Why are the Ten (10) Poorist Countries in Non-Arab Africa or African Lead Countries


Apr 22, 2007
The 10 Poorest Countries in the World | Fox Business

9 out of 10 are in non-Arab Africa (meaning Black Africa)! The leader is Haiti. Haiti is a country founded by France in which they imported slaves from Africa. More slaves then slave owners equates to a bad situation. The slaves revolted and massacred every white man, women and children in the island. Hence the country is of African descendents. They were the 2nd country to gain independence in the western world, yet they remain the poorest country in the world.

But I digress, why are all of the top 10 the poorest and worst off? Why are they plagued with genocide, war, famine, AIDS, rape and misery indexes off the charts! Yet most of these countries are lush in resources and have plush farm land.

I will get the racist card tossed at me, so the question will never be answered, but is it about time this question gets answered?

Why has non-Arab Africa NEVER had a civilized, rich and successful society or country?
The 10 Poorest Countries in the World | Fox Business

9 out of 10 are in non-Arab Africa (meaning Black Africa)! The leader is Haiti. Haiti is a country founded by France in which they imported slaves from Africa. More slaves then slave owners equates to a bad situation. The slaves revolted and massacred every white man, women and children in the island. Hence the country is of African descendents. They were the 2nd country to gain independence in the western world, yet they remain the poorest country in the world.

But I digress, why are all of the top 10 the poorest and worst off? Why are they plagued with genocide, war, famine, AIDS, rape and misery indexes off the charts! Yet most of these countries are lush in resources and have plush farm land.

I will get the racist card tossed at me, so the question will never be answered, but is it about time this question gets answered?

Why has non-Arab Africa NEVER had a civilized, rich and successful society or country?

Look at the test scores in my sig. This might start to answer your question.

Same reason that every city with a large population of blacks=high crime, low standards and a total cess pool.

I wish it wasn't so, but it's the way it is.
The 10 Poorest Countries in the World | Fox Business

9 out of 10 are in non-Arab Africa (meaning Black Africa)! The leader is Haiti. Haiti is a country founded by France in which they imported slaves from Africa. More slaves then slave owners equates to a bad situation. The slaves revolted and massacred every white man, women and children in the island. Hence the country is of African descendents. They were the 2nd country to gain independence in the western world, yet they remain the poorest country in the world.

But I digress, why are all of the top 10 the poorest and worst off? Why are they plagued with genocide, war, famine, AIDS, rape and misery indexes off the charts! Yet most of these countries are lush in resources and have plush farm land.

I will get the racist card tossed at me, so the question will never be answered, but is it about time this question gets answered?

Why has non-Arab Africa NEVER had a civilized, rich and successful society or country?

You aren't really a student of history..are ya?

There have been pretty advanced Arab and African civilizations a plenty. Egypt and Mesopotamia are just two quick examples.

What happened was they weren't as keen on war as those in Europe were..and many of those civilization fell under Greco/Roman rule. The modern age didn't get much better for them as they were parsed into "countries" by the west and subject to colonialism and slavery.

Guess that's what really happens when you go for high culture while ignoring your military.
I honestly don't know how to answer your question.

I don't think it's genetics! I have had too many highly intelligent well put together Black friends, co-workers and bosses!

I can't understand the history of this, yet no one wants to touch it, for fear of being called a racists or Uncle Tom!
The 10 Poorest Countries in the World | Fox Business

9 out of 10 are in non-Arab Africa (meaning Black Africa)! The leader is Haiti. Haiti is a country founded by France in which they imported slaves from Africa. More slaves then slave owners equates to a bad situation. The slaves revolted and massacred every white man, women and children in the island. Hence the country is of African descendents. They were the 2nd country to gain independence in the western world, yet they remain the poorest country in the world.

But I digress, why are all of the top 10 the poorest and worst off? Why are they plagued with genocide, war, famine, AIDS, rape and misery indexes off the charts! Yet most of these countries are lush in resources and have plush farm land.

I will get the racist card tossed at me, so the question will never be answered, but is it about time this question gets answered?

Why has non-Arab Africa NEVER had a civilized, rich and successful society or country?

You aren't really a student of history..are ya?

There have been pretty advanced Arab and African civilizations a plenty. Egypt and Mesopotamia are just two quick examples.

What happened was they weren't as keen on war as those in Europe were..and many of those civilization fell under Greco/Roman rule. The modern age didn't get much better for them as they were parsed into "countries" by the west and subject to colonialism and slavery.

Guess that's what really happens when you go for high culture while ignoring your military.

Wow, I don't know where to begin. You didn't read a word, but have a lot to say.

First, Mesopotamia was in the Middle East and weren't of "Black" African origins!
Second, I stated non-Arab (meaning not North Africa). Arabs had there time in the sun. Third, ancient Egyptians being black is a source of controversy. We don't know (although it probable), since the Arabs invaders wiped out and displaced all the anicent Egyptians and replaced them with Arabs.
Fourth, Egyptians weren't war-like people? What are you smoking?

Lastly, with all the rich history of Africa you stretched on finding rich civilizations.

The one closest might be ancient Carthage, during Hanibal's time. But it's a stretch calling them a rich, civilized (for the time) and advanced civilization and again the controversy calling them black origins!
I honestly don't know how to answer your question.

Does Oil have anything to do with it?

