Who will we hate if Sanders wins?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?
New York Yankees
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?

I have little fear of Sanders. Everything he is proposing is going to cost tons of money. He'll have very little chance of getting anything passed by the Republican controlled Congress that raises taxes on anyone or adds further to the debt. He will be the lamest of lame ducks.
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?

I have little fear of Sanders. Everything he is proposing is going to cost tons of money. He'll have very little chance of getting anything passed by the Republican controlled Congress that raises taxes on anyone or adds further to the debt. He will be the lamest of lame ducks.
That is the correct motorcycle. Sanders is the one democrat that Republicans won't be afraid of and will actually oppose, instead of this malarkey with Obama where they talk big then give him everything he wants. Democrats would also not be afraid to oppose Sanders, and he would rattle around the White House, muttering to himself about how no one takes him seriously.
What I like about Sanders is I think the man is honest. So what we are witnessing is a true rising from others is on the left of the political world is our side of Trump.

They are getting the real deal too.

Now granted I've been sobbing my face losing Bowie but I'm better now :) I do think that man is honest.
Sanders is honest. Now whoa geeze he's big time to the left but what counts to me is his heart. Every time and you guys know I'm the dial up kid oh cripes he's for real. I think that left or right this is what we are looking for.

I hope this is making sense.

I understand Sanders and his supporters. They are the real deal. Know they have a voice. Know that they haven't been bought out.

Beleive it or not many of us could stand together.
Sanders is a old white man who has been in politics his whole life, he is the quintissential career politician. I thought this was the very species democrats said was going extinct and was on the way out, history was going to overrun old white men. The very species that America no longer wants.

After Hilary is indicted the dems will probably have no one but sanders to put on the ballot. It will be too late to get anyone else on the ballot. Maybe the convention can put vp Biden at,the head of the ticket but either way dems will be in deep doo doo.

Sanders only appeal is to white liberals in college towns and old Vermont hippies. He has no pull in the minority precincts or with women so the dems are toast if he is the candidate. Arthur Laffer, the Reagan economist, was quoted today as saying he thinks republicans will win in a landslide, winning 47 states because of,the anger of the American people. I wouldn't go that far, but if Bernie is the nominee, that is entirely possible.

I do agree with the other posters, Bernie is absolutely sincere in his belief in a socialist state. There is no subterfuge, he honestly believes in his anti American socialist state.
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?

Look at this. Honesty coming from a nutbag. Refreshing.
I know Sanders is a commie son of a bitch but the guy is so mellow and I don't know if he is as hatable as an Obama or a Clinton. He doesn't antagonize people like Obama and he doesn't have any history like super-spermed on bitch Hillary. Who will we hate if he wins the democratic nomination? Will painting him black make him more dis-likable?

Look at this. Honesty coming from a nutbag. Refreshing.

Sanders isn't a sad sack of assholness like Obama and not a liar like the clintons. It is really hard to hate this guy for that reason. He will probably be like most democrats and start out nice but the more he talks the more condescending he will get. I'm sure we will grow to hate him just like every other democratic president.
Sanders is a old white man who has been in politics his whole life, he is the quintissential career politician. I thought this was the very species democrats said was going extinct and was on the way out, history was going to overrun old white men. The very species that America no longer wants.

After Hilary is indicted the dems will probably have no one but sanders to put on the ballot. It will be too late to get anyone else on the ballot. Maybe the convention can put vp Biden at,the head of the ticket but either way dems will be in deep doo doo.

Sanders only appeal is to white liberals in college towns and old Vermont hippies. He has no pull in the minority precincts or with women so the dems are toast if he is the candidate. Arthur Laffer, the Reagan economist, was quoted today as saying he thinks republicans will win in a landslide, winning 47 states because of,the anger of the American people. I wouldn't go that far, but if Bernie is the nominee, that is entirely possible.

I do agree with the other posters, Bernie is absolutely sincere in his belief in a socialist state. There is no subterfuge, he honestly believes in his anti American socialist state.
Nothing anti-American about socialism, dupe. Unless American means fool for the greedy idiot megarich.

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