Why Are IRS Retention Standards More Lax Than Standards for Taxpayers?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Another Fxxk you from this administration under Obama (the most transparent EVER...remember?)...this whole thing is just sickening
links in this article at site

Guest post by J. Hoft

Barack Obama,

As noted by Ed Morrissey at the website The Week the IRS reported to Congress late last Friday that a hard drive failure on Lois Lerner’s computer wiped out two years of her email data – The two years investigators were interested in. Not only that, but the IRS then claimed it recycled its backup tapes so that it only had six months of server backups available.

There is no way that an individual in a lead position at the IRS could lose emails by their computer crashing. For the current IRS Commissioner to say so is either a lie or he is extremely incompetent on too many levels to count.

Here’s a list of the more obvious questions leading to this fabrication –

Why the delay in telling Congress of the lost emails? As Morrissey notes “First, despite having demanded these records from the IRS for over a year, the agency waited until now (and in a Friday afternoon document dump, no less) to inform Congress of the supposed loss of emails. That makes it look very suspicious, and put together with Lerner’s refusal to testify, even more so.”

What are emails doing saved on an individual’s computer? This is not standard practice in the corporate world and certainly not with the IRS

.Ask any IT novice and they can tell you that emails are stored on email servers which are distinct pieces of hardware, separate from an individual’s computer or laptop. These servers are then backed up on a regular basis (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually).

Emails at most companies can be retrieved for as far back as 10 years or more and the government surely has standards to retain emails for a number of years. As Morrissey notes: “While people send and receive emails via client programs on their computers, the messages go through databases on servers, which is where records are stored and duplicated for backup. A local hard-drive failure would have nothing to do with that record retention in a professional IT environment. The data would still reside on the servers and could be easily reconstituted from the backup. In fact, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified in March that the data existed on the agency’s servers, and not the local hard drives.”

What is the IRS’s email retention policy?

all of it here:
Why Are IRS Retention Standards More Lax Than Standards for Taxpayers? | The Gateway Pundit
The official motto of the USA: In God we trust. I now being replaced by the motto: Get in line and STFU.
Actually they broke Federal Law by not retaining printed copies of their emails.
Here you go! From my stack o stuff. :)

This is not an IRS guideline or suggestion or hint. It is a Federal Law. (07-08-2011)
Emails as Possible Federal Records

All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency. Records must be properly stored and preserved, available for retrieval and subject to appropriate approved disposition schedules.

The Federal Records Act applies to email records just as it does to records you create using other media. Emails are records when they are:

Created or received in the transaction of agency business

Appropriate for preservation as evidence of the government’s function and activities, or

Valuable because of the information they contain

If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly. The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records. If transmission and receipt data are not printed by the email system, annotate the paper copy. More information on IRS records management requirements is available at http://erc.web.irs.gov/Displayanswers/Question.asp?FolderID=4&CategoryID=5 or see the Records Management Handbook, IRM 1.15.1 http://publish.no.irs.gov/IRM/P01/PDF/31421A03.PDF).

An email determined to be a federal record may eventually be considered as having historical value by the National Archivist prior to disposal. Therefore, ensure that all your communications are professional in tone.

Please note that maintaining a copy of an email or its attachments within the IRS email MS Outlook application does not meet the requirements of maintaining an official record. Therefore, print and file email and its attachments if they are either permanent records or if they relate to a specific case.

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email[/QUOTE]
Another Fxxk you from this administration under Obama (the most transparent EVER...remember?)...this whole thing is just sickening
links in this article at site

Guest post by J. Hoft

Barack Obama,

As noted by Ed Morrissey at the website The Week the IRS reported to Congress late last Friday that a hard drive failure on Lois Lerner’s computer wiped out two years of her email data – The two years investigators were interested in. Not only that, but the IRS then claimed it recycled its backup tapes so that it only had six months of server backups available.

There is no way that an individual in a lead position at the IRS could lose emails by their computer crashing. For the current IRS Commissioner to say so is either a lie or he is extremely incompetent on too many levels to count.

Here’s a list of the more obvious questions leading to this fabrication –

Why the delay in telling Congress of the lost emails? As Morrissey notes “First, despite having demanded these records from the IRS for over a year, the agency waited until now (and in a Friday afternoon document dump, no less) to inform Congress of the supposed loss of emails. That makes it look very suspicious, and put together with Lerner’s refusal to testify, even more so.”