Oil is the only resource out there ya know! Most European countries don't have oil. Most of the countries of African have many other resources. Like Madacasgar has the largest reserves of bourbon vanilla in the world. In fact most of the vanilla in the world comes from Madacasgar. The Congo is LUSH in diamonds, other precious metals and a ton of materials required for medicines.

Some countries have oil, such as Nigeria (OPEC nation) and Southern Sudan!
I honestly don't know how to answer your question.

Does Oil have anything to do with it?

Oil is the only resource out there ya know! Most European countries don't have oil. Most of the countries of African have many other resources. Like Madacasgar has the largest reserves of bourbon vanilla in the world. In fact most of the vanilla in the world comes from Madacasgar. The Congo is LUSH in diamonds, other precious metals and a ton of materials required for medicines.

Some countries have oil, such as Nigeria (OPEC nation) and Southern Sudan!

Sounds like there is not much "Trickle Down" in those countries and the available wealth is being monopolized by the wealthy few
Does Oil have anything to do with it?

Oil is the only resource out there ya know! Most European countries don't have oil. Most of the countries of African have many other resources. Like Madacasgar has the largest reserves of bourbon vanilla in the world. In fact most of the vanilla in the world comes from Madacasgar. The Congo is LUSH in diamonds, other precious metals and a ton of materials required for medicines.

Some countries have oil, such as Nigeria (OPEC nation) and Southern Sudan!

Sounds like there is not much "Trickle Down" in those countries and the available wealth is being monopolized by the wealthy few

keep white and yellow folks out of these countries and they will do just fine.Cause you bring that rascist crap with you and start these people fighting amongst themselves.No wonder thay cant make any progress in these countries.:clap2:
Oil is the only resource out there ya know! Most European countries don't have oil. Most of the countries of African have many other resources. Like Madacasgar has the largest reserves of bourbon vanilla in the world. In fact most of the vanilla in the world comes from Madacasgar. The Congo is LUSH in diamonds, other precious metals and a ton of materials required for medicines.

Some countries have oil, such as Nigeria (OPEC nation) and Southern Sudan!

Sounds like there is not much "Trickle Down" in those countries and the available wealth is being monopolized by the wealthy few

keep white and yellow folks out of these countries and they will do just fine.Cause you bring that rascist crap with you and start these people fighting amongst themselves.No wonder thay cant make any progress in these countries.:clap2:

You are a fucking moron, Zimbabwe threw almost all the whites out of there and that country is a fucking shit hole now. Uganda threw out all the Asians and Indians and everything burned to the ground, just throwing out whites and Asians, Indians etc is not the answer you stupid fucking cock.
My theory is that it has to do with lawlessness... Most of these places are very akin to the wild west in that they let guns settle disputes, rather than courts of Law... And Military dictatorships allow the strong to usurp the weak.
How is this for a Holocaust ...

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Does Oil have anything to do with it?

Oil is the only resource out there ya know! Most European countries don't have oil. Most of the countries of African have many other resources. Like Madacasgar has the largest reserves of bourbon vanilla in the world. In fact most of the vanilla in the world comes from Madacasgar. The Congo is LUSH in diamonds, other precious metals and a ton of materials required for medicines.

Some countries have oil, such as Nigeria (OPEC nation) and Southern Sudan!

Sounds like there is not much "Trickle Down" in those countries and the available wealth is being monopolized by the wealthy few

That is because they don't practice trickle down!
My theory is that it has to do with lawlessness... Most of these places are very akin to the wild west in that they let guns settle disputes, rather than courts of Law... And Military dictatorships allow the strong to usurp the weak.

Too simplistic. You mentioned the Wild West, yet we thrived! Russia has a Wild West situation going on and they are an emerging economy after a total collaspe of their economy.

Your theory doesn't hold the mustard!

The question in context almost sounds like "blacks have opportunity why are there still blacks in poverty?" My friend its called social dynamics. Do you honestly think since post-dynasty times Africa was purely inhabited by just black africans? You had portugese, french, spanish, romans, greeks british and others who capitalized on the indigenous people's resources. Not to mention the plague of warring factions, genocide, and HIV/AIDS and you ask this question?


Did you think Alexandria was an African name?
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The question in context almost sounds like "blacks have opportunity why are their still blacks in poverty?" My friend its called social dynamics. Do you honestly think since post-dynasty times Africa was purely inhabited by just black africans? You had portugese, french, spanish, romans, greeks british and others who capitalized on the indigenous people's resources. Not to mention the plague of warring factions, genocide, and HIV/AIDS and you ask this question?


Did you think Alexandria was an African name?

And the Arabs ruled over Spain at one point, Europe had musical chairs of tribal leaders during the middle ages. Some parts in Africa were inhabited by non-Blacks! What is your point?

And warring engulfed most parts of the world at one point. Europe has been destroyed time and time again. The US had a costly and bloody civil war to which we came out of (yet there was a period of reconstruction, but we overcame it rather quickly).

Russia had a TOTAL collaspe of it's economic and political system and now they are an emerging market.

India has all the items you mentioned and they are an emerging super-power.

Japan was hit with the atomic bomb and became the 2nd largest economy in the world within decades.

South Korea had one of the most devastating civil wars in history and managed to become an industrialized 1st world nation.

Not sure what your thesis is?

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