Why Democrats Lost White Voters


May 23, 2014
Because they throw racist accusations at will...even have their media puppets in on the act. But not one network...
The Democratic Party was founded by Zionist Jews who use a divide and conquer strategy. Not much has changed. The Democrat Party is obsessed with fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination, since they have always supported such...

"Affirmative" ACTION

The scum rises to the top of the Dem Party by design. Blacks only rise if they constantly race bait over BS.
Because they throw racist accusations at will...even have their media puppets in on the act. But not one network...

Why just white ones? I mean, is it such a stretch to think a black dude who is just a guy like any of us can't be pissed at out inept and corrupt two party politicians? That some Asian dude may feel that professional politicians as a whole are useless fucks be they republicans or democrats? Remember, Bernie spanked the democrat parties "next in line" pretty bad to inspite of the DNC's attempt to steam roll him. Government as it is was is done. Learn or get more Trump like outcomes.
The Democratic Party was founded by Zionist Jews who use a divide and conquer strategy. Not much has changed. The Democrat Party is obsessed with fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination, since they have always supported such...

"Affirmative" ACTION

The scum rises to the top of the Dem Party by design. Blacks only rise if they constantly race bait over BS.

I am fascinated, laladex -------does your comment mean that jews support Slavery, Segregation
and "Affimative" Action, or that jews MAKE AN ISSUE of it? I am old-----I remember when
"affirmative action"--------was introduced ---for admissions to colleges and that sort of stuff.. I used
to read the islamo Nazi propaganda that floated around my Nazified town------BUT I do not remember
"affirmative action"------as a ZIONIST PLOT----back then----in the early 60s
Farrakhan has documented that just about all of the slave ships had owners with Jewish last names. The slave trade in Africa was ongoing before the first black arrived in the US. Jews were the transportation source for the trade, which is why Jews in the South knew about the "availability" of "alternative labor."

Look at the Confederacy.

Jefferson DAVIS = JEWISH last name
TN gov Ismael HARRIS = JEWISH last name
"Christian" leaders like Billy Graham's ancestors = = JEWISH last name
Founder of Nashville TN named ROBERTSON = JEWISH last name

One of the things Zionist Jews do is they lie, and they re-write history to cover their tracks. Slavery was a Jewish attempt to lower costs and increase profits on plantations. It started with greed, then it needed a (Jewish) LAWYER to define the person off this ship as "not a man, but property," and then it needed the political class to "legalize" it.

EVERYTHING about SLAVERY and the CONFEDERACY was either JEWISH or JDAAC (Jew disguised as a Christian)

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