What are emails doing saved on an individual’s computer? This is not standard practice in the corporate world and certainly not with the IRS

.Ask any IT novice and they can tell you that emails are stored on email servers which are distinct pieces of hardware, separate from an individual’s computer or laptop. These servers are then backed up on a regular basis (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually).

Emails at most companies can be retrieved for as far back as 10 years or more and the government surely has standards to retain emails for a number of years. As Morrissey notes: “While people send and receive emails via client programs on their computers, the messages go through databases on servers, which is where records are stored and duplicated for backup. A local hard-drive failure would have nothing to do with that record retention in a professional IT environment. The data would still reside on the servers and could be easily reconstituted from the backup. In fact, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified in March that the data existed on the agency’s servers, and not the local hard drives.”

What is the IRS’s email retention policy?

all of it here:
Why Are IRS Retention Standards More Lax Than Standards for Taxpayers? | The Gateway Pundit

actually they are not

besides having an archive service

the feds are required to keep hard copy back ups

this is just another IRS lie
Text data takes up so little space...
Why not keep it forever.
If this is personal it's kept on the E Mail providers server.
In that case you may want to print out important e mails.
LINKS and a MUST SEE video at site TELLING we the people to FXXK OFF
vote this party OUT OF OUR LIVES folks, the most corrupted, fascist, tyrants installed in EVERY government AGENCY that is now out to get, YOU/ US


IRS commissioner tells Congress the agency owes no apologies

posted at 2:01 pm on June 20, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

Really? Not even just a little bit, just to say, “Sorry about the whole not-retaining-our-records-when-we-demand-that-you-do” sort of thing? IRS Commissioner John Koskinen asserted that the IRS owes no apologies for the curious epidemic of hard-drive failures among officials involved in the targeting scheme, whose e-mails Congress has spent the last year-plus demanding from the IRS:

CAMP: What I didn’t hear in that was an apology to this committee.

KOSKINEN: I don’t think an apology is owed. There are not a single e-mail has been lost since the start of this investigation. Every e-mail has been preserved that we have. WE have produced or will produce by the end of this –

CAMP: You don’t think the time period between January 2009 and April 2011 is relevant to this investigation?

ALL of it here
Contact your Representatives in CONGRESS FOLKS

How are Obama and the IRS getting away with a blatant coverup?

By Kyle Smith

June 21, 2014 | 11:33am


This is pretty much how Lois Lerner has conducted herself throughout the investigation of the IRS scandal.
Photo: Post composite graphic

To understand the latest outrage in the IRS scandal, mull over what might happen if regulators found significant evidence to implicate Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein in an insider trading scheme.

Let’s say Blankfein asserted his Fifth Amendment right not to answer any questions. Say Goldman was subpoenaed to provide all of Blankfein’s e-mails. Goldman replied that, instead of complying with the subpoena, it was itself reviewing the e-mails in question and was considering which ones to release.

Now imagine that, nearly a year later, Goldman admitted that it had not, in fact, reviewed the e-mails in question, because they had been lost in a computer crash two months before it claimed to be reviewing them. Imagine Goldman also said copies of the e-mails were lost, because while under subpoena it had destroyed the “backup tapes” (whatever those are) that held them and that it had also thrown away Blankfein’s actual hard drive.

The thing about dogs eating homework is, it could actually happen. This can’t.

This is “the dog ate my hard drive, broke into another building, ate the backup of the hard drive, then broke into six other top officials’ offices and ate their hard drives also.”

What we learned about the IRS this week is that there is an obvious criminal coverup that comes in addition to the possible underlying crimes. Prosecutions need to be brought against all of those involved.

Why isn’t this happening already?

Remember the O.J. Simpson trial, the one that consumed seemingly the entire mid-’90s? From crime to verdict, the whole thing took 16 months.

The IRS scandal? It’s already been 13 months, and no one has even been charged. And no one will be charged. Congress has called the cops — the Justice Department — and the cops simply don’t care.

It’s as if Goldman’s only regulator was an SEC that was being run by Blankfein’s poker buddies.

Modal Trigger

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Photo: Reuters

Yes, the IRS scandal differs from Watergate. In Watergate, the president appointed an independent-minded special prosecutor to investigate. It was considered a scandal when the president fired that special counsel, Archibald Cox, even though Cox was succeeded within less than two weeks by an equally ferocious prosecutor, Leon Jaworski.

President Obama? He hasn’t even appointed a special prosecutor in the first place. That’s far worse.

