*Why Are Women Held In Such Disregard?*

Some women should be held in high regard, while others should not. Respectable women will hold THEMSELVES in high regard when they remain sober, honest, productive, good examples, loving, kind, generous, and generally wholesome. Women who sell their bodies, abuse drugs or booze, abort babies, steal, sleep around, and typically live a loathsome life cannot be held in high regard. Men should be judged in similar fashion.

Liberals, in general, are of the latter variety of humans. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Liberals are often the most hypocritical individuals within the human race. They'll viciously attack “the patriarchy” then defend a man who (pretending to be a woman) beats the hell out of a woman in the boxing ring. They're double minded, confused, and out-of-touch with reality.
Only in societies with resources can this happen. Instead of bringing real inclusion of more people living with comforts, we play all of these games of human frailties and slowly destroy ourselves unless wars or natural disasters strike.
Only in societies with resources can this happen. Instead of bringing real inclusion of more people living with comforts, we play all of these games of human frailties and slowly destroy ourselves unless wars or natural disasters strike.
It's my opinion that humans should, first, set high standards for themselves. Then they should try to reach those standards. I don't believe the economic status one finds himself/herself in should diminish or reduce the set standards. If I'm rich, I should be kind, helpful, gracious, and charitable. If I'm poor, I should be kind, helpful, gracious, and charitable.
^^^ I rest my case ^^^

You don’t have a case to rest. You’ve been proven to be a complete and total liar.

You talk the talk of respecting women. But you don’t. Not in the slightest. And when you’re caught, and your lies are exposed, you have no response.

Why don’t you give us the names of some of the women that you “respect”.
You don’t have a case to rest. You’ve been proven to be a complete and total liar.

You talk the talk of respecting women. But you don’t. Not in the slightest. And when you’re caught, and your lies are exposed, you have no response.

Why don’t you give us the names of some of the women that you “respect”.
I respect LOTs of women, and I'm disgusted by LOTs of others. I don't clump all women together. I view them on a case by case basis. The same is true of how I view men. There are good and there are bad.


Louise. My mom. Mother of 8 kids. Didn't sleep around. Didn't drink or do drugs. Never had an abortion. Taught her kids right from wrong.
You don’t have a case to rest. You’ve been proven to be a complete and total liar.

You talk the talk of respecting women. But you don’t. Not in the slightest. And when you’re caught, and your lies are exposed, you have no response.

Why don’t you give us the names of some of the women that you “respect”.
Do not disrespect yourself. We live in a purposely pushed agenda from masters that have existed for eons to bring the natural human realities of the species into something forced as all the same in every way possible. From your views we now have many men as felons. Those trying to live a good life hamstringed to a degree. We have a civilization that is living off its past as we decline from what you believe is so right. The worst thing is that those empowered as police and law do the bidding of the same as we slowly decay to a primal result.
I respect LOTs of women, and I'm disgusted by LOTs of others. I don't clump all women together. I view them on a case by case basis. The same is true of how I view men. There are good and there are bad.


Louise. My mom. Mother of 8 kids. Didn't sleep around. Didn't drink or do drugs. Never had an abortion. Taught her kids right from wrong.
Then how in the hell did you end up the way you did?
This post is complete and utter bullshit. Women have done all of these things and you shit on them for it.

Why do you praise Melania Trump? A soft porn model, who had an affair with Trump before they were married, and is currently having an affair with another man now. You praise her as a beautiful and classy First Lady.

But Michelle Obama and Jill Biden??? These are women who are leading the kind of lives, that you say a respectable woman lives, and yet you trash them, and denigrate them, and show them no respect whatsoever.

You respect the nude model who renegotiated her pre-nup before moving into the White House.

I am exactly the kind of woman you describe. I was married, didn’t sleep around. I don’t have drug or alcohol problems, never had an abortion, and I lived a very productve life. And yet I’m regularly called a whore on this board.

You better come up with another lie as about respecting women, asshole.
Sorry bout that,

1. Dragonlady just stop already, I think they are in a wad, fix that, your user id is telling on you
2. Dragon talk, seems more like it.
3. Fire breathing.

