumstantial signs, it turns out that it was the Americans who planned it, not the British (although I may be wrong on this point).

And, I think, if we find those who planted the explosives and actually set the building on fire, or at least attack their trail, we will find the second bottom in this story, which will lead us to the masterminds.
And I have a suspicion that it will not even be the SBU or GUR of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine (although they were not without them either, as evidenced by the coordinated actions of the ukro propaganda just minutes after the terrorist attack).
These will be more fatter rats. Here "white masters" smell.....
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Their language is Arabic, so it is neither ISIS nor ISIL. And claiming that those who say ISIL support them and those who say ISIS don´t, is ridiculous.
The only reason we call them ISIS is because we're using the English version (duh), not the Arabic version, dumb-ass.

Not all Muslims speak Arabic. I should know because I studied it.

Most of them have at least a rudimentary knowledge of Arabic but they speak the language, or the dialect, of their homeland.
Not at all.

You didn't understand what I said, but instead of asking for clarification you started acting like a dickhead.

As I was saying, Obama isn't a Muslim......and he likes to call ISIS...ISIL.

End of discussion.
No, it is not the end. You now claim what you sad has no meaning at all.

Now it´s the end.
UK MP George Galloway: When the US, UK and others quickly tried to assure me that it was only ISIS that committed this mass murder in Moscow, I automatically knew they were lying. And this is what I discovered

George on the money as usual, you can watch his show twice a week wednesday and Sunday, the mother of all talk shows.
UK MP George Galloway: When the US, UK and others quickly tried to assure me that it was only ISIS that committed this mass murder in Moscow, I automatically knew they were lying. And this is what I discovered

George on the money again, you can watch his show twice a week wednesday and Sunday, the mother of all talk shows.
How ISIS carries out its terrorist attacks....

This is today's ISIS terrorist attack in Afghanistan (Kandahar) - find any common features with what happened at Crocus.
It's the same as before - simple, unpretentious, in the spirit of the battered mountain dwellers. Clearly not for money, but for a deceptive "idea. As before - a shahid belt and 8 dead and 20 wounded.

Find something similar to what happened in Crocus. But the U.S. is persistently trying to prove to us that the terrorist attack in the Moscow region was organized by the same "Afghan shepherds".

И ... explicitly hint that they will kill (as far as they can) all those who think otherwise ...

I wonder if right now, if some terrorist organization claimed responsibility for destroying a bridge in Maryland, would that be enough to pin everything on them and "stop looking for other culprits in this case"?

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