Who Really Are The MAGA People?


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
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RFK's former running mate just put out this great video on X.

Already going viral.

As with everything our insidious and contrived corporate media promulgates, their depiction of Trump supporters couldn't be more inaccurate.

Just over 50 more days til the safe space concocted false reality that Leftists inhabit comes crashing to the ground...

Once and for all.

Happy Friday ;)
MAGA is a Democratic transmogrification of a positive pro-American slogan. They've turned it into a fantasy of drooling zombies who think Trump is their God. Childish nonsense.

We want the DOJ to be just, we want the Media to be fair and unbiased, we want the Intelligence Agencies to stop being goon squads for the Democrats. We want truly secure borders, illegal CRIMINALS deported back to their home countries. We want the Fentanyl poisonings of our young people to stop. We want the Constitution followed and not twisted into a weapon.
RFK's former running mate just put out this great video on X.

Already going viral.

As with everything our insidious and contrived corporate media promulgates, their depiction of Trump supporters couldn't be more inaccurate.

Just over 50 more days til the safe space concocted false reality that Leftists inhabit comes crashing to the ground...

Once and for all.

Happy Friday ;)

he got it right in the intro "vicious, radical. deplorable."

keep whistling past the graveyard, and if anyone tells you to "get wild," please remember that trump no longer commands the army. "we do not want to kill you" unhumans, merley lock up tjhe most violent so you don't hurt yourself or others.
That video comes across like a parody.

I did laugh when the narrator opined. "..MAGA people are not inherently violent."

Well you know MAGAs are violent but not inherently so!

Wow! what an endorsement.
That video sounded like a parody.

I did laugh when the narrator opined. "..MAGA people are not inherently violent."

Well you know MAGAs are violent but not inherently so!

Wow! what an endorsement.

It's true.

We don't do "mostly peaceful protests".

A bunch of leftists parading as conservatives.
"liberals," parading as conservatives. Not leftists.

There is a difference. But yeah, classical liberals will use government as well.

Left or Liberal? | 5 Minute Video​

"liberals," parading as conservatives. Not leftists.

There is a difference. But yeah, classical liberals will use government as well.

Left or Liberal? | 5 Minute Video​

I thought I was a liberal when I was young.

Bush Jr. really was that bad.

Of course, as I am confident you'd hasten to agree - the Democrats haven't been "liberal" for a long, long time.
I thought I was a liberal when I was young.

Bush Jr. really was that bad.

Of course, as I am confident you'd hasten to agree - the Democrats haven't been "liberal" for a long, long time.
They all say, "the Democrat party left me, I didn't leave it."

I am pretty sure, folks like Greenwald, Taibbi, Tusli, Elon, RFKjr. and his VP are all still very liberal.
Bush Jr. really was that bad.

No, he wasn't. No worse than any other president you care to name, and certainly better than Biden.

As with everything our insidious and contrived corporate media promulgates, their depiction of Trump supporters couldn't be more inaccurate.

Looked pretty accurate to me.

Make Mine Freedom (1948)​

7,501,435 views Jun 6, 2006

So "Isms" like Socialism, Marxism and Fascism. Neither does racism, anti-semetism, belong in America.
Why is it Democrats continue to push 'Ism"?
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