Whose lyrics are dopier? Country or rap?

Whose lyrics are dopier?

  • rap

  • country

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Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
On the one hand, the saccharine sentimentality of much of country music is insufferable. Fond memories of drinking beer on Friday night isn't art, It isn't interesting. It isn't memorable and fond memories of it barely even rise to forgettable. Just because "beers" and "tears" rhyme doesn't mean you need to find a lyric for them. Stop writing schlock.

Then there are the rappers for whom no rhyme is so forced they will be embarrassed to use it. Can't find a rhyme for "swagger"? Say something unrelated about Mick Jagger.
Dumb lyrics aren't new for any style of music. You can't get much dumber than
Depends on the song writer. You can find a library full of dumb lyrics in opera, especially German opera. You can also find great beauty in simply expressed ideas in the same genre. Most people don't listen to music for 'Serious Art' in the first place, so it would be pretty dumb to write 'serious songs' for markets that cater to 12 year old girls who are only interested in dancing, boy bands, girly girl beats, and fashion, the major markets for both Country, R&R, and pop.

But, of the choices given, clearly rap is by far the most devolved inane garbage out there, makes the most annoying childrens' songs on Sesame street look like Mozart compositions. Even at that , they're still way too sophisticated for the market they sell to. You just can't write down to dumb enough for that audience.
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Not all country music is about beer drinking. There are plenty of country songs out there that are about the more important things in life. This is the first song that comes to me.

God bless you and the guys of that awesome act always!!!


P.S. Are there any rap songs that are actually good?
Rap lyrics are a thousandfold more negative, crime-thug-wallowing, vile and odious. Moreover, at least country western music has an actual melody, making it real music. Rap is nothing but a bunch of blowhard hooting & hollering to the most obnoxious, simplistic, robotic bass lines imaginable.

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