Is America completely destroyed forever ?

Stupid college girls are the biggest idiots of them all !! More concerned about your pronouns and gender than the tens of millions of Central American rapist walking around
That's the fault of the leftist teachers. Something like 90% or more of college professors are dimrats.. How does that continue to happen?

I guess because no one complains when he or she is not hired as a professor.. that needs to change
That's the fault of the leftist teachers. Something like 90% or more of college professors are dimrats.. How does that continue to happen?

I guess because no one complains when he or she is not hired as a professor.. that needs to change
They are Marxist Democommies

They are Marxist Democommies
well, Rs have to learn to stand up for themselves. If they don't get hired by colleges (after somehow or other giving away the fact they may not be a libtard), maybe they should.. but I guess you'd have to make it clear you are a conservative... to be able to prove that is the reason you were not hired... so how does one do that?

Well, the thought occurs to me that somehow or another, the people doing the hiring must KNOW the ones they hire are libs...

I mean, when you get to 90%... so how do they know the ones they DON'T hire are non-libs? They know... somehow.. :oops:

All nations eventually end. Names, borders, religions, languages, and ethnicities change. Many people will be bitter old cranks until they die.
Now these leftist psychopaths are trying everything possible to get us in a limited nuclear war with Russia so Biden can win the election
All nations eventually end. Names, borders, religions, languages, and ethnicities change. Many people will be bitter old cranks until they die.

Yes but no powerful nation in history has purposely destroyed itself in only a few decades.
unprecedented in history
I am sure
All nations eventually end. Names, borders, religions, languages, and ethnicities change. Many people will be bitter old cranks until they die.

Most posters won’t discuss this and think we can go back to the old days but we can’t .
We are increasing our debt by trillions in only every few months

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