Why Are We So Messed Up?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to get into a conversation with someone 20-30 years old, only to find they have no grasp of history whatsoever, no understanding of actual science and very little comprehension of our founding principles in general. I often blamed this on a liberal-run education system which has been a disappointment and utter disaster at educating our youth. But it occurred to me, basically the same people were in charge back when I was growing up. So, while our schools are falling apart and failing, I don't think that's where we jumped the tracks and I can't blame everything on it. Oh, it's bad... I totally missed out on the hot nympho teachers and "outcome based" test results. You had to actually know the material and take the tests, make a passing grade, etc.

While things are definitely tanking on that front, I feel the problem is much deeper. I think it's our free culture and society which has caused us to become victims of our own device. Hear me out, because you'll need to think outside the box to understand. Not very many of us can remember life before television. It has been a part of our lives for a long time. With the new electronic media, seeing the most current movies has also become a social prerequisite. Even if you haven't actually seen a movie, you've probably heard about it through social media or trailers on TV. The point here being, we are living in an age where society is inundated with a constant flow of "conscience" through entertainment.

A good example of what I am getting at is our perception of civil rights in America. It's repeatedly drummed into our heads, this stereotypical mindset of how things went down, how people were "good guys" and "bad guys" through all of it, and the "good guys" ultimately prevailed. As if our history follows the template of a great movie. That is our perception but that isn't the reality. There were "good guys" who were doing very wrong things, and there were "bad guys" who believed they were doing the right thing. No one is a stereotype, no situation is a stereotype. But our free culture and society has neatly repackaged our history in a way that we perceive the past as some sort of 'manifest liberal destiny' for lack of a better term.

We have brainwashed ourselves into believing our own scapegoats and denials. Who is to say-- and get ready to bristle at this-- that "Separate But Equal" wouldn't have produced a better and stronger society as a whole? Keep in mind, we never tried "separate but equal" because it was rejected by the masses. We had been trying "separate but unequal" for years and it certainly didn't work. Why is it we assume that the path we took to a forced integration of black and white culture was "the best" way? The answer is, because we have been programmed by the script to believe this. There is no symbiotic reason to think forced integration was ideal in any respect. In fact, nature would suggest that we would have been better off as a whole if we had adopted a solution which respected cultural differences and didn't attempt to force integration. But none of this can ever be changed now, we can't go back and try an alternative at this point, we simply have to accept the reality of what we have. And we have our entertainment media which has replaced actual knowledge of history and such, to reinforce our perceptions of what is "right and wrong" or what was "noble and just!"

Now, it was risky for me to make that example and the shallow end of the gene pool here will undoubtedly interpret my remarks as some sort of neo-confederate call for a return to segregation, and that's just not true... we can never put the genie back in the bottle. Water under the bridge now, we have to move forward. It was just an example of how our cultural narrative is shaped around a false and stereotypical perception of the past.

We now have a nation comprised of multiple generations who've reached voting age, yet have no clue whatsoever about history other than what they have been taught through the brainwashing of pop culture. They watch a movie about the Civil War and injustices toward blacks and they believe that's how things really were. That's history! They develop this image in their minds of a morally right Union and morally wrong Confederacy as if each side was comprised of monolithic thinkers who all fit the stereotype. Why? Because it's easier to believe a movie that reinforces the cultural script than to actually study history and learn something. Again, not defending slavery or the Confederacy, just pointing out how culture has driven the narrative.

Think about movies like Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird and M*A*S*H, how they drove the collective cultural narrative, how they effectively brainwashed us into accepting a perception that may or may not depict reality? This isn't something new, it's been happening for a long time. Our evolution as thinkers has given way to "groupthink" as Orwell would put it. We've become prisoners of our own minds, free thinking is condemned by conventional wisdom and we are set on a course to follow our own delusions, guided by entertainment media and pop culture.

