Who should have won the Nobel Peace Prize

Even Obama was surprised he received the award and admitted there were others more deserving. He did not apply for it.

Those who criticize Obama for receiving the award are just Obama haters.

It is justified to say others are more deserving but to criticize him for winning an award he did not pursue is crazy.

I feel there are probably others more deserving but it is an honor for the US to have their President awarded the prize.

Rather than having reporters throwing shoes at our President we have a prestigous international panel by honoring our President. They are showing respect for the US that has been lacking for the past 8 years.
My criticism is more toward the Nobel committee than Obama. He did nothing to deserve the award except spew flowery rhetoric about how the world should be peaceful and come together for a huge tea party.

Prestigious is not a proper adjective to apply to the Nobel committee. Pompous leftists maybe, but prestigious?

A committee of five in a leftist nation decides another leftist should be praised with their now meaningless award. Big deal. Their respect is for Marxism, not the United States.

The above is not a criticism of Obama.

I don't think the Nobel committee ever decides acting alone. Obviously they gather consensus from a variety of other sources and individuals. Otherwise, they would carry no credibility whatsoever except for the prize money. I think what we here in the States forget is that the opinions (and recommendations) for nominees come from all over the world, so an American's own private opinion about the merits of the winner is moot.
Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that the peace prize was to be given "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

Did Pres. Obama meet the criteria?

I think he did for "fraternity between nations," but I also think Reagan should have shared the prize with Gorbechev for "abolition or reduction of standing armies."
Who gives a fuck who should have won it. It's a liberal award handed out by liberals to liberals, and considering some of the past winners, it's a complete FARCE.

Well put palerider. Peace is a liberal issue.

Pale Rider and his buddies want nothing to do with peace.

Well you've got Mudd for brains Elmer, because the person who has nothing to do with peace is obamalamadingdong. He's done.... well, NOTHING! Oh wait, yes he's done something but I wouldn't call it peaceful, HE JUST SENT ANOTHER 13,000 TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN, real quite like hoping no one would notice, since he just won his shame award for peace. And half baking the war in Afghanistan, that's worse than either pulling out or going full force. The guy is a complete FAILURE at EVERYTHING he does, and if he's deserving of any type of an award, it would be the BUFFOON award.

If Afghanistan were not on the front burner right now, you wouldn't even have known those troops were sent because it was not a NEW deployment. And they aren't combat troops, they're support groups such as medics. Pay attention before you dumb yourself down for a change.
Amazing. It's simply amazing that even after seeing the deeds of other nominees, folks still think BHO deserved this.

I suppose actions do not speak louder than words.

There were over 200 nominees. Do we even know who they all were?
The real issue on this thread is simply this -- the international community ratified the American electorate's decision last fall to thrown the bums out and repudiate the Bush years. Three words, buds: get over it.

All well and good if it were a Nobel Election Prize or the Nobel Anti-Republican-Party Prize...

But this was the Nobel Peace Prize
For those who are criticizing the [decision] to award the Nobel Peace Prize to [President] Obama; who do you think should have won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Anyone who actually DID something to earn it; that ought to have been the starting point.

Since President Obama has never (ever) done a single blessed thing to warrant even the nomination, much less the granting of the award, my answer is that IT DOES NOT MATTER who else SHOULD have gotten it.

The point is just that President Obama should not have gotten it.
For those who are criticizing the decsion to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama; who do you think should have won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Anyone of the other 204 nominated.

Record 205 nominees for 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

However, now that we know the Nobel Peace price can be given to someone based on what the committee thinks they are going to accomplish in the future, I suppose it could be anybody. Maybe they could even nominate all the aborted children who did not grow up to become terrorists.

any one of the other 204? really? what has sarkozy done? HE was one of the 204.

I'd have liked to have seen it given jointly to bill clinton and daddy bush. it would have honored the U.S. for work they did saving lives....

i think we all know obama got it for not being baby bush. i think he'll grow into it.
For those who are criticizing the decsion to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama; who do you think should have won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Anyone of the other 204 nominated.

Record 205 nominees for 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

However, now that we know the Nobel Peace price can be given to someone based on what the committee thinks they are going to accomplish in the future, I suppose it could be anybody. Maybe they could even nominate all the aborted children who did not grow up to become terrorists.

any one of the other 204? really? what has sarkozy done? HE was one of the 204.

I'd have liked to have seen it given jointly to bill clinton and daddy bush. it would have honored the U.S. for work they did saving lives....

i think we all know obama got it for not being baby bush. i think he'll grow into it.

Actually.. I have to agree with some of that sentiment, Jill.. not that I am some Clinton fan.. but the work he is doing with Bush Sr. is worthy of a lot of praise
so this was another partisan circle jerk thread instead of actually discussing who should have won. again, the three cups of tea guy should have won
Here were some of the nominees who deserved it much more than the President:

Sima Samar, women’s rights activist in Afghanistan: “With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women’s Affairs.”

Ingrid Betancourt: French-Colombian ex-hostage held for six years.

Dr. Denis Mukwege: Doctor, founder and head of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. He has dedicated his life to helping Congolese women and girls who are victims of gang rape and brutal sexual violence.

Handicap International and Cluster Munition Coalition: “These organizations are recognized for their consistently serious efforts to clean up cluster bombs, also known as land mines. Innocent civilians are regularly killed worldwide because the unseen bombs explode when stepped upon.”

Hu Jia, a human rights activist and an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, who was sentenced last year to a three-and-a-half-year prison term for ‘inciting subversion of state power.’

Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of ChinaÂ’s communist system. He now lives in the United States.
so this was another partisan circle jerk thread instead of actually discussing who should have won. again, the three cups of tea guy should have won



and what part do you think I belong to?

What you just saw was two people who are on opposite sides of the divide agree.

you dain bramaged?
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I don't believe that Obama had enough time to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Not only has he been in office for only 10 months, but keep in mind, he was nominated in February; He was only in office for about 4 weeks! Sure he had some great ideas in February and all throughout his campaign but he didn't do anything significant in my opinion that could really be compared to previous Nobel Peace Prize winners such as Nelson Mandella and others.
Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that the peace prize was to be given "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

Did Pres. Obama meet the criteria?

Not yet, but they're SURE he will, and gosh, he WANTS to so much!!!

Of course, by that criteria, any beauty pageant contestant - "and I want to work for world peace" - is just as qualified as Obama.

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