Whoa! Senator Graham wants Comey to testify again "I smell a rat here"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I heard that Grassley and Graham were spitting bullets over the early drafts" that showed Comey exonerated Clinton of criminal charges before the investigation was complete."


I love love love this. Comey trying to screw over Trump has really just landed himself into a whole world of trouble.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called Thursday for former FBI Director James Comey to to testify again on the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified emails.

"This doesn't add up, and I smell a rat here," Graham told Fox News."

Graham says Comey should testify again on Clinton email case: 'I smell a rat'
The 'rat' is Comey. He admitted under oath he illegally leaked classified information, and more tecent revelations prove he perjured himself before Congress while under oath.

He was asked directly, "Did you make the decision not to indict Hillary before the investigation was over?" He testified, "No".

We now know that was a lie.

Pressure needs to be applied to force the appointment of a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate Comey, Lynch, Rice, Obama, and Hillary.

Comey should not he asked to testify again - they know he perjured himself Indict him for Purjury already.
Comey was in cahoots with Lynch. She repeatedly said she would follow Comey's recommendations on whether to indict Hillary or not. She never would have said that if she didn't know in advance what Comey would recommend. Pretty damn obvious, I don't know why everybody in the country didn't see that giant red flag.
Graham seeking to go after Swamp Rat and Crooked Hillary supporter Comey is indeed an impressive thing. That combined with Dana Rohrabache's revelations about who really gave Wikileaks the DNC emails is really going to empty the CVS and Walgreens of Prep H for idiots who bought into the Russian meddling hoax. Then again some refuse the Prep H, have Putin avatars and call The Donald comrade. Massive hemmies with those folks. :p
Comey was in cahoots with Lynch. She repeatedly said she would follow Comey's recommendations on whether to indict Hillary or not. She never would have said that if she didn't know in advance what Comey would recommend. Pretty damn obvious, I don't know why everybody in the country didn't see that giant red flag.

I am certain they'll get to the bottom of it, but you'll have to stand in line for it. Like I said Comey is already under investigation for his interference into the election. He violated long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election, was warned about it and did it anyway. Millions of people voted during that time, believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’


Trump should have fired him immediately upon walking into the Oval office, as any other President would have done. But he couldn't, because he put himself in a corner by continually campaigning on Hillary Clinton's emails, and even praising James Comey. Comey just used the Clinton investigation to promote himself, and he obviously loved the limelight and was looking very much forward to the Russian investigation. Now Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.

Now Trump gets to deal with the asshole-:badgrin: And Comey has an ego that matches Trump. Good Luck!
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I'll be more impressed when they force Rice, Lynch Powers & Clapper to testify.

Nothing will happen to Comey. They just grilled Trump Jr. Over crap they already knew about for 5 hours!

Why is Mueller still on the Payroll wasting our tax dollars?

We already know Russia Russia Russia was a lie created by Clinton and The DNC..

The Senate is on a massive legislative slow down. They won't confirm appointments and they only pretend to want to pass The Presidents's Agenda.

These bullshit investigations stendor one purpose. For the Senste to stall The President's Agenda so he cannot drain the swamp.

The House has sent over 200 Bills to The Senate that the Senate is sitting on, including an already passed Repeal and Replace House version Obamacare Bill That The Senate refuses to vote on. It's been yanked for over 9 months!

Fuck these corrupt bastards and Fuck Comey too!

Fuck this fake dog and pony show. Get to fucking work!

I heard that Grassley and Graham were spitting bullets over the early drafts" that showed Comey exonerated Clinton of criminal charges before the investigation was complete."


I love love love this. Comey trying to screw over Trump has really just landed himself into a whole world of trouble.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called Thursday for former FBI Director James Comey to to testify again on the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified emails.

"This doesn't add up, and I smell a rat here," Graham told Fox News."

Graham says Comey should testify again on Clinton email case: 'I smell a rat'

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