Just like blacks and gays and any other persecuted or formerly persecuted minority, women need to be kept in that position so certain political parties can always be in the act of "saving them". This is too firmly and still in their minds, "before this I was NOTHING but the __________ Party saved me." Now I get free shit and a big megaphone to shout my grievances over everyone else.

The problem is, the people who are doing the "saving" routinely need to hit the rewind button so they can play the same song over again. Why don't the minorities and special interest groups see this happening? Every time they achieve equality or Justice instead of continuing to move forward they are kicked back to the beginning of the song where they had to play the victim to get noticed.

I respect LOTs of women, and I'm disgusted by LOTs of others. I don't clump all women together. I view them on a case by case basis. The same is true of how I view men. There are good and there are bad.


Louise. My mom. Mother of 8 kids. Didn't sleep around. Didn't drink or do drugs. Never had an abortion. Taught her kids right from wrong.

What a bullshit response. AGAIN!!!

You can't name any women you respect other than your mother and only because she didn't sleep around or have an abortion.

Your misogyny shines through in every post. Education, achievement, awards, and success isn't worthy of your respect. Unless a woman conforms to your code of "respectable behaviour", you have no respect for her. And even then you don't really respect her as a person, but as a model of acceptable female behaviour. You talk about her behaviour, not her as a person.

My mother was not well educated, but she was very wise and she was possessed common sense, which is a rare thing. As a child, I thought her "old sayings" amusing, but as an adult, they have guided me well. I now find myself telling my children the same things. After my father died, she rented crappy houses, and turned them into cosy homes. She built cupboards and closets, refinished the floors, stripped layers of wallpaper and patched walls.

She planted a kitchen garden and kept us fed summer and winter. I had dig it and tend it because by then her arthritis was in her arms and hands. She canned and preserved everything she grew, and helped her. She made all my clothes when I was little, and she taught me to knit and sew. But when my oldest was born, she told me I would have to make her layette, because she could no longer knit or sew. I do I wish I'd paid more attention to her construction work. I've needed those skills at times, and didn't bother with that stuff when she did it.

My mother's family nickname was "Flip". I'm the youngest, I never knew why. Her favourite perfume was Chanel No. 5. I think of her whenever I smell that perfume. She died when I was 30. I still miss her.

Like your mother, she didn't screw around, drink to excess or do drugs. She raised 6 children and taught us the value of hard work, and right from wrong. She never terminated a pregnancy. But that really doesn't say anything about her at all.
Just like blacks and gays and any other persecuted or formerly persecuted minority, women need to be kept in that position so certain political parties can always be in the act of "saving them". This is too firmly and still in their minds, "before this I was NOTHING but the __________ Party saved me." Now I get free shit and a big megaphone to shout my grievances over everyone else.

The problem is, the people who are doing the "saving" routinely need to hit the rewind button so they can play the same song over again. Why don't the minorities and special interest groups see this happening? Every time they achieve equality or Justice instead of continuing to move forward they are kicked back to the beginning of the song where they had to play the victim to get noticed.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Jimmy Carter was the backlash to the corruption of the Nixon Administration.

The right has been trying to reverse Roe v. Wade as the crowning achievement of the Women's Rights movement. Now they're going after birth control, because it "promotes" promiscuity.

The current attempt to restrict voting rights is the backlash against Democrats winning elections.

The current anti-gay backlash is right wingers continuing attempts to roll back gay marriage.

And Donald Trump is the backlash to Women's Rights, Gay Rights, and a black President.

What a bullshit response. AGAIN!!!

You can't name any women you respect other than your mother and only because she didn't sleep around or have an abortion.

Your misogyny shines through in every post. Education, achievement, awards, and success isn't worthy of your respect. Unless a woman conforms to your code of "respectable behaviour", you have no respect for her. And even then you don't really respect her as a person, but as a model of acceptable female behaviour. You talk about her behaviour, not her as a person.

My mother was not well educated, but she was very wise and she was possessed common sense, which is a rare thing. As a child, I thought her "old sayings" amusing, but as an adult, they have guided me well. I now find myself telling my children the same things. After my father died, she rented crappy houses, and turned them into cosy homes. She built cupboards and closets, refinished the floors, stripped layers of wallpaper and patched walls.

