Why didn't ALL Republicans reject the corporate welfare Chips bill?

Most Repubs abandoned true conservative ideals long ago.
What we have left of the GOP is mainly the RINO part of the UNiparty & they won't do anything to jeopardize the scam they run. No way will they piss off deep pockets despite what they might say in public
Most Repubs abandoned true conservative ideals long ago.
What we have left of the GOP is mainly the RINO part of the UNiparty & they won't do anything to jeopardize the the scam they run. No way will they piss off deep pockets despite what they might say in public
yeh, I've seen this.

but still.. Why do Rs question their own and the Ds rarely do?

I don't know. I guess We are not invited to the Swampland anyhow so it's all moot...?
I'll just say this: some bills are not worth fighting for or against and this is one of them cuz it ain't really worth it for some GOP senators to oppose it if it means they might get voted out of office. In the big picture this bill is small potatoes deficit-wise and each GOP senator has to determine if it's going to cost them in November. If you're going to pick a hill to die on, this ain't the one.

Although - after saying that I thought the repubs should've told Schumer he can have the original bill at $52 billion but not the extra $200 billion he tacked onto it. Any time the gov't subsidizes a specific industry they are intervening in the private sector and that is not usually a good idea. Once the subsidies go away (as they eventually should), that industry returns to what it was and you gained nothing but a little time plus you made some special interest people richer. Rarely does it do any real good. I'm thinking of the solar panel companies like Solyndra, once the subsidies stopped, so did they.
Blame republicans? Why do lefties continue to act as if they lost the last election?
Blame republicans? Why do lefties continue to act as if they lost the last election?

It's what they do, blame somebody else for their mistakes. Anybody and everybody, even the voters and yet they get away with it. Which goes to show how valuable the media, academia, and Hollywood can be when they're on your side. Forget truth, forget logic, forget reality, we've seen it often enough throughout history: repeat a lie often enough and some people will believe it.

This is bad, Rs supporting this kind of welfare for big business.

America needs divine intervention
It is a double edged sword.

Micro-chips production is a national security issue, so they need to me made in the US

But the reason they are not, is because the US does not have free economy. In short, thanks to government regulations and taxation, etc., businesses can't afford to compete making them in the US.

So what to do?
It is a double edged sword.

Micro-chips production is a national security issue, so they need to me made in the US

But the reason they are not, is because the US does not have free economy. In short, thanks to government regulations and taxation, etc., businesses can't afford to compete making them in the US.

So what to do?
What does competing in the market place by making them in America look like in your estimation?

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