Diamond Member
- Jun 30, 2018
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It was called the NRA Safety Course. It was held at our local Jr. High school lasting a few nights. After passing the class most boys got their first .22. But the leftist have got the NRA tossed out of the schools. So blame the democRats, a whole forest of tree stumps. Now they train with some 9mm ripped off from the yahoo next door killing everyone but the one they are shooting at, which is just fine with tree stumps and other democRat brain cramps.There are several 2nd Amendment supporters here on U.S.message board who support the mandatory training to own and/or carry a gun. They smugly state they don’t mind the democrat tactic because they can pass the test so everyone should pass the test or be denied their Constitutional Right. They refuse to understand that allowing the democrats to require mandatory tests is giving the democrats the ability to deny access to guns for normal people through arbitrary, impossible testing standards……standards that will be created with the intent to keep people from owning and carrying guns ……
New Jersey mandatory training shows how they will do this….
Twenty-five yards is also a totally unrealistic test for civilian concealed carry. While there are certainly a few incredible exceptions, most justifiable deadly-force encounters involving civilians occur at much closer ranges, usually within spitting distance.
Open carry holster
This qualification course is designed to use an open-carry holster, worn either outside or inside the waistband. However, only law enforcement officers can openly carry handguns in New Jersey. Civilians must carry their defensive firearms concealed.
Like drawing from the holster, most private ranges don’t allow their customers to practice from the kneeling position. One range I know that did quickly abandoned the practice after a customer positioned their target too close and put five rounds into the ceiling.
Additionally, there are many shooters who can’t kneel because they suffer mobility issues or use a wheelchair. Will they be denied their Second Amendment rights because of their disability?
Forcing applicants to kneel violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires “state and local governments including their criminal justice agencies to comply with the ADA.”
New Jersey’s AG and its state police should be ashamed of their “ableist” misdeeds.
What’s not laughable is that anti-gun elected officials have come up with yet another way to infringe upon the Second Amendment by reworking an antiquated police qualification course and making it mandatory for anyone who wants to exercise their right to carry a gun New Jersey has erected an unconstitutionally high hurdle for the average person to clear to qualify for a carry permit.
Let's Take a Look at New Jersey's New 'John Wick' Concealed Carry Permit Qualifying Standards - The Truth About Guns
By Lee Williams After the U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic Bruen decision, which obliterated most state restrictions on the public carrying of arms and changed forever how lower courts should decide Second Amendment-related challenges to anti-gun regulations, many blue states
After the Republican Party defeated the democrat party in the Civil War, the democrats were forced to free black slaves……to keep their former black slaves from being able to vote, the democrat party created “literacy tests.” The democrats had made it illegal for their black slaves to learn to read so the democrats knew that freed blacks would not be able to pass their tests….and would lose their
Right to vote…..,
These arbitrary and impossible test standards are simply the new literacy tests of the democrat party……and they are hoping to take back the Senate so that if Biden wins, they can replace Thomas and Alito and make tests like these and other anti-guns laws permanent…