This country came within an inch of being hopelessly divided.

This country came within an inch of being hopelessly divided.​

too funny. Why?

The very minute Trump rode down the escalator in 2015 declaring he was entering the presidential race? The man spent years denying President Obama was born on the USA, a natural born citizen of the USA.

Look up the terms "decisive" "divided"

President John Kennedy was assassinated. Candidate Robert Kennedy was assassinated. Trump is not president, so Donald Trump is a survivor of an attempt at assassination - like George Wallace (who was seriously injured). President Reagan was the survivor of an attempted assassination.

Trump is a candidate, a former president but sill only a candidate. Your op attempts to do an equivalency based on JFK as a sitting president with Trump as an expresident
Probably right. Naive youth, believed all of this crap about Trump being Hitler and the Trumpamaniacs being nazis that the libs have been stating since Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator in 2015

And most of the leftists on this site push the same thing every day.

They're not going to like it.

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I keep thinking of the horror that was avoided by a turn of the head, the flinch of a would be assassin or the hand of God. Kennedy was bad enough but we would have witnessed live video of Donald Trump's head exploding and the ensuing shock, rage and sorrow that this country would now be mired in. Please consider how fortunate we are as a country even if you are a Trump hater. I personally despise Biden and Obama for what they've done to the country, but in no way would I wish that upon them.
and the hand of god stuff? Save it for a sermon.
I didnt say that. See? You guys are so rabid that your brains have turned to diarrhea.
Be aware it is behavior such as you are exhibiting that dehumanizes you to the other side. You can also point to behavior from the other side that dehumanizes them in your eyes.
When two sides have dehumanized each other, what do you suppose is going to happen?

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