Who will be most affected by "Defund The Police"? Take your time...

Blacks in the blue states.
All those minority communities with the killings and the poor schools and government handouts.
The same people who have been exploited, ignored, abused, and played for chumps by the Democratic Party for the last 50 years. Guess who?

While it is a good and well meaning point you are trying to make here, a point necessary in the cause of putting the brakes on the madness sweeping our nation, I do not believe a single member of the BLM/Floyd Cult can be reasoned with at this juncture or possibly ever again. Beyond that, I myself no longer care about the plight or cause of inner-city blacks or anyone else who refuses to act like a free American individual, take responsibility for their own lives, and work hard as I have or harder to realize some small part of the American Dream. I just don't have time to give a flying fuck about anyone who sets about destroying the own homes, food sources and national memorials all in the name of being a willing perpetual victim of their own reflection. Fuck that, pardon my French. Tens of millions of my fellow Americans also don't have the time for it and neither should they. Life is to short to fall for false ideological narratives aimed at deceiving you into hating and hurting yourself, as is the Floyd/BLM narrative/cult tenets.
The same people who have been exploited, ignored, abused, and played for chumps by the Democratic Party for the last 50 years. Guess who?

While it is a good and well meaning point you are trying to make here, a point necessary in the cause of putting the brakes on the madness sweeping our nation, I do not believe a single member of the BLM/Floyd Cult can be reasoned with at this juncture or possibly ever again. Beyond that, I myself no longer care about the plight or cause of inner-city blacks or anyone else who refuses to act like a free American individual, take responsibility for their own lives, and work hard as I have or harder to realize some small part of the American Dream. I just don't have time to give a flying fuck about anyone who sets about destroying the own homes, food sources and national memorials all in the name of being a willing perpetual victim of their own reflection. Fuck that, pardon my French. Tens of millions of my fellow Americans also don't have the time for it and neither should they. Life is to short to fall for false ideological narratives aimed at deceiving you into hating and hurting yourself, as is the Floyd/BLM narrative/cult tenets.
I hear that, and I agree with you in part. But It's easy to paint the inner city with one brush the same way some Black people paint us with one brush. That is always the wrong thing to do IMO. The other consideration is that BLM is gaining so much political clout, the only way to deflate their power is to show what frauds they are, and drawing attention to the tragedy of Black lives in the inner city is the way to do that. I don't know what else is going to pull the facade off of BLM.
The same people who have been exploited, ignored, abused, and played for chumps by the Democratic Party for the last 50 years. Guess who?

While it is a good and well meaning point you are trying to make here, a point necessary in the cause of putting the brakes on the madness sweeping our nation, I do not believe a single member of the BLM/Floyd Cult can be reasoned with at this juncture or possibly ever again. Beyond that, I myself no longer care about the plight or cause of inner-city blacks or anyone else who refuses to act like a free American individual, take responsibility for their own lives, and work hard as I have or harder to realize some small part of the American Dream. I just don't have time to give a flying fuck about anyone who sets about destroying the own homes, food sources and national memorials all in the name of being a willing perpetual victim of their own reflection. Fuck that, pardon my French. Tens of millions of my fellow Americans also don't have the time for it and neither should they. Life is to short to fall for false ideological narratives aimed at deceiving you into hating and hurting yourself, as is the Floyd/BLM narrative/cult tenets.
I hear that, and I agree with you in part. But It's easy to paint the inner city with one brush the same way some Black people paint us with one brush. That is always the wrong thing to do IMO. The other consideration is that BLM is gaining so much political clout, the only way to deflate their power is to show what frauds they are, and drawing attention to the tragedy of Black lives in the inner city is the way to do that. I don't know what else is going to pull the facade off of BLM.

I agree with you. Apologies if I came across as dismissive where the lives of inner-city Americans are concerned. To a great extent it is not the fault of decent, hard working inner city blacks or anyone else for the evil of the radicalized, race-worshipping democrat narratives. On the other hand many of them do vote in engines of their own destruction in election after election, decade after decade. On still another hand the violent tendencies of a segment of inner city blacks is and has been out of control for decades. The only way to cure that short of military applications is to somehow convince the parents of young black thugs in the making to teach their children better; to lead them down different paths which end in success, not gangbanging or selling dope on the corner. My point was that I as a law-abiding, successful citizen should not be put upon to contribute my own blood or treasure to aid a people who one, wish to harm me for the color of my skin and two, who view themselves with pure apathy, as perpetual victims held down by something other than their own power to change it. America and all Americans need to move forward, and never has than been more true than right now, in the wake of novel coronavirus and the Floyd explosion. Radical leftists and race worshippers will not bloody reason with common sense, statistics, facts or truths of any kind. They're in this for power pure, power simple.
Black people as a group have had effective control of their own communities for many decades now, they control major city councils, their own school boards, their own police depts., etc. In the so-called 'bad old days', they used to complain about the lack of police patrols, blaming that for their high crime rates, now they whine over the drug slingers and gang bangers getting arrested, the rapists getting arrested, etc. It's just a big lie that they've been 'helpless' and have had no input on what shitholes they themselves turned their neighborhoods into.

Well, the Democrats are going to solve your problems the same way they solved your problems in Compton, CA. You're going to be replaced by illegal aliens and foreign born 'refugees' when you are pushed out by better organized gangsters and thugs. You are being dispersed and your 'votes' watered down. You're not at the top of the Democrats list of useful idiots any more.
The same people who have been exploited, ignored, abused, and played for chumps by the Democratic Party for the last 50 years. Guess who?
The most affected will be the same ones currently dying, generally by gun shot, in inner cities all across the country, young black male thugs with a few innocent collateral damage bystanders here and there. The only difference will be the level of increased deaths due to a lack of pesky police doing their jobs.
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The same people who have been exploited, ignored, abused, and played for chumps by the Democratic Party for the last 50 years. Guess who?
Let them abolish their police. I welcome it. I dont live in those democrat hell holes.
I hear that, and I agree with you in part. But It's easy to paint the inner city with one brush the same way some Black people paint us with one brush. That is always the wrong thing to do IMO. The other consideration is that BLM is gaining so much political clout, the only way to deflate their power is to show what frauds they are, and drawing attention to the tragedy of Black lives in the inner city is the way to do that. I don't know what else is going to pull the facade off of BLM.

I think that political clout will fade away for the simple reason that BLM will not back down on their core beliefs. This "defund the police" is a perfect example. The Dems are already explaining that away...clarifying, if you will. BLM, however, will never give up this fight, just like the Weather Underground never gave up their beliefs. That is where BLM was spawned from. Too radical for even the Dems.

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