ALL of it here:
How are Obama and the IRS getting away with a blatant coverup? | New York Post
Issa prepared 15 specific questions for Koskinen, giving him no later than 5 p.m. Monday, two hours before the hearing, to answer all of them in full. Those questions, provided to TheDC, are summarized below (The following is not the exact text from Issa, but rather our own summary of the questions):

1. Explain, in detail, Lois Lerner’s 2011 hard drive failure, including the date it happened, and give the names of all employees who worked on retrieving data from it.

2. When did you learn that the hard drive failure affected the Oversight Committee’s subpoena into the IRS targeting scandal, and which IRS staffers realized that the subpoena could not be fulfilled?

3. Explain all the steps the IRS took to retrieve data from Lerner’s hard drive.

4. Name all IRS employees that worked on agency email servers between 2009 and 2014.

5. Name all IRS contractors that worked on agency email or hard drive systems.

6. Give the names of the IRS employees most knowledgeable about email servers and data retention.

7. Identify the IRS employees that last had possession of Lerner’s computer, cell phones, hard drive, backup email tapes and information about errors in IRS electronic hardware.

8. Give us all relevant information about IRS document retention policies.

9. Name the type of email service the IRS uses and the type of email exchange server and tell us whether any email is stored on an IRS shared drive.

10. Explain in detail the IRS’ electronic data restoration and archival systems.

11. How many forensic images from Lerner’s failed hard drive still exist?

12. How many forensic images from Lerner’s failed hard drive still existed on August 31, 2011 (when the IRS’ contract with Sonasoft expired)?

13. List all the software and hardware malfunctions that occurred at the agency between January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2011.

14. Give us Lerner’s computer barcode.

15. Give us Lerner’s cell phone barcode.

Read more: Issa To Grill IRS Commissioner Monday Night On Lerner Emails | The Daily Caller
Actually they broke Federal Law by not retaining printed copies of their emails.

And they act like it's no big deal and they are hoping we'll all just drop it. I just don't buy any of the lies. They abuse the power given to them and don't want to answer for it, yet we'd be up shit creek if we lost the receipts for charitable donations.

We the people are their boss. Some bureaucrats, politicians and other assholes need a stern reminder of that.
white house lawyer Subpoena for tomorrow hearing

issa also asked the commissioner for IT fix it tickets

for all crashed computers in time frame
white house lawyer Subpoena for tomorrow hearing

issa also asked the commissioner for IT fix it tickets

for all crashed computers in time frame

Thanks for the update
I don't how we can handle anymore of this MOST TRANSPARENT administration in office

they DUPED people with that LIE too...That's why his disapproves are where they are
white house lawyer Subpoena for tomorrow hearing

issa also asked the commissioner for IT fix it tickets

for all crashed computers in time frame

Thanks for the update
I don't how we can handle anymore of this MOST TRANSPARENT administration in office

they DUPED people with that LIE too...That's why his disapproves are where they are

i watched on cspan this evening

i was rather surprised at all the negative tweets

about the IRS and the administration

it will be interesting to see how many fix it tickets

for other crashed computers happened in the time frame

they are also asking for the names of the IT guys

plus they want to know who at the IRS tipped off the white house

two months before congress was notified of the email problems
white house lawyer Subpoena for tomorrow hearing

issa also asked the commissioner for IT fix it tickets

for all crashed computers in time frame

Thanks for the update
I don't how we can handle anymore of this MOST TRANSPARENT administration in office

they DUPED people with that LIE too...That's why his disapproves are where they are

i watched on cspan this evening

i was rather surprised at all the negative tweets

about the IRS and the administration

it will be interesting to see how many fix it tickets

for other crashed computers happened in the time frame

they are also asking for the names of the IT guys

plus they want to know who at the IRS tipped off the white house

two months before congress was notified of the email problems

Everyone of these people from Learner on down the line should be in JAIL for obstructing JUSTICE and REFUSING to answering TO WE THE PEOPLE who pays their frikken SALARIES
Thanks for the update
I don't how we can handle anymore of this MOST TRANSPARENT administration in office

they DUPED people with that LIE too...That's why his disapproves are where they are

i watched on cspan this evening

i was rather surprised at all the negative tweets

about the IRS and the administration

it will be interesting to see how many fix it tickets

for other crashed computers happened in the time frame

they are also asking for the names of the IT guys

plus they want to know who at the IRS tipped off the white house

two months before congress was notified of the email problems

Everyone of these people from Learner on down the line should be in JAIL for obstructing JUSTICE and REFUSING to answering TO WE THE PEOPLE who pays their frikken SALARIES

they will be at some point

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