It's very depressing indeed.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to get into a conversation with someone 20-30 years old, only to find they have no grasp of history whatsoever, no understanding of actual science and very little comprehension of our founding principles in general. I often blamed this on a liberal-run education system which has been a disappointment and utter disaster at educating our youth. But it occurred to me, basically the same people were in charge back when I was growing up. So, while our schools are falling apart and failing, I don't think that's where we jumped the tracks and I can't blame everything on it. Oh, it's bad... I totally missed out on the hot nympho teachers and "outcome based" test results. You had to actually know the material and take the tests, make a passing grade, etc.

While things are definitely tanking on that front, I feel the problem is much deeper. I think it's our free culture and society which has caused us to become victims of our own device. Hear me out, because you'll need to think outside the box to understand. Not very many of us can remember life before television. It has been a part of our lives for a long time. With the new electronic media, seeing the most current movies has also become a social prerequisite. Even if you haven't actually seen a movie, you've probably heard about it through social media or trailers on TV. The point here being, we are living in an age where society is inundated with a constant flow of "conscience" through entertainment.

A good example of what I am getting at is our perception of civil rights in America. It's repeatedly drummed into our heads, this stereotypical mindset of how things went down, how people were "good guys" and "bad guys" through all of it, and the "good guys" ultimately prevailed. As if our history follows the template of a great movie. That is our perception but that isn't the reality. There were "good guys" who were doing very wrong things, and there were "bad guys" who believed they were doing the right thing. No one is a stereotype, no situation is a stereotype. But our free culture and society has neatly repackaged our history in a way that we perceive the past as some sort of 'manifest liberal destiny' for lack of a better term.

We have brainwashed ourselves into believing our own scapegoats and denials. Who is to say-- and get ready to bristle at this-- that "Separate But Equal" wouldn't have produced a better and stronger society as a whole? Keep in mind, we never tried "separate but equal" because it was rejected by the masses. We had been trying "separate but unequal" for years and it certainly didn't work. Why is it we assume that the path we took to a forced integration of black and white culture was "the best" way? The answer is, because we have been programmed by the script to believe this. There is no symbiotic reason to think forced integration was ideal in any respect. In fact, nature would suggest that we would have been better off as a whole if we had adopted a solution which respected cultural differences and didn't attempt to force integration. But none of this can ever be changed now, we can't go back and try an alternative at this point, we simply have to accept the reality of what we have. And we have our entertainment media which has replaced actual knowledge of history and such, to reinforce our perceptions of what is "right and wrong" or what was "noble and just!"

Now, it was risky for me to make that example and the shallow end of the gene pool here will undoubtedly interpret my remarks as some sort of neo-confederate call for a return to segregation, and that's just not true... we can never put the genie back in the bottle. Water under the bridge now, we have to move forward. It was just an example of how our cultural narrative is shaped around a false and stereotypical perception of the past.

We now have a nation comprised of multiple generations who've reached voting age, yet have no clue whatsoever about history other than what they have been taught through the brainwashing of pop culture. They watch a movie about the Civil War and injustices toward blacks and they believe that's how things really were. That's history! They develop this image in their minds of a morally right Union and morally wrong Confederacy as if each side was comprised of monolithic thinkers who all fit the stereotype. Why? Because it's easier to believe a movie that reinforces the cultural script than to actually study history and learn something. Again, not defending slavery or the Confederacy, just pointing out how culture has driven the narrative.

Think about movies like Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird and M*A*S*H, how they drove the collective cultural narrative, how they effectively brainwashed us into accepting a perception that may or may not depict reality? This isn't something new, it's been happening for a long time. Our evolution as thinkers has given way to "groupthink" as Orwell would put it. We've become prisoners of our own minds, free thinking is condemned by conventional wisdom and we are set on a course to follow our own delusions, guided by entertainment media and pop culture.

It's very depressing indeed.

Your writing is very good, somewhat thought provoking. Doesn't really have anything at all to do with "liberal", n'est ce pas? Oh, would you like a freedom-fry?

OK, this must be captured for posterity's sake:

Oldschool bewaaaaahhhh.jpg
I agree with the OP, but I won't let public-ed off the hook so easily. They have a very large powerful union that makes performance audits impossible, firing nearly impossible and the goal is no longer what it was. I learned academics in school but now social engineering is very much part of the equation.

