Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Jimmy Carter was well known as an intellectual egghead, I believe his I.Q was thru the roof. I just started a business during his first term, and it was very bad. Carter just couldn't move on any issue. 10 percent unemployment, 22 percent interest rates. Iran kicked him around for a year and a half, 50 hostages being held. He really was just a lousy President. The worst until now.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

I wish Obama would do even less than Carter. We can't afford anymore help from this bunch. It's killing us.
Actually...Carter brokered a lasting peace accord between Egypt and Israel ( w Began and Sadat at Camp David) ...something no prez was able to do before... Also was the first to establish a National Energy Policy, established the Panama Canal Treaties, Boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, bailed out Chrysler, signed the Airline deregulation Act, removing gov control of that industry, deregulated the American Beer Industry and had the balls to try rescue U.S.hostages from Iran, although that particular effort didn't work out...
All in all..not to shabby for a 1 term prez, although he seems to be remembered just for that failure and a sucky economy...not his many accomplishments.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and started the Habitat for Humanity Project, which he continues to be involved in...but that was after his presidency.

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Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

I wish Obama would do even less than Carter. We can't afford anymore help from this bunch. It's killing us.

What's killing U and Ur ilk is Ur own ignorance...

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Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Ineffective? It's true he didn't do much good, but he didn't do much bad either. He was kinda like a democrat Coolidge and that's ok.
If Carter were still posing as a president there would still be American hostages in Iran.
Actually...Carter brokered a lasting peace accord between Egypt and Israel ( w Began and Sadat at Camp David) ...something no prez was able to do before... Also was the first to establish a National Energy Policy, established the Panama Canal Treaties, Boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, bailed out Chrysler, signed the Airline deregulation Act, removing gov control of that industry, deregulated the American Beer Industry and had the balls to try rescue U.S.hostages from Iran, although that particular effort didn't work out...
All in all..not to shabby for a 1 term prez, although he seems to be remembered just for that failure and a sucky economy...not his many accomplishments.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and started the Habitat for Humanity Project, which he continues to be involved in...but that was after his presidency.

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Damn, you're ignorant! The peace treaty led to Sadat's assassination. He boycotted the 1980 Olympics. Ooh, that really hurt the Russians, didn't it? (gave them more gold medals). Bailed out Chrysler. They made a shitty product and they got even shittier after the bailout. He tried to rescue the hostages in Iran. It would have worked if he had listened to his advisers! They warned him that he needed to use combat helicopters instead of transport helicopters because they were faster. He ignored their advice. The idiot (Carter) used transports instead but removed the sand screens to make them faster. The result was that the engines malfunctioned (because he removed the sand screens!!!) and 8 service men died in the desert when 2 copters collided. Total failure because Carter was too fucking stupid to listen to the experts. You call those fuckups accomplishments??? And the Panama Canal? He gave it away!!! How stupid was that???
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Like the Manchurian muslim, he was weak, and the job really was above his pay grade. He was very lucky to have a few decent subordinates that basically did the job!
Actually...Carter brokered a lasting peace accord between Egypt and Israel ( w Began and Sadat at Camp David) ...something no prez was able to do before... Also was the first to establish a National Energy Policy, established the Panama Canal Treaties, Boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, bailed out Chrysler, signed the Airline deregulation Act, removing gov control of that industry, deregulated the American Beer Industry and had the balls to try rescue U.S.hostages from Iran, although that particular effort didn't work out...
All in all..not to shabby for a 1 term prez, although he seems to be remembered just for that failure and a sucky economy...not his many accomplishments.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and started the Habitat for Humanity Project, which he continues to be involved in...but that was after his presidency.

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Look, I can tell right now that you didn't live through Jimmy Carter--and you're also more than likely a liberal trying to defend him. No one really cared for his decision to cancel the Olympics--in fact Americans were pretty pissed about it. Giving away the Panama Canal wasn't real popular with Americans either. We built it--and lots of Americans died building it.

The dislike of Jimmy Carter crossed BOTH party lines. Democrats didn't like him--Republicans didn't like him. Americans couldn't wait to remove him from office and that is why Ronald Reagan beat Carter in an all out 49 state landslide win. It was a slaughter--and election night was over very early. When Carter lost there were parties going on all over this nation in celebration.

