Why are Libs so Happy that Trump is Being Replaced by Desantis?

Stop threatening a good time and do something then you pussies. Can't wait. 😄
You are vengeance. You have points. There are many people not in approve Prog groups who have been screwed with and fell through the cracks. Whether Progs or Not Prog screwed with by the same. That affects voting. You must attack people with pensions who have done that to others and not have had justice brought to them. This weave runs deep. none of those people collecting good pensions are saying a word. Notice.
Until some of the Non-Progs start killing and burning and maiming you are correct. And none have tried it yet. There is great potential of warriors running rampant with military training, civilian weapons shooting and hunting all at the ready. But nothing. Of course, in their areas there are not a lot of overacting progs on the stage. But the Prog agendas are encroaching on them more and more. It took a long time to get where we are. So, winning small battles even in the political fields in any way can start to add up.
Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study
You are vengeance. You have points. There are many people not in approve Prog groups who have been screwed with and fell through the cracks. Whether Progs or Not Prog screwed with by the same. That affects voting. You must attack people with pensions who have done that to others and not have had justice brought to them. This weave runs deep. none of those people collecting good pensions are saying a word. Notice.
Do I need Q decoder ring to decipher this nonsense? 😄
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.

So, you're claiming cheating, backing it up with nothing. The whole electoral system is "cheating" from the "Purple Party" known as the Repwe'llfuckyouupocrats Party.

The third party in the USA has one state House seat. That's it. In all of Federal and State legislatures, executives, they have ONE elected representative. In Germany, a country that is like three times smaller, the third party has 118 seats in FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Even the South Schleswig Voters' Association with 55,000 votes at the 2021 German Federal election has more federal seats (it has one) than the third party in the USA, the USA which goes around the world claiming to be introducing democracy to the likes of Afghanistan, Iraq and Venezuela (by taking down the democratically elected leader, bizarrely).
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Do I need Q decoder ring to decipher this nonsense? 😄
The cities with violence are not having Q decoder rings. At some point this has to end. Other nations of the world have become modern marvels since the Great Society was started in the id 1960's. China was agrarian! Now they are on step from becoming the world's most dominant power! Meanwhile in the ghettos it's the same shit only there is massive social welfare money pumped in to keep the residents from being the real roaches invading every piece of good to overwhelm them and move on to the next. I want the men and women there to live better. You do not.
The cities with violence are not having Q decoder rings. At some point this has to end. Other nations of the world have become modern marvels since the Great Society was started in the id 1960's. China was agrarian! Now they are on step from becoming the world's most dominant power! Meanwhile in the ghettos it's the same shit only there is massive social welfare money pumped in to keep the residents from being the real roaches invading every piece of good to overwhelm them and move on to the next. I want the men and women there to live better. You do not.
You're a pussy is what you are. I don't have to pretend I want you to live better. Live your entire lives in your poor, redneck shitholes in fly over country being left behind by progress for all I care. 😄
So, you're claiming cheating, backing it up with nothing. The whole electoral system is "cheating" from the "Purple Party" known as the Repwe'llfuckyouupocrats Party.

The third party in the USA has one state House seat. That's it. In all of Federal and State legislatures, executives, they have ONE elected representative. In Germany, a country that is like three times smaller, the third party has 118 seats in FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Even the South Schleswig Voters' Association with 55,000 votes at the 2021 German Federal election has more federal seats (it has one) than the third party in the USA, the USA which goes around the world claiming to be introducing democracy to the likes of Afghanistan, Iraq and Venezuela (by taking down the democratically elected leader, bizarrely).
That's because it's done differently. Candidates have to get signatures. The state doesn't care what party affiliations the voters have, and does not run internal party elections for them for free (or otherwise).
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.
Where do you get “happy with DeSantis”? Seeing Trump get his comeuppance and enjoying it, isn’t the same thing.
It's obvious they wouldn't win a legit election against him. Do they think their normal cheating will be ignored by Desantis as opposed to Trump? Do they think Desantis is just another RINO? He doesn't come off as a RINO but who knows. It's weird that the democrat propaganda media is so happy with Desantis. My hope was really 4 more years of Trump (really 12 elected years) followed by 8 years of Desantis. At that point Dems wouldn't win another legit election again. Not that that would stop them anyway, as we have seen.
The only issue you have is that the Repub. party, as it stands, is dying.
That's because it's done differently. Candidates have to get signatures. The state doesn't care what party affiliations the voters have, and does not run internal party elections for them for free (or otherwise).

It's done BETTER. Nothing to do with getting signatures.
DeathSentence is only following Trump, so there truly isn't much difference b/w the two, yet Trump is much, much worse.
Democrats are losing the Hispanic vote. If DeSantis runs for President, democrats are in trouble.

Um, were you not paying attention on Tuesday? Nope, the big Hispanic wave you are talking about didn't happen.
Are you seriously claiming the midterms were not legit?! What unsubstantiated claims are you making now to try and justify that nonsense?!
How the fuck would you know if they are legit or not legit at this point? Proclaiming that the elections are as secure as ever is no different from those who claim that all the elections are rigged. There is no election EVER in the US that doesnt include some level of fraud. We have too many people to not have that happen. The question is, how much cheating is there? Hard to say, but in super close races, cheating could very well be deciding those outcomes.

I will wait to see if any evidence is revealed before boldly proclaiming to know the REAL truth, like you are doing.
How the fuck would you know if they are legit or not legit at this point? Proclaiming that the elections are as secure as ever is no different from those who claim that all the elections are rigged. There is no election EVER in the US that doesnt include some level of fraud. We have too many people to not have that happen. The question is, how much cheating is there? Hard to say, but in super close races, cheating could very well be deciding those outcomes.

I will wait to see if any evidence is revealed before boldly proclaiming to know the REAL truth, like you are doing.
Can you point to anything that I’ve said that has declared anything about the election?! I responded to somebody making the proclamation that the election was rigged. I asked for their proof. As expected silence.
Um, were you not paying attention on Tuesday? Nope, the big Hispanic wave you are talking about didn't happen.
It did in Florida and will happen again only larger if DeSantis is nominated for President.
Can you point to anything that I’ve said that has declared anything about the election?! I responded to somebody making the proclamation that the election was rigged. I asked for their proof. As expected silence.
You proclaimed that the elections were legit. Are these not your own words? :cuckoo:

"Are you seriously claiming the midterms were not legit?!"
If they both run, currently I'll be supporting Ron, but if Trump gets the nomination....clearly I'd support him over whatever the Demafascist offer.
Um, were you not paying attention on Tuesday? Nope, the big Hispanic wave you are talking about didn't happen.
yet the R's got ~6 million more votes overall than the D's.

suddenly, the D's no longer want majority rule. funny how that always comes up for them. always wanting rule changes when it benefits their emotional needs.

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