I remember life without much TV, it was something we did in the evening and Saturday mornings. Otherwise we were out playing. If we got bored the folks had chores for us to do so we didn't get bored, even on rainy days.

I also remember the segregated south. Colored water fountains, balcony seating only in the theaters. I learned to sit under the balcony, not up front. The negroes threw shit down, go figure. School was only integrated to the fourth grade.

Racism was visible but I found the younger generation wanting to move on. Some high school kids told me some stories about how they were secretly friends with some of "them". The reason they told me was because they knew I moved down from NYC. All nice and integrated but racism through the roof. I had issues with a few of them due to my skin color. In New Jersey too.

As I got older I realized that forcing people to do shit they didn't want might be well meaning but often had undesirable side effects. Then, when I got even older I realized that everything liberals touch turns to shit.
I agree with the OP, but I won't let public-ed off the hook so easily. They have a very large powerful union that makes performance audits impossible, firing nearly impossible and the goal is no longer what it was. I learned academics in school but now social engineering is very much part of the equation.

I remember life without much TV, it was something we did in the evening and Saturday mornings. Otherwise we were out playing. If we got bored the folks had chores for us to do so we didn't get bored, even on rainy days.

I also remember the segregated south. Colored water fountains, balcony seating only in the theaters. I learned to sit under the balcony, not up front. The negroes threw shit down, go figure. School was only integrated to the fourth grade.

Racism was visible but I found the younger generation wanting to move on. Some high school kids told me some stories about how they were secretly friends with some of "them". The reason they told me was because they knew I moved down from NYC. All nice and integrated but racism through the roof. I had issues with a few of them due to my skin color. In New Jersey too.

As I got older I realized that forcing people to do shit they didn't want might be well meaning but often had undesirable side effects. Then, when I got even older I realized that everything liberals touch turns to shit.

Not even an attempt to cloak racism these days..... not even an attempt....

This explains A LOT of "why are we so messed up"...
I agree with the OP, but I won't let public-ed off the hook so easily. They have a very large powerful union that makes performance audits impossible, firing nearly impossible and the goal is no longer what it was. I learned academics in school but now social engineering is very much part of the equation.

I remember life without much TV, it was something we did in the evening and Saturday mornings. Otherwise we were out playing. If we got bored the folks had chores for us to do so we didn't get bored, even on rainy days.

I also remember the segregated south. Colored water fountains, balcony seating only in the theaters. I learned to sit under the balcony, not up front. The negroes threw shit down, go figure. School was only integrated to the fourth grade.

Racism was visible but I found the younger generation wanting to move on. Some high school kids told me some stories about how they were secretly friends with some of "them". The reason they told me was because they knew I moved down from NYC. All nice and integrated but racism through the roof. I had issues with a few of them due to my skin color. In New Jersey too.

As I got older I realized that forcing people to do shit they didn't want might be well meaning but often had undesirable side effects. Then, when I got even older I realized that everything liberals touch turns to shit.

Not even an attempt to cloak racism these days..... not even an attempt....

This explains A LOT of "why are we so messed up"...
You're a simpleton, you fool no one. I was using the word negroes (which isn't racist btw, it's like caucasian) colloquially because that was the way it was back in the day.

You also missed the point. Cloaking shit does more harm than good.
I agree with the OP, but I won't let public-ed off the hook so easily. They have a very large powerful union that makes performance audits impossible, firing nearly impossible and the goal is no longer what it was. I learned academics in school but now social engineering is very much part of the equation.

I remember life without much TV, it was something we did in the evening and Saturday mornings. Otherwise we were out playing. If we got bored the folks had chores for us to do so we didn't get bored, even on rainy days.

I also remember the segregated south. Colored water fountains, balcony seating only in the theaters. I learned to sit under the balcony, not up front. The negroes threw shit down, go figure. School was only integrated to the fourth grade.

Racism was visible but I found the younger generation wanting to move on. Some high school kids told me some stories about how they were secretly friends with some of "them". The reason they told me was because they knew I moved down from NYC. All nice and integrated but racism through the roof. I had issues with a few of them due to my skin color. In New Jersey too.