His ONLY accomplishment was a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, but that was greatly over-shadowed by Iran waving their knifes in the throats of 50 American hostages for a year and a half. That was the news. Along with 10% unemployment--and standard 30 year fixed mortgages at 22%.
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As much as I hated that little fucker, he was masterful at Mideast relations and he assembled a magnificent Cabinet.

Other than that, fuck that piece of shit. He broke my industry and my colleagues.
As much as I hated that little fucker, he was masterful at Mideast relations and he assembled a magnificent Cabinet.

Other than that, fuck that piece of shit. He broke my industry and my colleagues.

I completely forgot to mention something--that really pissed off Americans. Basically as soon as Carter got in office--he lowered the amount Americans could deduct on the interest on their mortgages--IOW he capped the amount that a homeowner could deduct.

This resulted in an immediate tax hike. I'll never forget when one of my co-workers a (democrat) who voted for Carter came into the office after her tax agency did her return. She was p.i.s.s.e.d She expected to get a lot more back from her income tax refund and Carter just confiscated most of it.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
You're one of the stupidest people on this forum, and that's saying a lot.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

He was a southern conservative evangelical Democrat who didn't have the support of the Liberals. He was a President without a party. Read this summary, aptly put:

Carter's drubbing extended even into the left wing of the Democratic party. One postelection poll reported that fewer than a third of those who described themselves as liberal voted for him; the rest opted for Independent candidate John Anderson or stayed home. This came as no surprise to Carter, who had confided in his White House diary on January 19, 1978, "In many cases I feel more at home with the conservative Democratic and Republican members of Congress than I do with the others." In fact, the penny-pincher in Carter had always considered the so-called liberal coalition little more than a smug coterie of money-hungry interest groups. He saw himself, by contrast, as a New South populist morally above party allegiance who had been elected to serve "the people directly." He prided himself on having little to do with the Wall Street, Washington, or Hollywood Democratic establishments, which he regarded as elitist private clubs for the rich. "I do not condemn the cocktail circuit," Carter noted "It's just not natural for me to be a part of it."

He deregulated transportation and communication.

Compared to Reagan, who left the nation deeply in debt, Carter was not a big spender. He believed in balanced budgets and had far fewer government workers than Reagan, who expanded the Federal workforce more than any president in the last 50 years. Carter was tough when he needed to be, but he didn't believe in using national security issues to manipulate voters (a la Reagan who acted tough on Iran in public, but sold them weapons in private). Also, Carter got energy right. He warned us to pivot away from such high petroleum dependence. He was a threat to big oil, which heavily funded Reagan. He predicted that diminished global petroleum supplies coupled with rising demand would some day destroy the American economy. Reagan laughed at him . . . and the joke is on us.

But again. He had no support from the Liberals. He was the last of the southern conservative Democrats. His greatest strength is that he did very little. He didn't use Washington to transform the nation or the world. He didn't vastly expand the federal workforce or leave us with crippling debt like Reagan. For that he should be commended.
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The Camp David Accords have been in effect for 35 years. That's no small accomplishment.

The Panama Canal Treaty was also important.

He didn't get us into any wars, either.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Bullshit ! he stood up to the Iranians(didn't give them weapons for hostages),stood up to the Soviets(didn't ignore their human rights abuses), stood up to OPEC(preached Energy independence, not climbing in bed with the Saudis), he stood up to the Federal Reserve bankers( didn't let Federal bankers rob American taxpayers blind)

None of which can be said about Reagan or Bush.
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Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Bullshit ! he stood up to the Iranians(didn't give them weapons for hostages),stood up to the Soviets(didn't ignore their human right abuses), stood up to OPEC(preached Energy independence, not climbing in bed with the Saudis), he stood up to the Federal Reserve bankers( didn't let Federal bankers rob American taxpayers blind)

None of which can be said about Reagan or Bush.
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah, and when The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Carter tried to call Breznev and Breznev wouldn't even come to the phone (the "red phone"). Opec screwed him over too. Carter's answer to that was to put price freezes on gas at the retail level. Idiot! He drove all the little independents out of business, leaving only the big companies like Shell, Exxon, Mobil.

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