She planted a kitchen garden and kept us fed summer and winter. I had dig it and tend it because by then her arthritis was in her arms and hands. She canned and preserved everything she grew, and helped her. She made all my clothes when I was little, and she taught me to knit and sew. But when my oldest was born, she told me I would have to make her layette, because she could no longer knit or sew. I do I wish I'd paid more attention to her construction work. I've needed those skills at times, and didn't bother with that stuff when she did it.

My mother's family nickname was "Flip". I'm the youngest, I never knew why. Her favourite perfume was Chanel No. 5. I think of her whenever I smell that perfume. She died when I was 30. I still miss her.

Like your mother, she didn't screw around, drink to excess or do drugs. She raised 6 children and taught us the value of hard work, and right from wrong. She never terminated a pregnancy. But that really doesn't say anything about her at all.
The Patriot Nurse:

Good Patriot:

Florence Nightengale

My sisters: Barbara, Laurel, Phyllis, and Dixie

Sarah Palin

Megyn Kelly

Lauren Chen

Laura Farms:

Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast:

Liberty Doll:

Candace Owens

And the list goes on. Liberal "women" can't hold a candle to the above!!
Sorry bout that,

1. Dragonlady just stop already, I think they are in a wad, fix that, your user id is telling on you
2. Dragon talk, seems more like it.
3. Fire breathing.


Why??? Because I'm blowing your lies about the right respecting women right out of the water????

Why don't you want to post on this topic?
The Patriot Nurse:

Good Patriot:

Florence Nightengale

My sisters: Barbara, Laurel, Phyllis, and Dixie

Sarah Palin

Megyn Kelly

Lauren Chen

Laura Farms:

Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast:

Liberty Doll:

Candace Owens

And the list goes on. Liberal "women" can't hold a candle to the above!!

All of the women's websites you've linked to are selling things: The Patriot Nurse, the Liberty Doll. The Hargreaves woman is complete loon.

If this list of liars, grifters, and loons is a list of women you respect, how do any of them meet your criteria?

Sarah Palin, who has been arrested for drunken brawls, whose children have out of wedlock pregnancies, with multiple fathers?

The farm girl seems sweet, but she's hardly extraordinary and again, how do you know she's chaste, sober and faithful?

The media personalities are simply right wing shills. Kelly routinely sold her soul to the highest bidder. Women who work for F0X News are by definition dishonest, corrupt and compliant, because you can't work for F0X unless you are. Murdoch wouldn't have paid out close to $100 million in sexual harassment settlements if this were not the case.

The "Good Patriot" lost me when she said that "Jesus would be up to His horse's bridle in blood on Judgement Day, while saying we need to be nice to one another.

I don't know your sisters, but I'd love to hear their opinion of Y0U.
All of the women's websites you've linked to are selling things: The Patriot Nurse, the Liberty Doll. The Hargreaves woman is complete loon.

If this list of liars, grifters, and loons is a list of women you respect, how do any of them meet your criteria?

Sarah Palin, who has been arrested for drunken brawls, whose children have out of wedlock pregnancies, with multiple fathers?

The farm girl seems sweet, but she's hardly extraordinary and again, how do you know she's chaste, sober and faithful?

The media personalities are simply right wing shills. Kelly routinely sold her soul to the highest bidder. Women who work for F0X News are by definition dishonest, corrupt and compliant, because you can't work for F0X unless you are. Murdoch wouldn't have paid out close to $100 million in sexual harassment settlements if this were not the case.

The "Good Patriot" lost me when she said that "Jesus would be up to His horse's bridle in blood on Judgement Day, while saying we need to be nice to one another.

I don't know your sisters, but I'd love to hear their opinion of Y0U.
Nothing wrong with “selling” things. I sell things sometimes. In fact … I sell welding supplies every day. If people don't want the things being sold … then they're not obligated to buy them.

I don't recall Florence Nightingale “selling things” other than her charitable nature. My sisters don't sell things unless they're having a garage sale.

Bottom line: You asked me to name the women I believe are good examples, so that's what I did. Now you're dissatisfied that I responded. Seems that liberals will NEVER be happy.

My sisters love me and call me often. I guess if they hated me, then they'd likely leave me be.

No women are perfect. You're a perfect example of that. But I respect the women who strive to be something more than prostitutes and abortionists.