As I got older I realized that forcing people to do shit they didn't want might be well meaning but often had undesirable side effects. Then, when I got even older I realized that everything liberals touch turns to shit.

Not even an attempt to cloak racism these days..... not even an attempt....

This explains A LOT of "why are we so messed up"...
You're a simpleton, you fool no one. I was using the word negroes (which isn't racist btw, it's like caucasian) colloquially because that was the way it was back in the day.

You also missed the point. Cloaking shit does more harm than good.

Why but of course, everyone walks around calling Black folks "Negroes" in the 21st century.....

But by all means, don't cloak it. Let the world see it.

I agree with the OP, but I won't let public-ed off the hook so easily. They have a very large powerful union that makes performance audits impossible, firing nearly impossible and the goal is no longer what it was. I learned academics in school but now social engineering is very much part of the equation.

I remember life without much TV, it was something we did in the evening and Saturday mornings. Otherwise we were out playing. If we got bored the folks had chores for us to do so we didn't get bored, even on rainy days.

I also remember the segregated south. Colored water fountains, balcony seating only in the theaters. I learned to sit under the balcony, not up front. The negroes threw shit down, go figure. School was only integrated to the fourth grade.

Racism was visible but I found the younger generation wanting to move on. Some high school kids told me some stories about how they were secretly friends with some of "them". The reason they told me was because they knew I moved down from NYC. All nice and integrated but racism through the roof. I had issues with a few of them due to my skin color. In New Jersey too.

As I got older I realized that forcing people to do shit they didn't want might be well meaning but often had undesirable side effects. Then, when I got even older I realized that everything liberals touch turns to shit.

Not even an attempt to cloak racism these days..... not even an attempt....

This explains A LOT of "why are we so messed up"...
You're a simpleton, you fool no one. I was using the word negroes (which isn't racist btw, it's like caucasian) colloquially because that was the way it was back in the day.

You also missed the point. Cloaking shit does more harm than good.

Why but of course, everyone walks around calling Black folks "Negroes" in the 21st century.....

But by all means, don't cloak it. Let the world see it.

I said you're a simpleton for a reason.
Grapes of Wrath did not depict reality, well my relatives that lived it sure thought it was real.....and as far as being a collective mind event, you must remember that we live in a world that is 180 degrees from 85 years ago, when the family unit was a collective as was the inter-relationships of US citizens that were farmers...
Grapes of Wrath did not depict reality, well my relatives that lived it sure thought it was real.....and as far as being a collective mind event, you must remember that we live in a world that is 180 degrees from 85 years ago, when the family unit was a collective as was the inter-relationships of US citizens that were farmers...

Well, your relatives were the stereotype I guess? I'm sure many people endured what Grapes depicted, some probably endured worse, but not everyone. Yet that's a perception we've assigned to that part of history.
OP you are trying to have a logical conversation with a nutbag Millennial. That is your first mistake.
I always thought it was tied to the birth of the perpetual excuse (anyone's failure is someone else's fault) combined with an over inflated sense of self-importance and the institutionalization of immediate gratification.

Think about movies like Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird ....

You know, those weren't just movies, genius. Why are you projecting your own ignorance on the rest of the world?

Oh, I know.. they were books before they were movies. However, most people who have seen these movies have never read the book. I didn't mean to dismiss literature as being responsible for cultural perceptions, it certainly has it's place as well.
Is there anything more fun than listening to a snobby middle aged dude talk about how much smarter he is than the random young person he meets.....and then indict an entire generation?

"Kids these days" are as smart as kids "back then" were. We aren't messed up.
Is there anything more fun than listening to a snobby middle aged dude talk about how much smarter he is than the random young person he meets.....and then indict an entire generation?

"Kids these days" are as smart as kids "back then" were. We aren't messed up.

They [Young People] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things -- and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning -- all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything -- they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else. ~Aristotle

'The children now love luxury; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are tyrants, not servants of the households. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize over their teachers.'

Yes, it has been going on for a long time... the difference today is, we have literally turned 26-year-olds into "children" and most of you Liberal dummycrat sheep are well into middle age.


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