This country came within an inch of being hopelessly divided.

I keep thinking of the horror that was avoided by a turn of the head, the flinch of a would be assassin or the hand of God. Kennedy was bad enough but we would have witnessed live video of Donald Trump's head exploding and the ensuing shock, rage and sorrow that this country would now be mired in. Please consider how fortunate we are as a country even if you are a Trump hater. I personally despise Biden and Obama for what they've done to the country, but in no way would I wish that upon them.
I agree completely.

I believe that we'd be living in a very different America if Trump had not turned his head at exactly the right moment.

Just one of many possible scenarios: A small fraction of Trump supporters would take to the street to do violence, and then a small fraction of Democrats would take to the streets to fight them. The government's reaction would be to lock down the law-abiding, just as it locked down the healthy during the pandemic. Checks start going out to cover people's lost incomes, looting would make businesses impossible to keep open, and extended families would grow further apart due to which "side" they were on.
What the fuck did you just type..? Did you proof read what you just said? And you DukeU ? WTF!?

Let me make this clear, since you either misread what I wrote or are cognitively impaired.

It is a very very bad thing that someone tried to kill Trump. It's a very very good thing that the assassin missed. As much as I loathe Donald Trump, he is the former President and current nominee of the Republican Party. Killing him is bad, 'mmkay.

Hope that clears things up.
Did you, or did you not just post this to a global forum?

"No one should be happy that the assassin missed"


My apologies. I have edited my post.

I meant to type "No one should be unhappy that the assassin missed."

Or rather than dwelling in too many negatives, I should have wrote "Everyone should be happy the assassin missed."

That's on me. I have corrected it.

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