Allie Beth Stuckey is another lady I really like:

Was the feminist movement just a political circus designed to get democrats elected? Where are feminists today when young girls are traumatized by confused boys in dresses lurking in their locker rooms and women who worked all their lives to get a chance at world class sports are used as tackling dummies by men with faked breasts?
Nothing wrong with “selling” things. I sell things sometimes. In fact … I sell welding supplies every day. If people don't want the things being sold … then they're not obligated to buy them.

I don't recall Florence Nightingale “selling things” other than her charitable nature. My sisters don't sell things unless they're having a garage sale.

Bottom line: You asked me to name the women I believe are good examples, so that's what I did. Now you're dissatisfied that I responded. Seems that liberals will NEVER be happy.

My sisters love me and call me often. I guess if they hated me, then they'd likely leave me be.

No women are perfect. You're a perfect example of that. But I respect the women who strive to be something more than prostitutes and abortionists.

Allie Beth Stuckey is another lady I really like:

I sell things too, but you told us you "respect women who" and you list your criteria for your respect, and then you give us a list of women you respect, with no proof that they are "respectable women" according to your own, low bar criteria for respect.

There aren't woman on your list of public figures who is a successful national or world leader, award winning scientist, human rights advocate, doctor, lawyer, or even actress. Dolly Parton is one of my favourite women and her recent induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame highlights why. Talk about humble!!!

One of the greatest songwriters and entertainers of all time, has used her fame, and her success to help millions of American children learn to read. Built a successful tourist attraction theme park to create jobs and stable employment in the area where she grew up. And donated a million and a half dollars to the creation of the Moderna vaccine.

I have no idea who Dolly Parton votes for, nor do I care. Her personal achievements in her career and awards make her worthy of respect, in a field very much dominated by men. But it's her commitment to giving back to the community she grew up in, and the nation which has embraced her, that puts her on my list. Her living faith and optimism is imbued throughout.
Was the feminist movement just a political circus designed to get democrats elected? Where are feminists today when young girls are traumatized by confused boys in dresses lurking in their locker rooms and women who worked all their lives to get a chance at world class sports are used as tackling dummies by men with faked breasts?

Feminists have been sharing washrooms with men since we were children. When I see a tranny in a washroom, they're usually frightened at having been spotted, so I give them a little smile to ease their concerns, and then we both go about our business.

There are 11 trans athletes in the NCAA, and only one elite "trans" athlete out of 300,000 female NCAA athletes. She's ranked 45th in the nation in sports. The athletes aren't asking for these laws, because they're not needed.

MEN want these laws. W0MEN want abortion bans repealled, mandated maternity leave, equal pay, family leave, and universal health care.
Quit asking women to be grateful for protecting them from NOTHING.
I sell things too, but you told us you "respect women who" and you list your criteria for your respect, and then you give us a list of women you respect, with no proof that they are "respectable women" according to your own, low bar criteria for respect.

There aren't woman on your list of public figures who is a successful national or world leader, award winning scientist, human rights advocate, doctor, lawyer, or even actress. Dolly Parton is one of my favourite women and her recent induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame highlights why. Talk about humble!!!

One of the greatest songwriters and entertainers of all time, has used her fame, and her success to help millions of American children learn to read. Built a successful tourist attraction theme park to create jobs and stable employment in the area where she grew up. And donated a million and a half dollars to the creation of the Moderna vaccine.

I have no idea who Dolly Parton votes for, nor do I care. Her personal achievements in her career and awards make her worthy of respect, in a field very much dominated by men. But it's her commitment to giving back to the community she grew up in, and the nation which has embraced her, that puts her on my list. Her living faith and optimism is imbued throughout.
Dolly is a good lady. No scandals that I know of. Hard worker. Faithful to her husband (married for 56 years or there about). Feminine and lady-like. Humble. A Capitalist businesswoman. Politically, it's hard to pin down, but her charitable nature and pro-family focus would suggest that she's right-leaning. At least she isn't running around waving a “rainbow” flag. That's good news.

She's certainly better than, say, Ellen Degenerate or Rosy O'Dumbell: two, mannish hacks whose scowls are only outdone by their mean dispositions.

But a woman doesn't have to be a successful millionaire to be respectable. There are millions of women who are completely unnamed but spend much of their time committing to charitable activities or serving their communities in other productive ways.

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