Who Really Are The MAGA People?

RFK's former running mate just put out this great video on X.

Already going viral.

As with everything our insidious and contrived corporate media promulgates, their depiction of Trump supporters couldn't be more inaccurate.

Just over 50 more days til the safe space concocted false reality that Leftists inhabit comes crashing to the ground...

Once and for all.

Happy Friday ;)

Ya like MAGA videos, do ya?

RFK's former running mate just put out this great video on X.

Already going viral.

As with everything our insidious and contrived corporate media promulgates, their depiction of Trump supporters couldn't be more inaccurate.

Just over 50 more days til the safe space concocted false reality that Leftists inhabit comes crashing to the ground...

Once and for all.

Happy Friday ;)

It's very amusing that fake AI video portrayed some black people as MAGA people. :laughing0301:

The only black woman Trump could find to endorse him at the RNC was another porn star. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump believes his followers are as stupid as the punters who attended his casinos.

He can't resist hawking imaginary trading cards, sneakers, and bibles they've obviously never read.

What's next, a bake sale? :auiqs.jpg:

"My cupcaketh are made from the betht ingredients by the world's greatest thefs. Each one has my handsome orange face on it. No one wants a Camela cupcake with her BLACK face on it. Who wanth a BUL-ACK cupcake? Nobody!

"Some people are saying my cupcakes are the best cupcakes in the history of the United Thtates. And if you buy 10 cupcakes, you will get a piece of one of the bandages I wore after the Haitians tried to assassinate me.

"Each cupcake can be yours for just $99.95, and thaths a great deal. Help me save my ass from going to jail where I belong Make America Great Again and buy as many as you can today."


I'll take a dozen, mein Fuhrer!

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