Why did Rachel lose?

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Why did Rachel Canning lose? In a world that has sold it's collective soul to redistribution, why should Rachel's parents not pay for her education?

What has surprised me is that most liberals I talk to think that she should lose. Why? Her parents are much better off than she. In addition, most all of them think that society should pay for the education of our children in college. If so, then what is the difference between Rachel's parents paying for her education by letting her win the law suit verses a law saying that they should be taxed to help pay for it? Either way the little monster would have her schooling paid for her and her parents will have to help pay.

Perhaps she failed to show proof of a written contract, where she had KEPT the provisions of her side, but the parents failed to keep their side of the agreement.

From what I understand, she did not want to do her chores or follow their instructions.
so if that was part of the contract, or she couldn't prove otherwise, then it was her word against theirs. if she is the one suing, the burden of proof is on her.
View attachment 29658

Why did Rachel Canning lose? In a world that has sold it's collective soul to redistribution, why should Rachel's parents not pay for her education?

What has surprised me is that most liberals I talk to think that she should lose. Why?
Likely because what you think you know about liberals comes from what you are spoon fed by Fox.

Her parents are much better off than she. In addition, most all of them think that society should pay for the education of our children in college. If so, then what is the difference between Rachel's parents paying for her education by letting her win the law suit verses a law saying that they should be taxed to help pay for it?

Congresses and administrations of both stripes have supported education grants but mostly loans. Usually parents don't require their kids pay back their grants. Society does require that kids pay back loans.

Did you really need me to explain this to you or were you just pretending to be daft?

Well you think non liberals have liberals defined by what Fox says. How about you giving us a education as to what liberals are like.
You can start with what they believe and how they plan to run the future.

You think all liberals believe alike? That one of us can speak for all others? I see where your problem is. :D

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