Who is in Favor of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse?

God forbid consumers are informed of illicit business practices

President Musk must protect them from information

What makes an agency in Washington DC more fit to inform people of "illicit" business practices, more than the consumers themselves or local outfits like the Better Business Bureau?

This agency has been in existence for years, how much money have they saved consumers, and how much have they cost the people?

Let's see an audit, see their effectiveness.
The resistance toward exposing the MASSIVE corruption from/of the demented LEFT is something to behold.
Seismic rolls are coming...
What makes an agency in Washington DC more fit to inform people of "illicit" business practices, more than the consumers themselves or local outfits like the Better Business Bureau?

This agency has been in existence for years, how much money have they saved consumers, and how much have they cost the people?

Let's see an audit, see their effectiveness.

The Better Business Bureau is not affiliated with any governmental agency. Businesses that affiliate with BBB and adhere to its standards do so through industry self-regulation.

Better Business Bureau - Wikipedia

I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
very simply put, notice the one's most vocal against Doge are the ones with the most to lose in finding out the corruption and funneling of money those same people took in whether into their campaigns and or personal wealth.
This is why the last few years, I've been talking about the way they revert funds back to their own campaigns and family members at the cost of the American taxpayer. I also warned that they will do everything and anything to remain in power to keep this gravy train hidden and moving along, as they did and are still doing like a badger trapped in a corner scratching and clawing to stay out of jail and disfavor.
I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
It is not fraud, waste and abuse they are against, it is destruction of the agencies "accused" of doing that.

To begin with, there is not one single agency in the U.S. and for the past 70 that cannot be accused of having fraud, waste and abuse occurring and that is even more real when the Republicans are in office than when the Democrats are:


Secondly, you do not go and attempt to stop it in a dictator-like way but in a Democratic way, meaning that first you investigate it, then you make a valid and supported accusation and then you prove it in court.

All of that is being put aside by Trump, starting with the fact that they are making accusations and not providing proof of anything. With Trump and Musk being proven liars, such accusations should not be taken at face value.

Having said all of that, if found guilty, you then prosecute those that are guilty of the charges but you do not prosecute everyone in those agencies, or even less the agency itself as there is a lot of good being done there, aside from the fact that they provide needed benefits as well as jobs for many Americans.

The idea of finding fraud, waste, and abuse is a good one but not this way!
I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
This is how democrats fund their reelection campaigns and line their bank accounts.
I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
It’s not waste, fraud or abuse when it benefits democrats. They chose this as the hill their Party will die on.

No funds, no illegal voter base = no future
I'll just put this here...

"USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives."

The wasteful dollars just get moved from one pocket to the other whenever there is a change in administrations.
I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
It's all part of the deep state. Therefore, it can't be cut.
If Republicans are so concerned about fighting fraud, why did they close the Consumer Protection Bureau?
You do know the CFPB has nothing to do with Consumers, right? It's banking.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a federal agency that writes and enforces rules for financial institutions, examines both bank and non-bank financial institutions, monitors and reports on markets, and collects and tracks consumer complaints.
It is not fraud, waste and abuse they are against, it is destruction of the agencies "accused" of doing that.

To begin with, there is not one single agency in the U.S. and for the past 70 that cannot be accused of having fraud, waste and abuse occurring and that is even more real when the Republicans are in office than when the Democrats are:

View attachment 1077152

Secondly, you do not go and attempt to stop it in a dictator-like way but in a Democratic way, meaning that first you investigate it, then you make a valid and supported accusation and then you prove it in court.

All of that is being put aside by Trump, starting with the fact that they are making accusations and not providing proof of anything. With Trump and Musk being proven liars, such accusations should not be taken at face value.

Having said all of that, if found guilty, you then prosecute those that are guilty of the charges but you do not prosecute everyone in those agencies, or even less the agency itself as there is a lot of good being done there, aside from the fact that they provide needed benefits as well as jobs for many Americans.

The idea of finding fraud, waste, and abuse is a good one but not this way!

Are you saying dems are just better when it comes to hiding criminality?

It is not fraud, waste and abuse they are against, it is destruction of the agencies "accused" of doing that.

To begin with, there is not one single agency in the U.S. and for the past 70 that cannot be accused of having fraud, waste and abuse occurring and that is even more real when the Republicans are in office than when the Democrats are:

View attachment 1077152

Secondly, you do not go and attempt to stop it in a dictator-like way but in a Democratic way, meaning that first you investigate it, then you make a valid and supported accusation and then you prove it in court.

All of that is being put aside by Trump, starting with the fact that they are making accusations and not providing proof of anything. With Trump and Musk being proven liars, such accusations should not be taken at face value.

Having said all of that, if found guilty, you then prosecute those that are guilty of the charges but you do not prosecute everyone in those agencies, or even less the agency itself as there is a lot of good being done there, aside from the fact that they provide needed benefits as well as jobs for many Americans.

The idea of finding fraud, waste, and abuse is a good one but not this way!
That there is enormous amounts of waste, abuse and fraud in every government agency is a fact. It hasn’t been doubted for decades. The easiest way to minimize it is to eliminate every agency not specifically authorized by the constitution. Start with USAID, then go to Department of Education,BATF, SEC, work your way up to leaving DoD DoJ and the State Department
I am wondering why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep massive waste, fraud, and abuse in our Federal Government. It seems mind boggling to me. The polling indicates the American public is solidly behind Trump in this area, so it is clearly a political loser for the Dems. So why? What sane person would want to keep the fraud going. For example, I worked for years in healthcare and the conservative estimate for decades is Medicare and Medicaid has at minimum 25% fraud. That is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And again, this is about waste, fraud, and abuse, not Trump or Musk, so let's stay on topic.

Any theories would be helpful.

rightwinger and Mac1958 I would love your take on this.
Because DEI Awareness in Serbia, Transgender Operas in Columbia and taxpayer funding far left propaganda outlets The New York Times and Politico via millions in subscriptions is THEIR spending priorities.
That there is enormous amounts of waste, abuse and fraud in every government agency is a fact. It hasn’t been doubted for decades. The easiest way to minimize it is to eliminate every agency not specifically authorized by the constitution. Start with USAID, then go to Department of Education,BATF, SEC, work your way up to leaving DoD DoJ and the State Department
So you believe destruction of things that do have a track record of doing good things is the right way to go about it? What do you replace those agencies with? Start from scratch? or not offer those beneficial services?
You do know the CFPB has nothing to do with Consumers, right? It's banking.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a federal agency that writes and enforces rules for financial institutions, examines both bank and non-bank financial institutions, monitors and reports on markets, and collects and tracks consumer complaints.

and collects and tracks consumer complaints.
So you believe destruction of things that do have a track record of doing good things is the right way to go about it? What do you replace those agencies with? Start from scratch? or not offer those beneficial services?
Most federal agencies do far more harm to citizens than good at enormous expense, both monetary and loss of liberty.
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